Comments by "suraj s" (@surajs5913) on "Justice Pardiwala says 'media trials are not healthy for rule of law'" video.

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  7.  @himanshusaurabh7001  i am certainly interested in islamic texts because i am interested in everything. These texts are the reason so many problems have arisen out of islam. Studying them is not an obsession but a necessity in modern times to solve the problem of islam. Pandits should not have a monopoly ver the interpretation of religious texts. Anyone who has read the sacred texts of hindus and understood them and knew the same. Meanwhile hindus know thqt any parellel to sharia law like the manusmriti is impractical and u git for today age - even the original version of manusmriti os debatable since there are so many versions. Hindus therefore use their brains instead Meanwhile muslims consider mohamed as their ideal man, a 6th century warlord is their ultimate aspiration. And the great judiciary allows them to harbour such fantasies, allowing only muslim men to have 4 wives. That is the sorry state of Indian secularism. The deliberation and debates of the constitution was done by long dead men. The world has changes since then. Yet this same judiciary defines "basic structure" doctrine without defining what the basic structure - which all articles constitute the basic structure of the constitution is... this arbitrariness and i flexibility is only comparable to similar mentalities in islamic law, where the validity of hadiths are determined by political considerations rather than historicity. Islam iis a sham and so is the judiciary. Sorry fot the late reply, it seems i didnt get a notification...