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Stephen Jon
Comments by "Stephen Jon" (@stephenjon3502) on "GBNews" channel.
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Nothing like a news feed on dogs to bring the boat moaners out….
You would have thought someone who has a Chemistry degree would know the rules of being a third country by now…
But they still continue to bring on guests of a certain leaning to throw out the words that keep their fanbase happy. Thought it was supposed to be an unbiased news channel but Its like the Reform party political broadcast on repeat.
Don’t forget to pay your £25 to join and not have any vote whatsoever….
Unfortunately most people don’t or choose not to. As usual the UK by sticking their beaks in other countries business from our obsession with trying to conquer everything is now coming back and slapping us in the face.
@rayvinloony2322 Any grooming gang needs to be locked away. Does religion or colour only work for your blinkered view? What about non Muslim grooming gangs? Do you think that a local council is responsible for something that really should be sorted at a national level? Central government control the money.
@1967deek Because he wants a fully private health service and thinks the country wasn’t knackered hard enough after the referendum.
That’s because you aren’t in the gang. Just a normal pleb like the rest of us
Highest knife crime is the West Midlands (78.5% white) and Cleveland (98% white) When you take the NH carnival it’s the biggest carnival in Europe and the second in the world so the crime statistics are small in comparison.
You probably also thought Bojo was funny. 🍩
Only if you are a mortgage free pensioner with bigoted views.
@PaulMason-c9m They don’t even know the meaning of the word.
@localreviewking134 And reform will be another Brexit party and look where that’s taken the UK - right down the shatter.
@dianethibault4265 Any MP who’s got time to chat crap on a tv or radio show in a regular slot obviously isn’t working for their constituents so they should be sacked immediately regardless of party.
@markdaniels2200 Probably like me and here for the comments. Very entertaining.
More gaslit waffle from a bloke who kicked off when he was demoted from his bank account. One minute wants getting rid of rights then throws his dummy out of the pram when he’s denied something. Make your mind up. In fact do what you promised and LEAVE.🙏🏻
And if it was Harry as the FAs president then no doubt you’d be on here calling him a traitor. 🍩
@williampotato1221 Look at the armchair experts who played for Gammon under 14s. Don’t worry. The men’s team will make the Quarters next time and you can knock one out over it.😆
As a foreigner living in a foreign country I don’t think it’s any of your concern but the main issue is that William is the President of the FA so should be there. If it were the men’s team he would have been. As for the PM and important issues-why not make the summer recess shorter? One reason the UK is in such a mess when MPs get 8 weeks holiday in the summer….
All thanks to thick Brexiteers putting a gaslit X in the wrong box.
Wooton needs to go back to where he comes from
@worrywart1311 People like those that families benefitted from the slave trade that are sitting in large estate properties etc should be made to hand them back. Why is it ok that us as taxpayers have only just finished paying the interest for monies paid to slave owners for “loss” of their slaves yet the families of those same slaves can’t be paid back?
RedHeadNINTY9T9 The UK will always need migrants to work in areas that have cheap labour for minimum pay. You won’t ever get £25 an hour to pick fruit n veg or serve people in coffee bars despite the people constantly droning on about foreigners driving down wages. The first year after Covid all the pubs and restaurants in the lakes were closing at 8pm due to lack of staff. English people won’t do those jobs ( students and young people being the exception ) Without a foreign workforce this country would shut down.
@letsdoitnow121 As I’ve previously mentioned there is no legal way to come here but once here they can then apply for asylum. As soon as they step foot on British soul they are no longer illegal unless they are processed accordingly. 75% of applications are accepted so you can call them illegal as much as you want but they aren’t. There is a 12 month backlog, the Rwanda money wasted would have been better served in employing more border staff to process them quicker. Of course if we had stayed in the EU we could have sent them straight back to the last safe country they came in from or if an economic migrant they would have to prove they can sustain themselves in 3 months or be sent back. Thanks to Brexit voters, they’ve made the UK a third country which is why the problem is worse as the people coming across know this and have a better chance of staying. Most Brexit voters are easily gaslit, you’ve only got to look thru the comments on here. They simply won’t accept they got it wrong.
Depends what work they do. Firstly you ain’t going to get £25 an hour to pick fruit n veg etc. Most of the cleaners on the railway/buses are immigrants, if those trains or buses aren’t cleaned they won’t enter service so they are benefitting anyone that uses a train or bus to get to work in the morning. Same goes for care home workers, waiting staff etc etc. People droning on about foreigners driving down wages should maybe do one of those jobs I mentioned to see how long they’d last….
The carnival generated over 100 million quid for London economy and employs 3000 people. If you are worried about money ask Boris when the invisible bridge will be finished...
@matt01506 And at least unlike some of the UKs pensioners The milk snatcher is nice and warm down there.
@matt01506 No council houses should have ever been allowed to be sold off, but Thatcher thought her people tied into mortgages and they will be reluctant to take any form of strike action.
@a.rentertainment2232 Most conditions that most workers get today are because union members at some point took strike action. Do your managers give you a cap to doff?
Do you have a tape repeating boris talking about driverless trains when you go to bed at night? Gaslighting for numpties episode 1
@Carl Collins Don’t forget that train drivers also get 54 weeks annual leave every year as well Carl…
@Carl Collins You are talking complete bollox Carl but then you probably watch GBnews whilst reading The Mail.😂
Got sacked twice - it’s a lifestyle choice…
@danielrayner7681 So as the UK is deep in the shite how do you propose Reforms 20k tax allowance will help? Could it be the money will be saved by scrapping the NHS and moving over to a very expensive insurance based health system that Farage has wanted for years which will make him and his mates even more money for their off shore hedge funds? A vote for Reform is a vote to close the NHS nothing more.
Getting what you voted for - the longest working age for the lowest pensions in Europe.
No. The MOD have told them they won’t get involved. If you voted for Brexit it’s your fault.
@stanleywatters8857 Safe country rules no longer count Stanley as you more than likely put your X in the wrong box.
@thetruth9210 This years forecast is that Germany will be slightly above the UK and let’s not forget that Germany still owns lots of its manufacturing bases unlike here where we bolt bits together for other countries.
@Interdiction That means Khan can stay then.
Did you vote for The Tories and/or Brexit Neville? If you did it’s now time to take ownership rather than trying to belittle someone for fighting for their rights to earn a fair crust.
Do what all the patriotic brexiteers did and pretend you have Irish grandparents even though you’ve never been to Ireland and apply for a paddy passport. Works for Tommy 5 names who keeps telling everyone that the EU is bad but has admitted to having an Irish passport and telling us remainers we are hypocrites for wanting to be part of the EU😂
@peterricks510 Beer is still €1.50 a pint in Benidorm peter.
@barbararobertson2307 He is at good in politics as he was in acting.
@barbararobertson2307 You need to look at the opposition. Do you think any sane person would vote for Fox?
@Van-1954 See my point above. Khans been useless but anyone thinking the trolly was better needs to get a check up. Unfortunately you can’t these days as all the piccaninies have been sent back to where they came from.
@jonhughes2346 Are you pissed? 50 million on an invisible bridge. 27 fire appliances and 10 stations got rid of. 65 police stations closed. 800 booking offices closed. 300,000 on a water cannon that couldn’t be used. 5000 met plod got rid of. Rough sleeping up by 130% during his tenure even though he promised to end it within 3 years. Confirmation of ULEZ. Of course he was better😂😂😂
How many people have you had throw themselves in front of your burger buns Rebecca?
Don’t know why Wing Commander Francois is worried about the price of Petrol as he will no doubt put it thru on expenses like all the other overpaid MPs.
JRM is worried about all the empty offices sitting there and companies now realising that they don't need those big, expensive offices anymore, especially if the work is computer based. All that's now needed is an Internet connection. His posh friends who own said offices are getting worried too.