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Stephen Jon
Channel 4 News
Comments by "Stephen Jon" (@stephenjon3502) on "Channel 4 News" channel.
@rhinoboy6603 I'd probably guess mate but thanks for pointing me in that direction.
@HeyHeyForMe " Working from home " is a very loose term. My neighbours either side of me sat in the garden in the sun. One of them actively boasted that he landscaped his garden on the High strength lager come 4pm. Now he's the first to moan ( originally about brown people or eastern Europeans) when everything ( beer & fags mainly )went up. Lot's of these people voted Tory and are against socialism in any form except when it affects their bank balance. I agree on the fraudulent contracts but those people who sat on their arses are the first to complain when all those people ( Rail staff, Postal workers, NHS nurses, shop staff etc etc ) risked their lives going to work thru the pandemic and now want some recognition, not claps but hard cash. You don't need to look very far too see muppets mention tik tok dancing or train staff sitting around when those people were in work everyday. ALL that covid money needs to be reclaimed to help bring inflation down. After all why should I pay for someone else getting a benefit? I thought Socialism was evil after all...
@johnross2924 You can learn to drive after the driving examiners stop striking.😆
Are you that thick that you think a train driver is the cause of any delay?
The self employed get away with murder. Especially on the N.I. contributions.
They want a pay increase ' above ' inflation as has been agreed for years, because inflation is so high due to an incompetent government they simply don't want to pay out. Anything less than inflation is a pay CUT.
@meanlean3095 A silly comment from someone who's obviously never done the job. You've been gaslit.
@GARDENER42 In what way is Blair a war criminal?
@staycalm88 Simple answer is to just pay everyone a fiver an hour then it stops your lot moaning. Will take longer to save up for the Stone Island jumpers but there's always pay in 3 available.
Yes, you will still get the Mail readers blaiming train drivers for the rise when it's really all because of the incompetence of the voters.
Citation needed JM. Facebook and X doesn't count.
“Our green and pleasant land” is so green I’ve moved to L.A. To escape the shite weather.😂
No, they are scumbags.
Yes, let’s get every 18 year old to do a years national service even though I can’t be bothered to stay the whole day - Cnut.
@caio5987 All these new reported ‘tax’ rises under Labour have happened anyway. The Tories have raised taxes umpteen times and as for Reform saying that they will be the party of low taxes means that rule is just for their million/billionaire mates and not normal people. Labour has promised to clobber these wealthy people and that’s why the Tories and Reform keep trying to gaslight everyone.
60,000 plonkers who’ve paid £25 for no say whatsoever.
@Lappy-uz9yt Free speech - but only if it fits in with your myopia
@Zaphod-ef9yz It would be political suicide for any party to bring it in on your main home. Lots of things have been said, the only thing I think will definitely happen within the next 5 years is the removal of the tax free lump sum part of your private pension.
Tax the private schools, people with more than 2 houses, non doms, any one with a Range Rover, plus a 75% tax on anyone that’s named Tarquin, Boris, Crispin, Henrietta, or Rupert.
@englishbob9492 Why not take it up with the Greens?
“I’m not racist in anyway shape or form” I’ve got black friends you know…
Anyone who uses 30p Lee as an example needs to give their head a wobble.
@jediknight5600 Looting Greggs. Good ol British values😂
@nickcartwright2490 I totally agree. 3 million using food banks is a good start. Then concentrate on the damage Brexit has done to the UK. The party stuff is nonsense, keep Boris in then hopefully they will lose the generals because of it. He's only a mouthpiece anyway.
@SlowhandGreg You could drop a big turd , spray it blue and the loonies will still vote for it in my village, especially the pensioners who dislike anything that's foreign- apart from the curry house, the pub with Foreign beer and all the Dr's, they can stay.
Stop moaning and get a job as a Doctor then. Oh you can't as you have a D in woodwork. Be grateful as being self employed you pay fk all National insurance and with a good accountant write as much off as possible. Not forgetting all the cash in hand work some patriotic Self employed do as well....
Eurostar drivers are.
@alexbunney2531 Did you use to work at Bletchley Park? If so would you be so kind in letting everyone know which code you are using today so we can understand the points you are putting across. Many thanks.
@Lemingtona-x5g And here was me thinking that Ukraine aren't in the EU and that the war wasn't even running at the time. Amazing.
@Lemingtona-x5g Aah. The war, perfect excuse. Last year was covid and BLM. Apparently it's all Corbyns fault anyway.
@killachief187 No they're not. That's a silly excuse to justify voting for a lying idiot. He was shite as Londons mayor, the clues were there already.
He will be in the USA in 5 years, sooner if Wiggy gets back in
@thebrowns5337 Welshie blames Starmer for allowing too much rain to fall out of the sky so will be organising a petition for parliament shortly.
@welshie1979 In the last 14 years where did you think the money came from?
@welshie1979 Don’t worry. You will be getting some Tory treatment when your 600m a year free prescriptions go then you can complain about Socialism.😂
Ah a TR fan. Makes sense now😂
Another stoned Iceland loon
@ethelmini But it doesn't if its your main home which is what these clips are trying to do by gaslighting people that aren't very bright.