Comments by "Stephen Jon" (@stephenjon3502) on "Labour MP explains why the Tories only look after rich people" video.
@johnou.k.3780 64k is industry standard. Pay talks normally involve a settlement of having pay increases over 3 or 4 years at a percentage over RPI.
This year the pay increases started again - your beloved Tory party because of their incompetence have driven inflation to it's highest in over 40 years hence the railways not wanting to give pay increases at the current rate of inflation. This all the while that the CEO of the whole lot is on 600k plus bonuses.
The clues in the title Johno - payrise, so forget the 10,11,12% and concentrate on what the cost of living is. Everyone should be entitled to one. All that talk about " get another job " is waffle.
Your trouble is confusion - no good saying in your comments about rich people , their contributions and their entitlement to earn decent wages then try and belittle railworkers, post office staff, ambulance staff etc for wanting a piece of the pie. Shall everyone else work for shit money? What do YOU do? If you are on crap money blame yourself rather than look at train drivers.
Your comment about me not doing anything is bollox. I spent 33 years in all weathers getting up at 2.50am to drive 60 miles to work, drive and instruct other new drivers, have responsibility far more than most people in lots of other jobs, have the threat of being abused, spat at, have knives pulled out on me and on one occasion a handgun shoved in my face. Not to forget people using the train I was operating at the time as a method of taking their own life ( I had 6 attempts with one fatality) and all the horrible dreams of taking someone's head off as happened in the last one. Terrorism threats ( worked 7/7 ) no weekends off for 5 years, no bank holidays apart from xmas day. Working with high voltage and the dangers it entails so yes, train drivers are worth every penny.
Stop regurgitating the rubbish in the press. That just shows the gaslighting has worked on you. You've also come across that train workers aren't that important which is strange as so many People seem to be kicking off every time they are on strike because they can't get to where they want to be.
I look at it this way - a banker turns up for a meeting 10 minutes late. What do they do? Yep, have the meeting 10 minutes later.
Now apply that to a train sitting on a platform for 10 minutes past it's departure time because the drivers late.
Who would you say is more important??