Comments by "Danielle B Cooper" (@daniellebcooper7160) on "Icy blast lashes parts of Melbourne" video.

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  10.  @nickbot3520 The current change in climate is due to the globe slowly tipping, which is its natural course, and its got to the point that we're starting to see more extreme weather. So no matter what influence man kind has had, it was going to change regardless. With the amount of nonsense that Leftists crow about, on just about every conceivable subject you can imagine, the average person who just wants to get on with their life, dosent believe them any more...Leftys are looked on as the little boy who cried wolf. Even if what you say is true, if Australia cuts its emissions by 100%, it will have NO impact what so ever on the worlds climate. Yet the cost of living is going to go up to pay for 'renewables' by some ridiculous target dates, which have only been set to please the UN. Western society is being forced to be effected by 'Climate', yet China is allowed to continue, so it seems that 'climate' cant be that much of a concern. You seemingly havent learnt...''Believe what China does, not what china says'', when it comes to them going to renewables. There is NO way in hell, that theyre going to hamper their progress, for the climate cause....anyone who believes that they will has no idea about them. Also, with the current housing market collapse in china, which will cripple their economy, do you really think renewables are going to be a high priority for the CCP?. It will only hurt the quality of their products. I lived for a decade in Asia, and saw things for myself. The last 'Glacial Period' was just over 10,000 years ago, so its only natural that the temperature is going to get warmer. I dont buy into the 'Man made climate emergency', if you want to, go for it.
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