Comments by "Charles Eye" (@TheCharleseye) on "Top 10 US States with the Highest Minimum Wage." video.

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  2. Entry level workers control a very large percentage of the market in California. The cost of nearly everything has gone up every year that they've bumped up the minimum wage, on their way to $15. People stopped paying attention to that when Covid lockdowns spiked it even higher but it was still there. Now, you can argue that the minimum wage increase didn't cause the inflation, and that it was companies using it as an excuse to raise prices. Well, that's fine but they still had the excuse, which means the wage increase did cause the inflation. In places like California, minimum wage will never be enough for long, no matter how high it gets. Cost of living has to go down in order for there to be a working class that can afford to live. That will never happen here, other than when there is disaster on a national scale. California real estate is worth gold. Realtors won't accept lower commissions, homeowners won't accept a market that doesn't increase dramatically every ten years, and those who have managed to carve out a piece for themselves don't want "the poors" moving into their neighborhoods. What's left is the overpriced rentals, that are such, partially due to (again) the high real estate values. I bought my house nine years ago for $125,000. Next year I'll be selling it for what looks to be about $260,000 - probably to some Southern Californian (I'm in NorCal) looking to find some way to afford to hold on to living in California. They'll likely bring their higher (but not high enough for SoCal) paying job with them via remote work and try to tell themselves that 110+ degree Summers aren't that bad because "It's a dry heat." Tell me how a minimum wage increase is ever going to help someone keep up with a market like that. From the time they declared the increase to the time they'll reach it (next year) the cost of living has jumped enough to more than cover the difference. Blame whatever you want but it doesn't matter to the gas station attendant whose $15/hr isn't making ends meet any better than $7.25/hr is doing for the gas station attendants in Tennessee.
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