Comments by "Papi Chulo" (@par3me) on "Joe Biden Could Make Your Paycheck Bigger. Here's How." video.

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  8.  @frankd.506  Why would you? You live in an echo chambers that profits from your mental unraveling. You have no actual knowledge of any actual events. Just the snip its create to provoke emotions and keep you coming back for more. Here are the facts. 1.) Corporations specifically publicly traded companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their share holders. ie. profits and growth. 2.) Social media companies have learned both on their own and with the help of Las Vegas gambling techniques. To create programable interaction that keep you coming back for more. Look it up if you want the details. Essentially it’s using your emotions like a yo-yo. 3.) All mainstream media use these techniques both through their social media platforms and on their broadcasted shows. 4.) The mainstream media and social media companies have a finical incentive to lie, create fear, hate and divide everyone. And don’t forget, they have a fiduciary responsibility to the share holders. 5.) Unless you, yourself go and read the entire document you’re referencing. Watch the entire clip. Read directly from the source. Most of it are lies that are easy to disprove. Preying on the laziness of the American public. 5.) Look no further than to COVID, inflation. Russian Hoax paid for by Hillary and Democratic Party. Hunter Biden laptop ect. Doesn’t make you ask the questions. Why do so many wealthy elitist and corporations want to get one man out of office. And a specific group into office? Again none of this is hard to look into. None of this is rocket science. At the end of the day you do you boo. Just don’t forget. There will be a lifelong timeline of your record stances for generations to come. Don’t look like an idiot because you were “too busy” to find out for yourself.
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