Youtube comments of Papi Chulo (@par3me).

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  135.  @Andre-qo5ek  Livable wage – Depends on what you consider a livable wage. My baseline for zero is the amount of work one would need to do to live if they were alone on an island. You’d work most of the day 7 days a week for shelter and food. People today have it far too good, appreciate little to nothing and expect everything for free cause the other guy is going to pay for it. That’s not how real life works. Example: 250K in debt and 10 years of your life spent on schooling to become a Dr. You don’t owe free services to those that choose not to work and contribute. You’re entitled to ask for a reasonable wage for your services. What’s reasonable? The market will determine this if the government stays out of it. Ask me how much someone should make flipping burgers? As much as the market will allow. If no one wants to flip a burger for less than 35.00 bucks. Burgers will be 25-35 bucks. No one wants to buy burgers at that price, the business will fail. Let the market determine the wages. Side topic yet relevant; Remember when Uber got big, and everyone was in outrage over all the Taxi drivers that were losing their ability to support their families? No, that’s because there wasn’t one. Nothing of substance at least. Why did this happen? Because people were willing to trade equity in their vehicles for small checks. The riders made out, but the taxi drivers were devastated across the US. Until the Uber drivers felt they were underpaid. Don’t remember the same sympathy for them. Don’t live by rules you don’t apply to yourself. No, you don’t let the mentally ill rot. You help them. You know, the way the most liberal state in America does…. California. You pretend like it’s a housing issue so you can perpetuate the issue. No, you call it what it is. It’s the only way to solve the problem. You create support system and hold accountable when they refuse the help. You know many places have options for the homeless. But they don’t allow drugs and most would rather stay on the streets with their drugs than get clean. In California they turn a cheek and use guilt to extract more money while it never goes to fix the problem. This would be a last case scenario as our communities should be doing a better job with these folks. Although I “did it on my own”. Everyone receives some kind of help. As far as the struggle you reference. That struggle is referred to as life. Life was never supposed to be easy; it was supposed to be worth it. Maybe that’s why so many young people are depressed. Maybe you’re looking for the destination while missing the whole drive. The destination is death, don’t be in a hurry to get there. You can’t have successes without struggle. Nothing in life of value will be easy or effortless, nothing. I don’t think anyone deserve an education, a specific wage, healthcare, etc. I’d hope our kids were better educated. We’d definitely have less channels like this. To your last question. How does the kid with no education get somewhere? He first knows where he’s at and what he has to offer. Even if it’s very little. You then keep your mouth shut, your ears and eyes open and you work every moment to better yourself and learn. Take on new challenges, fail, learn and fail again. In today’s economy a good work ethic is worth 100k. This happens every day. Look up Gary Vee. He’s one of many telling this story. You know almost 90% of millionaires are first time millionaires. Meaning they came from nothing and created it on their own. Roughly half being small business owners. Stop listening to the politicians that tell you, that you need them to ger a head. They’re the reason you believe you’re behind. The American dream has never been more alive or obtainable. Thanks for the dialogue. 👍🏼
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  171.  @idontknowaboutthat1904  You must have the new updated millennial revision version. You sound the same as the commies that came before you. If you’ve ever actually ever ran, managed or was responsible for something. You’d understand the flaws in communism that mathematically won’t allow it to work. Let alone the human nature side of things I’m about to break down for you. Here’s a question I’m still waiting on an answer on from the “re-education” YouTube page. Little plug for the anti capitalist to promote his capitalist channel. Why would high paying doctors, lawyers, engineers, trades workers etc. Why would ANY of them stay and continue to contribute, just to have the same as the guy that does nothing? They wouldn’t. They’d take their money, skills and family and go to the US. Like every other person fleeing socialism and communism. How does your society function when no one wants to craw in the attic to fix your AC in the summer. Or the sewer to fix your plumbing?? Everyone thinks their contribution will be something “fun” or easy. Who does all the jobs that no one else wants to do? Unless they’re paid accordingly?? The only way it’s ever worked is by force. And if forcing people into labor they don’t want to do. How much of a utopia is that?? Again, please explain how you retain these people?? Why don’t any of these people that live in a capitalist society want communism?? Why are the majority of those that support socialism and communism are also those that contribute the least in our society?? Pretty easy to answer, it’s because they believe the quality of their life will improve with the help of someone else’s labor. Not their own. If they believed in their own abilities. They be capitalist by definition. I’ll grab a whiskey, light my cigar and wait for a reply. I’ve yet to have anyone bring anything to table. Would love to hear you break down why I’m wrong. 👍🏼🇺🇸😘
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  225.  @kssomms  The article was more of an extremely biased opinion piece. If this is how you obtain news. Your views are not surprising. If you actually look into the data and results of minimum wages. You realize your corporations like Target and Amazon support a 15.00 minimum wage because they have the numbers and scale to make it work. There competitors can not, driving then out of business. But you say, they’re now making 15.00. Well as someone that spent a couple decades with a fortune 5. They offset this additional expense by switching full time to part time, reducing headcount and adding more work to everyone’s plate. Small business can’t compete with these tactics nor would most of them want to. The problem I have with your thinking and logic. it’s all based on outcome and never logistically worked out. Never any thought of if we do this how will this actually unfold. It’s literally what California is based on. Example; Small number of California residents made a stink about critters dying when the forest service made firebreaks in the hills. They didn’t like the way they looked and didn’t like that they were killing animals to do it. Do they voted to stop. Without ever thinking about what will happen. Sure as shit California has fires that kept running and are hard to fight. Who’d of thought? But have we save hundreds to kill thoughts, millions in damages, human life lost ect. We need to stop prosecuting and locking up shoplifters stealing under 1k. They’re just trying to feed their family and now they have a record. Now people come in, no mask, trash bags, steal whatever and walk out. Was so bad CVS closed all their store in San Francisco. People who voted for this shit called them racist. This is the retarded shit California does and the Democratic Party is trying to move towards. We have ruined peoples ability to process thoughts and deductive reasoning. I wish everyone luck on their journey.
  226.  @kssomms  I agree with most of what you said. Greatly appreciate the thoughtful and well worded reply. It says a lot about you. We differ with the republicans and democrats when it comes to the media. I talk to a lot of folks that were life long Democrats that now align more with republicans on most issues. The same for the independents. The democrats and the left completely abandoned the working class for corporations and the elites. Just look at their actions. Day one, shut down pipeline laying off union workers that voted for him. Doubles the audits on those making less than 25k a year and now has access to bank accounts with more than 500.00. Why? Because he’s “fighting the wealthy elites”. Excite they supported him, voted for him and are within his administration. Destroyed economies in blue states forcing many small business owners out of business. All while the corporations remained open. This was the greatest wealth transfer in history. You want to know what destroys the lower and middle class? Inflation, high gas prices, high interest rates. When fuel is 12% of your monthly income and fuel more then doubled. It’s now 25% of your monthly income. When food expenses is 15% and goes to 20%. Or when utilities and rent almost double. This is absolutely devastating for the lower and middle class because these increases make up such a larger percentage of their income. On the other hand we have the rich elites. They’re buying what other can’t hedging their bets. They have the ability to wait until we’re selling everything at a discount just to eat. Then rent or lease it back to us. This is and was their plan. He’s never been shy about this. You will own nothing and be happy. Just look to California for a democratic utopia. It only serves the elites while everyone else fight it out in the streets for scraps. As the elites continue to vote the same politics in continuing the destructing. If you’ve never been. Go to LA and San Francisco. Walk amongst the common folk and talk to people. Most eye opening shit you’ll have. It’s cruel what we’re doing to our homeless/mentally ill. These were our neighbors and still are our brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, dads and sons. You know more then 98% of homeless women have been sexually assaulted while on the streets? Is this acceptable? Of course not. But the elites and the democrats that support them continue to make things worse. All while never even wanting to understand what the problem is. But hey, when you run on a platform of vote for me. I’ll make you feel like you’re making a difference just don’t look out the window. How can one lose. I grew up in the Bay Area. Was homeless. Spent way too much time on the streets with these folks. Unless you’ve actually been there. Or spent considerable time there. You’ll only make things worse attempting to help. Hopefully this encourages someone to do some research and better understand both who they’re voting for. But also what will happen when policies are in acted. Do some research. Educate yourself. Peoples lives are at risk. Look into the homeless death rates over the last two decades. It’s disgusting.
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  238.  @Cynthia-Landers  I never said government buildings or all indoor spaces. I specifically said private business. This is how a free country works. I own a bar, restaurant, casinos, night club, even a furniture store and I want to smoke and allow smoking. That’s my business and my customers business. NOT the government. I’m an adult and so would be my customers/patrons. If they don’t like the smoke they don’t come into my business. It’s that simple. If non smoking casinos were popular we’d have more of them. We should the majority cater to the minority by force of the government? We don’t need the government deeming what they believed to be safe for adults. This is crazy and will never stop. This is so simple to fix. Don’t go into those businesses, period. If they fail then they didn’t have the support of the community. If they succeeds then clearly the community supports the business and their decisions to allow smoking. As far as kids and technology. These fucking retards are going to run our city’s and country. They’ll be our doctors and lawyers. We’re going to be in far worse shape if parents continue to raise thoughtless zombies. Than allowing businesses to allow adults to smoke within them. Are we really out of problems where we think forcing adults to do what we deem best for them an actual and legitimate focus? Our country’s being destroyed, we’re heading towards the greatest depression this country has ever seen and this is the focus? Please keep in mind this is through the lease of someone that doesn’t smoke. I believe in personal freedoms. 🇺🇸
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  266.  @amandaharig1978  I’m glad you’ve live enough life to be able to talk to your point of views. Greatly appreciate the reply. Couple of things. Mortgages don’t go up because you signed an agreement for the length of the loan. Same as rental agreements. Shorter period though. And no, I couldn’t afford our home or even our city if we didn’t buy 7 years ago. With that said, we lived within our means. A lot of people have a tough time with this. Most people finance furniture, vehicles, vacations etc. Then wonder why they’re broke. Live within your means. Pay off your debt, save up money, have an emergency fund, save for a down payment on a home. Make sure it’s no more then a third of your take home. Sometimes you’ll need yo have roommates or sleep in the same room with your kids and sometimes your parents. You do what you have to do. Being poor doesn’t mean you get a pass on math. It apples to everyone equally. Now as far as landlords increasing rent. If they own that property. What gives anyone the right to dictate how they can use it and what they can charge? If it’s too much, it will go vacant. It’s really that simple. Now I know people don’t like that. But this is just life and freedoms. You can’t force others to collect less revenue because it creates a financial hardship for you. The two are completely unrelated. This is why socialism doesn’t work. In theory it’s a great utopian idea. But it fails to factor in human nature and reward system. So again, my point wasn’t that this is caused by the trades. Just pointing out factors within this math problem that many fail to acknowledge.
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  283.  @caliman99  1.) Just because you’re an investor. Doesn’t mean you’re responsible for the companies employees. Example; the Game Stop debacle. 2.) If we did agree, yes. They are responsible. How would you “fairly” distribute the profits of their investment? On that same token. If the hundreds million dollar investment lost money. Could they bill the front line workers for their investment loss? The point I’m making, is would it be fair to collect profits without the finical risk of the investment? If you’re unwilling to accept the losses? I’m a small business owner. I completely understand the customer/employee/company dynamics. I believe everyone should be compensated fairly for the value they bring to the table. Getting the masses to understand and agree to that is the biggest problem. Here is something to think about. All of the customers or potential customers I’ve come in contact with they talk the same game as you do. Never wants to pay someone else even minimum wage. And they always have an excuse why they can’t and someone else should. It’s the core behavioral trates of a socialist. How many people that align with this channel shop on Amazon, buy iPhones and contradict their very statements through their own actions. Again, always with an excuses as to why. I’m willing to bet your post was made through an iPhone. You keep doing you boo. You’re saving the world one virtual signal at a time. 👍🏼
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  426.  @idontknowaboutthat1904  You’re clearly a child as all you can do is repeatedly tell me I’m wrong. Without ever stating “your definition”. It’s human nature to want to provide for yourself and your family. It doesn’t make you a sociopath. Your connection between the two speaks volumes to your mental state. If you were a skilled employee that can demand a good wage. You’re able to provide food for your family, safe home and neighborhood, schooling, a better future. Potential wealth for your grandkids so they can live a better life than you and your kids. You’d give all this up so someone else that doesn’t want to work. Can have the same? You’ve yet to explain how this will happen. Like a child you point and say I’m wrong with other absolutely no counter point. As far as my employees. I ask a lot of questions in their interviews to understand them, where they came from and where they want to be. I clearly lay out what I want from them and what I’ll provide in return. I then ask about their personal goals outside of work. We then come up with a plan to help them achieve their long term personal and professional goals. Some want to own their own business, some what to go back to school. Some want to move up the latter and some just want to have as little responsibility as they can. We focus on developing their skills both in and outside of work so they can meet their goals. I’ve done this for young to old men and women for over a decade. I still regularly mentor a number of them and have for years after we part esta professionally. I thought myself finance and investing and helped all that wanted learn so they can be finically i dependent. I have kids that thought they’d never have anything. A home, paid for car, retirement etc. Within 5 years, purchase a home and have tens of thousands of not more in their retirement accounts making well below the national average income. These were entry level positions with no experience or education required. The young people that continue to reach out years after we part ways. Just for advice is all the testament I need. What have you done for your community to make it better? What have you given back? How many people with nothing, have you helped start and grow their business. You’re just a punk kid without a dad or one that doesn’t care enough to make you man. Based on your replies your words hold little weight in the conversation. You have absolutely no life experiences and no clue regarding any of your stances. If you did, you’d be able to talk to them. Feel free to go back and read these interactions. I really wish you luck kid. Find a strong male and become his shadow. It’s not too late. It just takes desire and action. 👍🏼🇺🇸
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  472.  @vincentdemidio7902  Wow, you have some things to work through and this probably isn’t the place for that. My barber is female and Latino. She has pro Trump everywhere. If you’d ask her it’s because his policies align with her views. If you’d ask my Latino wife. She’d say that she doesn’t like Trump but agrees with him over the Democratic Party and Biden. They’ve gone too far taking rights away from citizens along with getting between kids and their parents. She’s pro 1st & 2nd amendment. The Democratic Party is anti 1st and 2nd. When your stance flys in the face of the data. You really gotta ask yourself if your stance is still the right one. In the last election Trump received more support from minorities. His support dropped with white females. You know the ones. The ones that think they can tell minorities how they should think and vote. While claiming the other guy is racist. Never having an original thought. Just parroting corporate media talking points as if they’re you’re own. Getting behind a white rich elitist that told black people. They weren’t black unless they voted for him. Yet Trumps the racist. Lowest unemployment for minorities in recorded history under Trump. Biggest support for Trump amongst Latinos was from the border cities. Yes, Latinos at the border voted Trump. They did this because they live on the border and saw the changes good and bad. They couldn’t be fooled by the media and the propaganda machine that formed your thoughts. The real question is why are you so racist and why can’t black and brown people create their own thoughts? Why do they have to think like you? Isn’t that the ultimate sign of a racist? Keep pushing their propaganda for them. Without you they’d be nothing. 🇺🇸
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  476.  @colinhaney  I do want them to improve their situation. I don’t think unionizing is the answer. I saw this with decades of experience on both sides of the table. If things are really this bad. Don’t negotiate with someone that doesn’t have the decently to treat you fairly in the first place. Go somewhere that you’re valued an paid accordingly. Learn a skill set while working a job. Start a business. There are tons of options. This one is the most convenient as most people don’t like to change their job. People get comfortable. I’ve been there too. Spent almost 20 years with a fortune 5 and hated almost all of it. Tried to work with the union VP’s but they were young ignorant Bernie Bros that said stuff like, “they makes billions, they can give us some of it”. When explaining that our area/department/location would still need to be profitable for us to stay employee he scoffed at it. 18 months later they cut 55k jobs. I started a business on the side and worked 7 days a week. The union VP was caught off guard and went from 80k a year to looking for entry level work. He’d never developed any skill sets. Spent all his time figuring out how he/union we’re going to settle the score. Some of us learn from history and our peers. Some learn the hard way and some will continue to do the same things and get the same results. Great book called Mindset. Highly recommend it to all that have any doubt in themselves, success and the America dream. It’s all alive and well if you open your eyes. 👍🏼🇺🇸
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  576.  @kssomms  I’m not for either party as well. However from my experience the Democratic Party have been working to remove my rights for years. 1st amendment, 2 amendment, regulations do small businesses can’t complete with corporations, tax breaks for the rich while sticking it to me. I can continue but I think you get the point. On the other hand we have the republicans that do nothing aside from attempting to slow down democrats. I dislike both parties for different people. Trump isn’t a republican. He’s been a democrat or republican. He did provide support and tax breaks for my small business. Especially being someone that technically lives in the “lower class” based on our household size and income. Do you know any republicans? I personally work in the homes of both Democrats and Republicans and people are very comfortable speaking openly to me. From my personal experiences over the years. I’ve found the following; 1.) Democrats are more likely to talk about a living wage and take care of the little guy. But unwilling to pay a living wage themselves. I work the trades and this is the experiences from my peers as well. They seem to think everyone should get more but not at their expense. Socialist mentality. 2.) Republicans are more likely to mention they sought out a small business specifically. Some even mention paying extra to keep their tax dollars local and support their community. I don’t here this from the left. 3.) When talking about homeless problems. Democrats all agree we need to do something and think others should pay to fix it. All solutions seem to comes from more spending. 4.) I’ve never and I repeat never met anyone left or right that didn’t care if someone died. We’ll aside from Democrats talking about Trump. But I think that’s more tongue-in-cheek. I do hear republicans state that we need to don something different to provide mental illness support. They also my in large believe we need to hold them accountable like anyone else. You can’t park illegally, you can’t sleep on the street, you can’t shit on the sidewalk. Unfortunately a lot of these folks have shelters available but refuse to take advantage of them due to not being able to do drugs within them. I grew up pour in the hood and thought the same way you do. As I got older and worked my way up the ladder I realized I had been lied to. The elites want people to believe the American dream isn’t possible. If you believe it’s unattainable, you’ll never reach it and they remain rich and powerful. The data doesn’t support this. 90% of millionaires are first time millionaires. Of those half a let small business owners. On the other side. 75% of generational wealth is gone by the 3rd generation. Meaning the old trope of the rich staying rich and the poor studying poor doesn’t align with the data. Again, if you believe it’s not possible, you’ll never try. We all live are lives and extract out of our experiences what we will. I personally believe we’re in the best country on the planet with the greatest opportunities. Even with our current administration attempting to destroy it all. 🇺🇸
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  608.  @frankd.506  Why would you? You live in an echo chambers that profits from your mental unraveling. You have no actual knowledge of any actual events. Just the snip its create to provoke emotions and keep you coming back for more. Here are the facts. 1.) Corporations specifically publicly traded companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their share holders. ie. profits and growth. 2.) Social media companies have learned both on their own and with the help of Las Vegas gambling techniques. To create programable interaction that keep you coming back for more. Look it up if you want the details. Essentially it’s using your emotions like a yo-yo. 3.) All mainstream media use these techniques both through their social media platforms and on their broadcasted shows. 4.) The mainstream media and social media companies have a finical incentive to lie, create fear, hate and divide everyone. And don’t forget, they have a fiduciary responsibility to the share holders. 5.) Unless you, yourself go and read the entire document you’re referencing. Watch the entire clip. Read directly from the source. Most of it are lies that are easy to disprove. Preying on the laziness of the American public. 5.) Look no further than to COVID, inflation. Russian Hoax paid for by Hillary and Democratic Party. Hunter Biden laptop ect. Doesn’t make you ask the questions. Why do so many wealthy elitist and corporations want to get one man out of office. And a specific group into office? Again none of this is hard to look into. None of this is rocket science. At the end of the day you do you boo. Just don’t forget. There will be a lifelong timeline of your record stances for generations to come. Don’t look like an idiot because you were “too busy” to find out for yourself.
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  619. I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t believe you fully understand IP. Let’s say no pharma company could own what they developed. How many would get investors investing in their research? How many new breakthrough drugs would make it to market? How many countries benefit from the drugs that were created in the US over the last 80+ years? Yes, the rich will always benefit first. However, without that, no one would benefit ever. I’d rather wait ten years for a generic than not get one at all. I can already hear the replies. But what if I can’t wait 10 years. That sucks, but removing IP only means the next person on 10 years also won’t have the benefits of new medicines and breakthroughs. Let’s all keep in mind that if Trump didn’t agree to spend an ass ton on vaccines. The pharma companies would not have developed a vaccine. We have a vaccine today because we told them that if they put in the research we’d pain them well. I may not like it, but a its the reality of the situation. Now if we’re taking about our drug prices over Canada and Mexico. That’s a different story. That has everything to do with corrupt politicians and greedy pharma companies. We could end that if we wanted. Trump was moving in that direction before he left office. Feel free to look up your favorite political figure and see how much they have invested in big pharma? You still they they care about your safety or their profits. Drug Pricing and Intellectual Property Law: A Legal Overview for the 116th Congress Intellectual property (IP) rights play an important role in the development and pricing of pharmaceutical products such as prescription drugs and biologics. In order to encourage innovation, IP law grants the rights holder a temporary monopoly on a particular invention or product, potentially enabling him to charge higher-than-competitive prices. IP rights, if sufficiently limited, are typically justified as necessary to allow pharmaceutical manufacturers the ability to recoup substantial costs in research and development, including clinical trials and other tests necessary to obtain regulatory approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, because they may operate to deter or delay competition from generic drug and biosimilar manufacturers, IP rights have been criticized as contributing to high prices for pharmaceutical products in the United States.
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  693.  @cartervanmeter  You argue like my 4 year old. How about this. Since they make so much and do so little. Why doesn’t everyone become a CEO or start a business?? Problem solved. If you actually managed anything other than your bowels. You’d know all the many skill sets needed to be successful. All the hours that go in to being just good at work. By reading and educating yourself outside of work. Let alone being great. Then you have business owners. These silly fucks get into it knowing they will work 80+ hours a week and earn no income. Do it for four years straight. And it they’ve learned from mistakes, work hard and kept grinding. Be one of the 10% that “succeeds”. Still not making a buck. But not going out of business. We’ve done an entire generation a disservice. None of you know what work looks like. How it applies to life. How to develop yourself or skills. Have any discipline or even delayed gratification. Not only do you not contribute. But you take for those that do. Living far beyond what kings and queens lived just 100 years ago. Or the millions that don’t have access to ANY jobs or clean water. While you cry from a phone you didn’t pay for. Built by kids that will work more in a day then you will in a lifetime. I’m guessing you either don’t have a father in your life. Or he’s a weak man and not able to teach you any of this shit. You sound like someone raised by the erratic and emotional whims of his mother. I truly hope you do some soul searching and find your way. I too was there and it’s very possible. Latch on to strong males in your life and community. Learn from them. It’s never too late until it’s too late. Good luck kid. 🇺🇸
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  695.  @CptVein  Thank for democratic brothers and sisters who link the boots of corporations. Screaming to lock down all small businesses leaving only Amazon, Walmart, Target and other major corporations to take advantage of the opportunity. The largest wealth transfer in history. I understand the things that have been told to you give you a direction for your anger. Provides a distraction from your own accountability. But at the end of the day. They’re partial truths to discourage you from knowing the truth. You really have yo ask yourself. When the establishment government, big pharma, all major corporations, all major news outlets and all social media platforms. All push the same narrative. You must ask yourself. When have these groups had my best interest in mind? Why should I trust these groups? What motives do they have? What will be the results of their forceful demands? 1.) Small businesses destroyed 2.) Corporations grew ok record scales 3.) Inflation at an all time history high. This destroys the middle and lower class by extracting their buying power knowing there wages can’t grow at the same pace. 4.) Black rock and others buying up real estate at record levels. 5.) The biggest growth for pharmaceutical companies in decades. All with no repercussions. Remember the last time you saw a pharmaceutical company that played an add without side effects. Or an attorney that says. If you’ve taken XYZ. 6.) Food shortages, labor shortages etc. This was all predicted by the states that stayed open. All while our president and media called them “killers” for not looking down. There is a detailed record for life. History will not be kind to you. I wish you well on your journey. The more you fight reality. The harder life gets. It’s just one of those factors of life. 👍🏼😉
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  794.  @timmanion2197  No talking points. It’s called common sense. It’s very basic math really. I’ll lay it out below. By what measuring stick is our current system producing acceptable results? More than half of high school kids see socialism favorable. By any measuring stick that’s an absolute failure. What incentive does the current system have to improve? Currently the more the results decline. The more money is needed to “fix it”. Only perpetuating the problem. Are you familiar with Lasik eye surgery? It’s a really safe, efficient and cost effective procedure. It’s this way because it wasn’t covered under insurance. Those performing the surgery had to be competitive. They had to not only do a great job but also at a better price than their peers. This competition in the market place is always better for the consumer. Remember when there was only two cell phone providers? Everything was expensive and it all sucked. Today you can get a free phone and unlimited service for a buck a day. Do you like having one power company to choose from? Or would others fighting for your business work to everyone’s advantage? Everyone wins when there is a mutually beneficial outcome for all that are vested. There is absolutely no reasonable argument for not having a voucher program. Yes I’m familiar with the common verbal outburst of “robbing public schools of money”. Funny and ironic, if the school was good. It wouldn’t need to worry because everyone would want to attend. This would put pressure on the teachers to produce. Or find another career. Can you everyone reading this really say all your teachers were great? Or did you like everyone else have a handful that you knew were there to cash a check. Some evening hating their jobs, peers, students and parents. Why are these people still employed? An incredibly strong union and tenure. I personally think all teacher’s should start at 60k and go up to 100k plus bonuses based on results. I know many parents that would happily pay more in taxes if there was a better system. We refuse to support and failing system that produces failures as graduates. And yes, if you see socialism favorable. You’ve already failed. Love to hear any talking points to counter. 👍🏼🇺🇸
  795.  @tatogreen  Because unlike our grandparents. They want it for free. They believe the system is rigged and they need assistance. Our grandparents were too busy working for their goals to get on a soap box and cry. They had it far harder and did far more with less. I’m a junior high drop out with no formal education. I made a lot of bad decisions in the first 30 years of my life. With a little direction and a lot of work. I was able to get out of debt, save for a down payment on a house. Worked two jobs while starting a business and supported a family of 6 and two dogs from one income of 60k a year. The American dream is alive and well. Really easier now than ever before due to the lack of competition. So few people want the responsibilities of starting a business or progressing in their job/career. Most want to stay every level while making executive money. Unfortunately too many people want to live 25% outside of their income level and wonder why they can’t get ahead. It’s basic math. Too many have no concept of basic economics or personal finance. They’re forced to believe it’s normal to live this way by the same people trying to sell them shit or win votes. As for the actual number for a living wage, I’ve never got one. If I had I’d then break down how economics works and why they don’t ever change the desired outcome. Very basic example: Money is a physical representation of labor. If it takes me 100 hours to produce 1000 ears of corn. My ratio is 1 hour to 10 ears. If an ear of corn is 1.00 this hourly rate would be 10.00 an hour. If we arbitrarily raise the rate to 50.00 an hour. Everything and everyone else is impacted. The labor to dollar ratio hasn’t changed. The corn goes up, wages for those that purchase corn goes up etc. A doctor for reference May have a 100.00 an hour rate. His labor and service hasn’t change. His rate is now 500.00 to adjust. Now this is a very basic example. There are far more moving parts but the math is the same. Some basic research on the monetary systems and labor vs dollar helps to put things into perspective. This is also why minimum wages never seem to catch up with standards of living. It’s because the two are directly tied together. You adjust one the other moves as well. It’s the unfortunate result of an finically illiterate society banking on the same politicians and corporations to solve the self created problem. Only resulting in more political and corporate power. Resulting in more problems. Things will only change when people wake up. And fortunately for all of us. They are. Just not so much on this and other establishment propaganda channels. Let me know if you have any questions or or need clarification. 👍🏼🇺🇸
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  810.  @KRSonbe  I don’t align with Democrats or Republicans. They’re both corrupt and neither have our best interest in mind. I align with the constitution and the rights of the people. If you actually looked into any of this you’d quickly realize it. You’re forming your opinions based on second had opinions. I don’t even need to see your search history to know where you get your information. You’re only parroting back talking point and memes. Nothing that is actually factual or within our current laws or suggested bill. Stop wholeheartedly believing in people that don’t have your best interest in mind. Remember when we could all agree on these three things. 1.) Nothing in life is free especially freedom. 2.) Corporations only want to sell you something and profit from you. They don’t have your best interest in mind. 3.) Politicians are liars that will say anything to get your support/votes ect. You believe these people have your best interest in mind, while forming these opinions based on what corporations tell you, hosted by the same elites that rub shoulders with said politicians and corporate elites. They’re not even shy about it. And you believe this will come at no negative consequences to you or anyone else? I know you FEEL like you’re on the right side of history because all of your interaction points are supporting it. But just think about where that all comes from. Facebook doesn’t have your best interest in mind. Neither does Google, Twitter or anyone else in mainstream media. Let me give you something to think about to help drive my points home. Facebook and Google amongst others have some of the most sophisticated algorithms out there. They’re so good they can predict spending habits before consumers even know they want the offered products. They do this by using every bit of data they have on you. Visited Home Depot? Searched for tools? When to Pinterest for shelving ideas? Guess what you’re going to get an add for? And with amazing accuracy and success. Alright, now onto the fun stuff. Think about all the data they have out there on people with mental health issues that could lead to a tragedy? Think about how many terrible things could be avoided by offering help. Notifying them so they can make changes or get help. What about child abuse? They could spend a 1/10th of there money making algorithms and resources to easily create massive positive impacts around the world. Guess where they spend their focus? Dividing us. It has better interaction and engagements rates and statistics. How many of these types of interactions do you reply to as opposed to the positive ones? It’s not all our fault though. They have all the data on how our minds work and interact with their products and services. They’re able to deceive us using this information and proven tactics. This isn’t even conspiracy. It’s all public knowledge and is easily verified with a quick search. They’ve all even put out their own data about it. Look at Instagrams study of young females and depression. It will make you sick. Especially if you have young females you care about in your life. So again, when forming opinions. Do your due diligence. Only you have your best interest in mind. 🇺🇸
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  812.  @KRSonbe  Can you provide any links to any proof of what you’re saying? I understand this is what CNN and MSNBC told you. I just can’t seem to back it up. Again, it’s still easier to vote today, than any other time in history. And easier than most other advanced countries. It’s not getting harder. If you’re familiar with policy pushes like this. You’d know many shitty bills that fucked the citizens were passed with cute names. This is to get the support from those that don’t want to take the time to look into how they will actually impact everyone. It has a civil rights leaders name in the bill. It has to be good. This is why they do this. It’s because it works on simpletons. Please take a minute and actually look into to what you support. In the 80’s parents were afraid of the drug use from the 70’s. So they started a “war on drugs” that made everyone warm and fuzzy. What to know what it actually was? It was a coordinated cooperation between government and privatized jails. Lock up as many as they can (black and brown people mainly) and bill the American tax payer 60k a head. Instant riches overnight. 9/11 - We started the war on terrorism. We introduced the Patriot Act. I mean, with a name like that. How could anything go wrong? We’ll it completely stripped away our rights and privacy in the name of safety. It didn’t make us any safer. Just more under the boot of the government. Need I continue or are you starting to see that establishment politicians can’t be trusted? I’m not saying Sinema didn’t sell out to big Pharma, but clearly you haven’t been paying attention. The entire establishment and administration has sold out to big pharma. Why do you think the only solution they push is a shot? It’s not because it’s the best solution for every situation. It’s because it’s the best solution for their pockets. It’s all public knowledge. Look at Pfizer’s profit and loss statements when they come out. Our administration has extracted hundreds of billions and potentially a trillion or more from the American tax payers. And essentially transferee it to the bank accounts of big pharma. Where the establishment crooks also invest their money. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. Keep being a good little follower for them. They love people like you. It’s easy to make you feel like a hero. Like you’re helping the little guy. When really your blind ignorance is only perpetuating the problem. Do you really think a 50 year career politician has your best interest in mind? Does he have any track record of bettering lives? How do you think he lasted 50 years? Please wake up kids.
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