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The CJ Werleman Show
Comments by "" (@TesseRact7228) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.
@beatus7714 That is an impossibility - you cannot learn truth from something like Islam, in which no truth exists.
@kenw1742 I'm a Native American Eskimo from the island-continent (some say continent-Island) of Atlantis.
@dhual-qarnayn He is far too much of a coward to call CP... (And, as are you, by the way).
@kenw1742 The whole of Islam makes no sense.
Maybe the world has seen too many "X-men" - type movies, "Transformers", "Harry Potter" and the like - movies relying on some sort of "magic".... because Islam gets you to believe in Flying Donkeys, Goats in Space, Bright Lights in Birth Canals, Talking Ants, Flying Carpets, Stones that Forgive Sins...
One thing, mate... In Christianity, who is "the father of all lies"? --- satan/the devil. In Islam, who describes himself as "the best of deceivers"? --- Allah, the god of Islam.
So now you believe in Flying Donkeys, Goats in Space, Bright Lights in Birth Canals, Talking Ants, Flying Carpets, Stones that Forgive Sins.
@etzelkaplan9677 Jesus spoke 3 languages, mate -- Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
@GrowWithInfo-1028 When old Allah prays FOR the prophet, TO WHOM is he praying?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Three questions!!! REALLY?? You are unable to answer even ONE (1)...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 And, by the way, your "Shun Pride, Be Humble" is slipping and falling, mate... Let's see what happens to the "Hungry" bit....
@kenw1742 Yet the flag you show 🇬🇧is that of UK, which is a combination of the English flag (red cross on a white background), the Scottish flag (white diagonal cross on a blue background) - not sure where the diagonal red cross on a white background comes from (Northern Ireland, maybe?)
@kenw1742 It has always been : "When in Rome, do as the British do".
@user-em2hg6cu5u Haven't gotten very far? Really? Tell us, what would have happened to Islam if the US/NASA had put a pig on the moon?
@facts.explained. You are being deliberately crass.
@facts.explained. Again you are being deliberately obtuse. If you are unable to see that then you are more obtuse than obtuse, and more crass than crass. You have been well and truly deceived by the one who openly and proudly describes himself as "the best of deceivers".
@esahg5421 You say the reverts will be the first to enter heaven.... So, then, Muhammad will not be the first to enter into heaven...
@facts.explained. You complete klutz! You quote "Deuteronomy", "Exodus" +.... Do you even know what these are? FYI, these are some of the books that constitute the Torah. What is the Torah? It is the book of Moses. Is Moses not a prophet of Islam? Who commanded the Flood of Noah? How many children died in this Flood? Is Noah not a prophet of Islam?
@facts.explained. The Bible spans something like 1500 years, the quran a mere 23 years. Over which time period would you expect to find more wars/battles/skirmishes/conflicts? Muhammad was involved in approx 70 (conservative figure) wars etc. This is approx 3 per year. For the Bible to equal THAT, it would have to record around 4500 skirmishes/wars/battles etc. This is more than there are pages in the Bible....
@facts.explained. How many people did Muhammad slaughter in one night? Upwards of 600?....700?....800....?
Did Muhammad have his followers tie the legs of an 80-year old woman to two camels and then get the camels to run in opposite directions, basically tearing the old lady in half? How many did Muhammad torture or have tortured?
@facts.explained. Truly you are a victim of the one who openly and proudly declares himself to be "the best of deceivers"...
@facts.explained. As stated before, the Bible spans 1500 years, the quran a mere 23....
@facts.explained. You lot make claims but do not want to accept the consequences thereof... "Adam was a prophet of Islam". "Moses was a prophet of Islam". "Jesus was a prophet of Islam. "Everyone is born as a Muslim". You make the claim, then accept the consequence of those claims.
@GrowWithInfo-1028 I will give you 3 guesses...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Hey, but doesn't your quran "predict" the BIG BANG? The Big Bang is the START of Evolution, is it not? Islam and Muslims now believe in Evolution? Go tell your imam /sheik that you believe in Evolution...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 You came from a coconut - I thought you came from home.
@GrowWithInfo-1028 And there I was, thinking I had wasted 2 thoughts...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Firstly, you are displaying irrefutable signs of verbal diarrhoea...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 At least I have a mind - something that you sorely lack...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 You support the beheading of Lee Rigby?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Try again, mate...
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Do yourself (and the world) a favour, mate --- Go do as your prophet did and take a sewage water bath.
@shahidachoudhury6925 Why would I cry -- for not being a victim of the one who freely, openly and proudly proclaims himself to be "the best of deceivers"? REALLY?? You must be joking!
@shahidachoudhury6925 You would rather read the comments of a paedophile, I take it.
@pactpoint So, tell us, you think having an endless, never flaccid penis in the bordello heaven of old Allah is true?
@pactpoint Do you think having 80000 "young boys, who will not bleed" to serve you in the bordello heaven of old Allah is true?
@facts.explained. No Christian would ever deny that Jesus was on earth AS A MAN. Jesus walked, talked ate, slept (maybe even snored), urinated, defecated, felt pain, and bled AS A MAN. The Bible and quran agree that Jesus was BORN of the VIRGIN Mary. So, as a MAN, BORN of a VIRGIN WOMAN, whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus carry? Where did His Y-Chromosome come from?
@pactpoint The 80000 little boys are martyrs? Really?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Adam was CREATED from dust/clay/earth/mud, Jesus was BORN of a VIRGIN WOMAN. Have you been SO deceived by the one who openly and proudly describes himself as "the best of deceivers" that you are unable to see the difference? The question STILL STANDS... Whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus carry? Where did His Y-Chromosome come from?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 As for my chromosomes, I INHERITED them from my parents. Jesus, being a MAN, who was BORN OF A VIRGIN WOMAN, INHERITED His X-Chromosome from the Virgin Mary, whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus carry? Whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus INHERIT?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 A load of unmitigated, unadulterated Islamic waffle... THE question STILL STANDS..... Whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus carry? From WHOM did Jesus INHERIT HIS Y-CHROMOSOME? And you talk about 3 questions -- YOU can't even answer ONE (1)... Islam is simply the biggest load of rubbish EVER to hit this planet.
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Your "Facts Explained" friend cannot help you?
@kenw1742 But can you not see that the Union Jack is a combination (a "Union", if you will), of the English, the Scottish and Northern Ireland(?), (maybe Welsh?) flags?
@kenw1742 As a matter of interest, what would happen if you refused to take the flags down? I thought maybe you would end with a quote from Churchill or William Muir about Islam. I would tread very lightly in Turkey, if I were you... Muslims will turn on you at the drop of a hat -- they are like a light switch.
@kenw1742 Being 75, and if you were born in England, you must have grown up with many-a-tale of Dunkirk, the Blitz, the "few"... Whatever happened to THAT spirit of the "British Bulldog"?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Muslims are incapable of having an opinion, because there is not a word in their mouths, or an idea in their heads that someone else hasn't put there.. In short, Muslims are INCAPABLE OF INDIVIDUAL, ORIGINAL THOUGHT.
@GrowWithInfo-1028 I am looking for an answer which you are not capable of providing... And you were SO Blasé about your "3 Questions" --- you could not even answer ONE (1).
@GrowWithInfo-1028 In the excitement of the flurry of waffle you spew forth, you may have forgotten the question, so let me remind you of that one question... Whose Y-Chromosome did Jesus carry?
@GrowWithInfo-1028 Now I see what happened to the "Hungry" bit... You are SO "Hungry" that you had to do the.... Run Rabbit 🏃♂️ 🐰, Run Rabbit 🏃♂️ 🐰, Run 🏃♂️, Run 🏃♂️, Run 🏃♂️.