Comments by "☨St Louis IX opposed paganism, hæresy \x26 debauchery" (@stlouisix3) on "China's "Stealth" Aircraft Is A Joke: Hiding Under Commercial Planes, Using Civilians as Shields" video.

  1. 🛩 China may be using commercial jets as radar shields for their military crafts, potentially putting civilian passengers at risk. 00:13 China's military communication aircraft lurked beneath a commercial flight from Hong Kong to Shanghai through the Taiwan Strait. This tactic could be used to launch a missile strike against Taiwan while sacrificing passengers on the civilian plane. Targeting a Hong Kong flight allows China to avoid widespread condemnation and diplomatic backlash. 🔒 China's covert military establishments and blurred civilian-military lines pose a threat to national security. 03:01 China has numerous covert military establishments hidden in residential areas and disguised as ordinary facilities. China strategically places vulnerable air strips near schools, making them inadvertent targets. The CCP blurs civilian-military lines to gain military advantages, as shown by their plans to rally non-active duty personnel and commandeer strategic airports and ports. 🚢 China has rapidly increased its capacity to transport military equipment to Taiwan using civilian ferries. 05:57 China's capacity to transport military equipment to Taiwan has reached 2.3 million tons in just 8 days. Chinese operators, including Bohai Ferry Group and High9 Straight Shipping Company, are involved in the transport operations. Recent mobilization of civilian ferries suggests a response to Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and PLA military exercises. 💣 The video discusses the potential of equipping civilian ships with missile weapons systems, allowing them to be used as launch platforms with significant battlefield advantages. 09:22 The PLA Navy's document hinted at the possibility of retrofitting missile launchers on civilian ships. Civilians have historically been used as human shields by the CCP. The CCP strategically seized territories from behind during the civil war. 😱 Communist forces used horrifying tactics, including sending unarmed elderly, children, and naked young women to the frontlines, causing shock and shame among the opposing soldiers. 12:01 Communist forces labeled unarmed elderly as counterrevolutionary landlords and forced them into the frontline. Children were used as cannon fodder by the Communist forces, paralyzing the opposing soldiers. Naked young women, labeled as daughters and daughters-in-law of landlords, were used as a grotesque assault tactic, causing the opposing soldiers to cast aside their machine guns.