Comments by "☨St Louis IX opposed paganism, hæresy \x26 debauchery" (@stlouisix3) on "Is Mother Nature Angry at CCP? Disasters Amplify Food Crisis, Rice Price Hits a 12-Year Peak" video.

  1. Recent Typhoons, Floods, and Droughts Devastate China's Crops, Posing a Severe Threat to Food Security as 20% of the Nation's Harvest Faces Total Loss 🌊 Recent typhoons in China have caused extensive damage to crops and raised concerns about food shortages. 00:13 Typhoons Saola and Haikui have caused heavy rains and flooding in China's Southeastern Coast. 00:13 The destruction of crops in the northeastern provinces has increased the risk of food shortage for the Chinese population. 01:05 Corruption and poor decision-making within the CCP have been revealed during the grain shortage crisis. 01:23 The anticipated harvest season in China may witness a larger reduction in yield or even no yield due to the typhoons. 04:13 International grain prices have soared due to climate fluctuations and export restrictions imposed by countries like India. 04:35 China's President Xi Jinping has proposed strengthening the food supply chain to reduce reliance on imported food. 06:11 This move is speculated to be a strategy to prevent potential food sanctions in response to China's alleged plans to attack Taiwan. 06:38 🍚 China's challenge to achieve complete independence from the global food market seems virtually impossible given its reliance on food imports and limited self-sufficiency. 07:15 China consistently ranks first or second globally in international food imports, with a peak in grain imports in 2021. 07:15 China heavily relies on soybean imports, which constitute 95% of total consumption. 07:45 China's heavy reliance on oil and soybean meals for feed highlights the gravity of the situation. 08:07 Approximately 21% of the population depends on imported food, and any reduction could lead to hunger for about 20% of the population. 08:44 Severe climate disasters, such as typhoons and floods, have impacted domestic food security. 08:58 China's limited self-sufficiency and inadequate arable land pose challenges to food security. 10:01 China's food self-sufficiency rate has decreased from 94% in 2000 to 66% in 2020, with imported grains comprising one-fourth of total grain production. 10:32 🌾 Farming in China is not lucrative, leading to a decline in young farmers and concerns over food security. 11:14 Farming in China is not profitable, with small farming households struggling to make a living. 11:14 The net profit from farming corn is low, resulting in an annual income below the minimum wage standard. 11:44 The youth in China are reluctant to take up farming due to its lack of profitability. 11:54 Cultivating grains on limited arable land yields low income and operational costs are high. 12:14 The Chinese government is trying to expand arable land to secure the nation's food supply. 13:02 The reverting forests to farmland initiative has faced criticism for infringing farmers' rights. 13:44 Chinese agriculture is struggling to transition to large-scale land management, resulting in stagnant output and high operating costs. 15:19 🌾 The Chinese government's inefficient policies to expand arable land and boost agriculture yield are undermining efforts to reduce dependence on imports and causing a growing food crisis. 16:02 The administrative approach to increase arable land fails to improve China's economic environment and food supply. 16:02 The urgency of the food crisis in China is evident in the Chinese Communist Central Committee's focus on food security. 16:37 Fabrication and misinterpretation of data concerning China's grain reserves pose a real threat to food security. 16:57 Reports indicate significant issues in China's grain reserves, including storing spoiled grains and corruption in grain storage management. 17:11 The true state of China's grain reserves and the discrepancy between official figures and actual stockpiles are deeply concerning. 18:39 Chinese Communist Party officials involved in grain purchase and sales have engaged in corruption and embezzlement, severely affecting national grain security. 19:00 Corruption methods include circle grain, where officials acquire undue benefits through their positions. 19:30 😔 The video discusses fraudulent activities in the grain industry and their impact on national food security. 19:36 Collusion between grain managers and merchants to sell and repurchase grain for profit. 19:36 Fabrication of grain purchase and sale transactions to embezzle grain funds. 20:02 Concealment and unauthorized sale of excess grain for personal gain. 20:09 Cheating farmers during grain purchases through dishonest tactics. 20:37 Exploitation of price differences by settling with farmers for lower grade grain and selling it as higher grade. 20:56 Fabrication of grain losses and illegal reselling for personal profit. 21:20 Numerous officials express remorse for neglecting national food security and engaging in fraudulent activities. 21:27
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