Comments by "tblbaby" (@tblbaby) on "Dave Rubin on the Climate Change Debate | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report" video.
No Dave, you're approaching it as religion and accepting the word of "experts" with undue pressure applied by very wealthy people who stand to make bank by ripping off the people of the world. You're being extremely intellectually lazy.
Now, that being said, climate change is real. It was before mankind, and before mankind was involved in heavy industry.
Oh, here you go with the motive stuff which is relevant. Oh, there you go. The hockey stick theory was a scam Dave, they were busted sending emails about it, why do you ignore that? The scammers profited in millions from interested governments, which is actually just a conduit for wealthy interests who stand to profit huge from the scam. The models that were made have never worked out. It was ice age before it was warming. Same scum bag pushing both as dooms day scenarios, our Science Czar, Holdren. You can google his writings on the subject in the 70s.
What we have to do in this age of universal scammery is apply brains to the deal. The "Science" that backs up the Global Warming scam is not widely public, it's like the Catholics writing the bible in Latin and not letting the average Joe learn Latin, it was so they could pull shit. IT ALWAYS IS.
I'm telling you it doesn't take much to see the "Science" is nothing more than cherry picked effects while there is much to reverse those effects.
We do change the environment to some degree, so does a butterfly flying through it. You do change the wind speed in a hurricane by farting this or that direction and the temperature, butt is it significant? NO, NO IT IS NOT. We are a tiny part of a massive system, we are part of it. Our contribution to CO2 is minuscule and CO2 at much higher levels is actually great for the environment if you like life on earth, plants and stuff because plants use that and put out oxygen while that process, respiration, cools the earth massively and the more flora there is because or raised CO2 the more cooling effect there is. This is completely ignored, because the deal is they started all this to find a way to exert control over human activity and CO2 is perfect, so the reverse engineered to the desired result. That is not Scientific, it's using data to deceive, it's just another half truth by people who use that to get what they want by fooling, scaring, scamming, the people.