Comments by "tblbaby" (@tblbaby) on "Ex Muslim Exposes The Reality of Islam In The West | Yasmine Mohammed | SPIRITUALITY | Rubin Report" video.
@mahmudali4872 What I'm saying is well documented. Radical Islam (The Muslim Brotherhood sect anyway for sure, probably Wahhabi also) is a creation of and tool of Globalists. They've been funded, organized, and helped politically and sold weapons for near a century. Don't try to pull your "you can't know Islam" bullshit on me (takia or whatever) It's been translated, and anyway, the information I've given has NOTHING to do with Islam the Religion (cult) it's history buckwheat. If you are a Muslim, these Globalists are not your friend. They use people and throw them away, usually after mass murder. I know more that that, but that's not for here as the origins of Islam isn't what this is about. Some people think Islam is evil, irredeemable, but I'm defending Muslims, don't you get it? It's not Muslims who are the problem, it's horrible people who've promoted evil to keep Muslims from advancing with the rest of mankind. To use them to create hell on earth so the Globalists will be looked to to solve the problems. It's their old pattern. You know, a detailed documentary wouldn't be a bad idea. People should understand what all is going on.