Comments by "tblbaby" (@tblbaby) on "Atheist Muslim Speaks Out | Ali Rizvi | SPIRITUALITY | Rubin Report" video.

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  11. ***** How do I know what TV you're watching? lol, not specifically, but you can tell what someone ingests by what they barf up. Islamophobia is a term the ignorant spew, because there is a cult out there directed to certain things and is the largest source of aggression and oppression in the world and has been for around 1400 years. Such a word certainly doesn't come from objective study of Islamic violence or the study of their Koran and other religious dictatorial material. Study if you'd like to really understand. The problem with what Trump seems to you is you're misinformed and crappy at objective analytical assessment. Trump is well known for his principals in business. He can be counted on to keep his word and get things done. That's his history and it's helped him amass billions. Not something very many people do. If you think he doesn't understand politics and is unlikely to get things done? lol, you are clueless as to his history. The man is shrewd and brilliant. You're gulping in the view put out by his detractors without much thought, but in your own ignorance you're more than willing to mouth off ... that's not a good indication of judgement on your part. "He's Just A" that's prejudicial mind set. Something you should guard against. That kind of limited perception is bound to be wrong. Especially about someone with a life time of proven effectiveness and brilliant achievement who's taken on the media, gotten to the people, and kicked their ass without spending a lot of money. You have opinions which seem loud and are obviously biased, obviously ill informed. If I were you I'd be embarrassed to be just one loud voice in the midst of an ignorant indoctrinated mob buying what they're fed without much thought at all.
  12. ***** What I've said would be worth commenting on if you had a decent quality of thought. If you think Trump preys on bigotry, then you have not heard what Trump says, but small snips cut to paint a false impression of what he said. I know, I've seen them. I've also taken the time to analyze. The US government said they can't vet the Refugees slated to come in by the 100s of thousands. The Obama administration has put in blocks to investigating muslims, which lead to the recent mass murdering terrorist in California getting through. The Obama administration has blocked and scrapped investigations which have turned up troubling information which it also banned from being transmitted to other organizations. Information on the mosque the California Murderers and their accomplice were radicalized at. Understanding those facts, do you think calling for a halt to immigration of a group the Obama administration is blocking investigation into is just blind bigotry? Really? Do you understand the situation with the Obama administration encouraging illegal immigration from Mexico? In not prosecuting criminal illegal aliens for very real crimes and people being killed by them as a result? Obama is importing a bunch of illegal aliens in order to change the voting structure of the US and resisting efforts to have ID to vote, which almost every country has, even the dirt poor third world countries. He's pushing a massive cheat and selling out the country. He's aligned with George Soros who he's worked with and for in the past and it's been on corrupt cheat of the US people. Soros has been involved in massive corruption world wide and destructive crashing of governments and economies. Media has been bought off and controlled to a large extent by people Soros is connected to and specifically by his orgs. Media matters, which is a Soros org was busted with the Obama administration bribing CNN for selected coverage. What stories to run and what not to run. Now Obama is trying to bring in massive numbers of military aged male Muslims that our agencies are saying they can't vet. His own cabinet members have stood up against him. He's got 7 Muslim Brotherhood members involved in homeland security immigration. The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. Even the UK just recognized this and made the official distinction. Obama is blocking investigation into the mass number of muslim's backgrounds and their social media usage. I didn't get all of this from Trump, but what people involved have said in blowing the whistle with documented information. Do you think Trump's suggestion of a temporary moratorium on that group which has just mass murdered, and has a number of times in recent past, is just playing to bigotry? It's the only position on the situation that's not fucking insane, or deliberately subversive to the people of the US.
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  17. Justaquietbird what you've said about the vetting process isn't true of what's going on. The dangerous morons are the ones who've already gotten people killed. The Obama administration has set up blocks to good vetting of refugees and others. Obama has Muslim Brotherhood members pushing policy measures and getting them in. The FBI has already said they can't do a good job of vetting these people. The recent groups of "refugees" in Europe and the US (people got pictures of the last coming into Louisiana Airport) are almost all military aged males. They are the people Assad was fighting, they ARE ISIS. You're speaking of how it should be with refugees, not how it is. You're speaking of a narrative you've heard about Trump, not the reality. What people like you (really the liars who've afflicted your mind) do is set up false narrative to defame people who they want to get around or put down. The media has become a tool of government, controlled. They limit and massage information. People like you go around spewing their bullshit like you really know what's going on, and you don't. It's a propaganda tool you're helping with by your ignorant messages spoken as if you had a clue, when you don't. You're just regurgitating lies. YOU and the media crap you support are doing exactly what you're complaining Trump does, which he doesn't do. Lie about an issue and create a FALSE NARRATIVE. I highly doubt you even know his whole statements on the matters. You get clips and naively believe you know it all. Then you spread this as if you do, that makes you their tool. Not a tool for truth, a tool of propaganda.
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  19. ***** That's the thing, Dave is regressive on many issues. He doesn't see certain things. He does see many things. He does seek rationality, but our minds are complex and we miss things we're not looking for. I've been very impressed with Dave, but also gained a sort of epiphany which I should have understood because of my study of behavior and it fits right in. Dave is Jewish, and he's gay. Muslim issues would stand out to him because it's kind of a thing generally they'd like to destroy his race and throw him off a roof or hang him, and people who he identifies with support them. That's where I think he gained his epiphany. It's in his face. Will he understand that the same motivation to vote for a prospective larcenous guy like Sanders is similar motive that drove people to see Slavery as ok? Because they would gain from it? I doubt he'd see that. We all have our things. Bones in the Nose, Sticks on the Dicks. I have fought sticks off my dicks so hard, because I've seen it in people, and group think is so destructive, but I'm always catching myself and going through a struggle to free my mind from the bondage that nature lays on it. And I know, which is why I'm agnostic. I don't buy my brain telling me what I've been searching and trying to get some answer about is real, I know that concentration develops a fixation and my brain would fill it in. Pretty sure that's what happens to religious people, how they can know so many diametrically opposed things. It's much the same with other information. He "knows" certain things which are beliefs, yet are wrong. We all do it. A hell of a lot of money and effort goes into conditioning us, in populations. Hell man, ever wonder why digital TV was priority one? Why government was all over it? Those things have so much sway over our paradigms it's great if you'd like to control masses. Who wants to control masses? What power minded folks wouldn't? It's worth huge investments, it pays off big. I sound crazy huh? :) but the what can't be answered by a shallow why. Things that come into play are kinda complex, or more accurately foreign to how we perceive and our perceptions, our illusions of reality, much more powerful than we usually understand and intelligence doesn't help much there. Or maybe it does, but only to a certain degree. I mean Dave is intelligent. He did see through, and others who have and follow Dave, seem much smarter than average. Don't worry, my doggy tells me I'm completely sane, by what he doesn't say, in english o_O
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