Comments by "tblbaby" (@tblbaby) on "Ask Dave Rubin: Bernie Sanders For President? Atheist Traditions? | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report" video.
Serah Wint It does add value in perspective. Sweden has a great cultural work ethic from what I've seen. Things seem to have been changing some, so I'm not sure where that is at. The Swiss similar, industrious and pride in their industry and productivity and high quality standards.
I agree generally about education, but it's useful as far as it's useful to the productivity it's applied to. US Universities have gone to hell. Higher expense, a lot of loans and grants. The culture so weak and pandering to students more than training. Spoiling them, giving them a false sense of authority, sort of like Hitler Youth programs, lol.
Sweden isn't a top economy GDP to citizen wise, but culture again seems like it doesn't embrace waste or much corruption. There seems to be great use of value.
The US people in general, are spoiled, wasteful and corruption is pretty much the rule. Our Socialized Health care started with massive political fraud and corruption pandering to the wealthiest corporations.
What works for Sweden probably won't work for the US very well. Our government has the Midas touch, but the touch turns things to shit, not Gold. They corrupt what they become involved in. Since the creation of the department of education the price has skyrocketed, and the quality has plummeted.
Bernie Sanders looks like a disaster to me. Obama sure has been. We need free market and we need our government out of it as much as possible. We do need to police corruption in business, but with an even hand on general laws. We gave our government discretion and the power to chose who wins and loses. They turn right around and sell it to whoever can afford it, leaving the average person screwed over. Small businesses deliberately regulated to the point they can't afford to stay in business. The large corps could pay more.The way this economy is going is very untypical of the US. Usually small business drives an economic recovery with around 70% of the growth. Now it's around 30% and it's obvious why. They've been stepped on, deliberately.
The New Health Care system is a total mess, not what was promised. Much more expensive, and the big corps are making huge profits while the people are screwed. I won't even mess with it. I do my own medical and if I die then it's my thing. I'm not playing with Obamacare even though our IRS has been expanded a great deal and now has SWAT teams of it's own to enforce. The agents hide from the people, worried we will be angry. It seems they are about to do things that will predictably anger the population. It's bizarre to see, but seems like most people don't really look and see the changes. I think they will soon. Even with media covering this up, shilling for corrupt government. Not media, provda is more accurate.
Serah Wint Very True, seems you've hit it right on. That's not how I have thought about it, but it's what I've noticed as I'm picking up on extreme corruption that's not naturally occurring, but taught, influenced. Pounded into our lives in schools, colleges, entertainment and politics. Even through churches. I'm agnostic, so I don't agree with churches on many things, any of them. They have tended to be the base of a lot of the positive cultural foundation, while also being a source of hypocrisy and mass stupification.
Colleges have been granted (bribed it seems) with billions, those regarded most influential in the billions. The evaluation system in Colleges is corrupt and rates them by alumni contributions. Not testing results on what was learned. Talk about a Royal system of bullshit being set up lol. It's like the start of a class system where the product of those institutions gain wealth, hire those alumni and back them in politics and for court positions and funnel wealth back in. Also that's a smaller part of the contributions because billions came from Europe. I've been watching things for decades and studying sources of influence and their moves and I have a pretty good idea the group it comes from. The only one who could afford it and would stand to make a gain on that sort of investment, though they wouldn't need it.
That seems to be the easiest to track. Other situations are put together in the US and seem to align with what's being done in Colleges. Media has gone from biased in one way or another to basically a propaganda conglomerate. The government controls who gains access to the open air ways and public money for TV and Radio, and those have all become very thick in pushing propaganda. Media is basically owned by 6 big corps. NBC corruption was easy to track and their favorable treatment. GE, which was their parent company got pulled out of big financial trouble by government contracts and tax exemptions, and their bias was obvious and extreme. Not that the other networks didn't follow about the same line, but their bias was less extreme and crazy. NBC was bought by a super wealthy Mexican billionaire, forget his name, but the bias continues. CNN was caught taking money to follow the Obama administration direction as to which stories were promoted and which ignored. I'm sure there is much going on that I don't specifically know about, but the results of corruption, are obvious.
There has been concerted attacks on the US Constitution, though judges and politicians agree to uphold it. The main push has been to get around it. That is a theme in Colleges. We have supreme court judges who openly defy the law, when their job is to uphold it and they swear to do so. The US constitution is at the base of what has made the US very successful. A huge leap in the respect for the individual and repelling corruption in government allowing the little people to thrive and move up like no other country. Great for "the people" not so happily for extreme wealth and power people who tend to want to expand control and wealth without threat to position by people beneath them.
The people of the US became the most charitable group of people in the world, based on individual giving. Not so good for those who'd like to control all that through government so as to manipulate voting blocks and maintain and grow power. I'm not talking about the faces we see in government, I'm talking about the people who bought those positions and basically own them.
JFK wrote some very cryptic writings before he died that seem kind of crazy. About forces in the world out to corrupt and take power. It seems he'd had a shift in thinking and change of loyalty. He went against his party and advocated equal rights for black people, which was finally passed after his death. His popularity gained support for it so his heir basically had no choice after his death. Johnson, a racist piece of shit, vice president actually signed it after it won in congress, after fighting it for decades.
Then a bunch of social programs came out. Black groups who'd been oppressed by Democrats, Johnson, were targeted for social programs. This after Martin Luther King was assassinated. Assholes like Jessie Jackson stepped up (he literally stepped up and wiped King's blood on himself and acted like he'd been right there). Started pushing black people to the Democratic party who were pushing the social programs heavily, though republicans were with them. MLK had joined the Democrats after JFK had his change of heart and joined with the Republicans to push for black rights.
Jessie Jackson and others pushed for more social programs. Started pushing division and hate in the black communities. They became wealthy, millionaires, where did that come from? Programs gave free money and housing. They also tore black men, fathers from the homes though as they wouldn't pay if there was a man in the home.
Around the same time drugs started being pushed into black neighborhoods. Entertainment pushed cultural changes, it was cool to not play "the man's" game. The white man's game. Cool to be derelict and do drugs and drink and have no job. Black liberation theology was created by Progressives to turn black churches into places of division and hate. To instill resentment and a view that all white people were the enemy. A little later came glorification of gangster sheek, gang life, thug culture. Music was heavily promoted from gang culture. Promoted to the point (music and in movies) a lot of impressionable white kids wanted to be black gangsta with the language and all that.
Organizations came up like Acorn, pushing welfare with a goal to get so many people on welfare that the system would collapse and a new one could be created, a communist system. That was the stated goal of the founder, I'm pretty sure he gave an interview and said exactly that after 2000. Crash the system Guru's like Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinski were teaching in Colleges and creating movements. The Weather underground doing terrorist attacks. Bill Ayers, who Obama knew well and who promoted Obama's kick off into politics in his home. Obama's mentor, Frank Marshal Davis (Valery Jarrett's father) a pro communist on the FBI list of enemies to the country, with strong ties to Iran, also to Chicago crime / politics. Valery's said she's Iranian. Wrote in college that she planned to promote islam in the US, using our constitutional protections against us.
George Soros was on the scene, pushing Acorn. Obama involved with him pushing the community reinvestment act Carter started and Bill Clinton kicked up. To force banks to reinvest in cities where they did business. Basically to give bad loans. Obama was paid to teach Acorn protesters to attack bankers in the banks and attack their homes even. Goal was to intimidate them into writing loans they didn't want to write, bad loans to interests with correlation to the protesters handlers politics.
George Soros created a number of organizations that seemed to have a common theme, to push division and cause problems in areas and themes, of political importance. Tides, Joyce, many organizations. Obama actually ended up funding the Chicago Climate Exchange from Soros Joyce foundation where he was working at the time. Obama was a grass roots community organizer heavily aligned with acorn organization which Soros poured money into.
George Soros is extremely active world wide, and was made a multi billionaire by an extremely wealthy powerful individual's investment in quantum fund. That individual a member of what I believe is the most powerful cartel in the world, or in world history. That seems to be where the bulk of the money to bribe colleges in the US had to come from.
They are also connected to Cecil Rhodes, they got his mining company after his death. DeBeers mining, Diamonds most notable for. Rhodesia was named after Rhodes and he was a bloody mass murdering oppressor, doing about anything to further his interests. Murder of competitors as well. Murder to keep diamonds rare. Well the company ended up in the hands of cartel members Rothschild is aligned with, the entity which made or helped make Soros billions in quantum fund.
Soros, who's been heavily pushing the EU. Pushing open borders. Convicted of insider trading in currency in France. Seen as financial terrorist by China. Russia has just outlawed his organizations and seems like they might go after him. Has bragged about taking down a few countries systems. Is working heavily in the US involved in media / propaganda. Pushing unqualified Muslim mass immigration world wide. Was involved in Libya before the "revolution" where the rebels contacted central bankers (the cartel who helped Soros become a billionaire in Quantum fund) as their first real move after getting the upper hand. Was involved in attacking Mubarak and getting the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Egypt. Involved with known terrorists in Egypt, Libya, and the attack on the Israeli blockade of weapons into Gaza.
There is much more, like a Soros group, Media Matters involved in CNNs being bought off on behalf of the Obama administration. Soros breaking the bank of England. Making incredibly profitable currency trades ... not so incredible if he's in touch with the cartel who helped him in Quantum fund, which also happens to own central bank charters in every country in the world but 3 (Libya was 4, they now use that central bank as well so now 3).
The information on this stuff can fill volumes.
I didn't really start out to go here, but the information leads here. It's hard to understand one situation without understanding relationships involved because one situation is really a number of situations, but with common influence.
Serah Wint Evil is simplistic, though there are animals (people included) which are just fucked in the head for a number of reasons. Things have to eat, so they kill to do so. Regard usually extended to beings which have some meaning to other beings. I hate to narrow it down to people, because behaviors seem to stem from similar motives in most mammals, but even fish and crustaceans.
Social norms seem to stem from learned behavior, in line with the origins of behavior which have developed.
I've always been very interested in behavior, since before I was interested in behavior but very curious as to why people and then other animals do what they do.
I think much of behavior is ingrained genetically in ways our scientists haven't quite figured out. Even physical characteristics change much quicker than natural selection would allow for. There must be some kind of intelligent trigger and some information given before observing behavior is even started. In development in an egg or womb or wherever. BUT! the vast majority of behavior is obviously learned. I call it the Bones in Nose, Sticks on the Dicks phenomenon in humans. Nothing seems to be weird of out of place in people if important influences do it and or accept it. It just IS the NORMAL to us. The vast majority of Religious affiliation, Political affiliation, even Sports team fandom comes from important influences around us. Most of the time, a very high % it's what's around us. Other influences come through though and can sometimes supplant what's around us. It's how people think. Mob Mentality, Group Think ... those reflect this reality.
I'm not the only one who's noticed this of course. It's been studied deeply and used extensively in advertising, religion, politics, ext. Sigmund Freud's Nephew who became an amazing add man and may have learned a few things from Uncle who was working on it, wrote a book called Propaganda. How to predict and control people in groups. Hitler actually got and used this book, Goebbels loved it and said it wouldn't have been possible to condition the population the way they did, without it. He used entertainment which he took basic control of, to amazing extent. People don't usually mentally guard against messages received from entertainment. Young impressionable people are also the easiest to influence, as they have little life experience from which to reject what they're told. They then grow up with imprinted ideas that often follows them for the rest of their lives. The Catholic church understands this well. They say give them a child until they are 6? or 5? and they will be Catholic for life. Also very true of inexperienced developing minds. The human mind if developing still until around 26 years old.
I know this is long, but it's difficult to be brief with ideas and situations that are not well accepted or even considered.
What is afflicting the USA isn't just in the USA, it's world wide. A focus on the USA because it's a more difficult nut to crack. We have a very protective Constitution, against government corruption and outside influences breaking in. We have people conditioned to be independent and free thinking.
Media inside the US attacks the US. School and College attack the US and the Constitution. I see foreign countries people have opinions and it's obvious what they're being fed in media and socially. Doesn't match what I see here. The UN reverse engineering studies to degrade the appearance of US quality of life and other areas. One example is education. UN placed free preschool very high in determining quality of life. Studies show that preschool isn't helpful and may in fact harm the process of education in children who are at that age still imprinting on their parents and more learning from their domestic environment. Removing them stunts this development which is an important foundation to build on in later years. The UN is an extremely corrupt organization and it's leaders have always been for sale. Saddam Hussein bought them and they allowed him to build arms while starving segments of his population to the point many died, many many died and others were completely miserable. Except those Sunnis who backed him. He allowed Arab interests to fool the Palestinians into camps where they were brain washed and many tortured and killed. The UN seems like a great idea, but in practice it's for sale to those who can afford to bribe it's leaders. Always has been and probably always will be. Most governments are no better except they are held more accountable by their citizens. That's how it works, and why a one would governing organization would probably be such a bad idea in practice. In the US the more control the Federal Government has over all states to dictate their policy the worse over all corruption gets. The Department of education is a great example. A lot of parasitization in the system, school expense has multiplied many times, effectiveness is way down. More local control gives more accountability. Though a governing body is nice to have if one area starts up with brutalizing a segment of the population.
This is getting very long O_O but things are not simple and understanding what is foreign isn't easy. The principals are understood generally, but applying them to the situations takes examples. Actions take information to identify the actors if it's not readily investigated by others, and we really don't have good media and reporting right now. That is pretty much dead.