Comments by "Beth Bartlett" (@bethbartlett5692) on "Archaeologists Find Extraordinary Hoard In Anglo-Saxon Cemetery | Time Team | Chronicle" video.
The Anglo Saxons are generally described as some vulgar individuals. It's difficult to imagine any of them actually imaginative, creative, and setting about a craft.
As a USA Sociologist/Behavioralist and Historian, I find them causing for me a more forced attention. They are unlikeable.
They were a source of Kingship responsible for:
The current British DNA finds that the Males have less than 2% of original English Male DNA. The Female continued + Admix.
Understand that this represents:
All Adult, Adolescent, Children, and Infants, were removed ... Methods?
It strongly suggests Ethnic Cleansing.
This, they just really have an energy that is highly undesirable, in my taste.
Course, I'm not stoic like the British pride themselves as being
I'm Irish, (with American influence and History awareness), of Basque lineage, like the Welsh and early English.
Requires Conscious Thought and Higher Mind to avoid the attitude of loathing.
Works too.
Facts Matter, they are authentic, accusations are just fear based reactions, and Theories are just that.
The "Mainstream Academic/Archaeologists" hold a "19th Century Theory based Paradigm and Linear Timeline" ... but they treat it as Fact, and they defend it with Dogmatic fevor.
... but it's Theory
... and its Temporary.
Freedom of Thought is a foundational value in the "Standards of Science and Research".
You are free to consider potentials. No one may take that and call it of a Science value.
I hold no fear in being verbably abused by a peer or anyone, "I know who I am" and I know the application of the "Standards of Science and Research"
... "Mind fully Open free of any predetermined Beliefs, Theories, Opinions, and allowing the Research Methodologies to extract the greater facts"
That is the Academic Standard and no amount of badgering will chip it.
You are Free to imagine and Explore and Discover.
Just for a sort of support of your conceiving potentials, my comment may serve to inspire your continued expectations.
The Anglo Saxons are generally described as some vulgar individuals. Its difficult ti imagine any of them actually imaginative, creative, and setting about a craft.
As a USA Sociologist/Behavioralist and Historian, I find them causing for me a more forced attention. They are unlikeable.
They were a source 9f Kingship responsible for:
The current British DNA finds that the Males have less than 2% of original English Male DNA. The Female continued + Admix.
Understand that this represents:
All Adult, Adolescent, Children, and Infants, were removed ... Methods?
It strongly suggests Ethnic Cleansing.
This, they just really have an energy that is highly undesirable, in my taste.
Course, I'm not stoic like the British pride themselves as being.
I'm Irish, (with American influence and History awareness), of Basque lineage, like the Welsh and early English.
Requires Conscious Thought and Higher Mind to avoid the attitude of loathing.
Works too.
Facts Matter, they are authentic, accusations are just fear based reactions, and Theories are just that.
The "Mainstream Academic/Archaeologists" hold a "19th Century Theory based Paradigm and Linear Timeline" ... but they treat it as Fact, and they defend it with Dogmatic fervor.
... but it's Theory
... and its Temporary.
Freedom of Thought is a foundational value in the "Standards of Science and Research".
You are free to consider potentials. No one may take that and call it of a Science value.
I hold no fear in being verbally abused by a peer or anyone, "I know who I am" and I know the application of the "Standards of Science and Research"
... "Mind fully Open free of any predetermined Beliefs, Theories, Opinions, and allowing the Research Methodologies to extract the greater facts"
That is the Academic Standard and no amount of badgering will chip it.
You are Free to imagine and Explore and Discover.