Comments by "sleeping laffey" (@sleepinglaffey3886) on "No Orders! Factories Close en Masse, Industrial Parks Demolished One by One, Shenzhen Turns to Ruins" video.

  1. Patriotism of Xinnie PorkPooh #slopagandpa - With stimulus and measures, China's debt will be at 400% to 500% of its GDP in the next decade, according to Reuters. -Chinese 🇨🇳 property Ponzi sector, which accounts for 30% of GDP, is crashing -Tofu Exports and Western imports, accounting for 37% GDP, are down. -Foreign investment is falling over 90% compared to it's peak in 2018. -Foreign visitors are down 96% compared to the pre-pandemic level in 2019 with less than 200 americans left. -Consumer prices are experiencing hyperstagdeflation. -Youth unemployment hits over 21% (in reality 50%+ after eliminating faked numbers), a record. -It's fast shrinking workforce is 10 years old than neighboring countries. - During the years 1990-2021, the US printed 6.5 time more money while China printed 147 times. - It has printed more money than the US and Japan combined, while it's economy is only half of them. - Current Chinese debt-to-gdp is already highest in the world, at 300%, according to Bloomberg. How will you do in a country where real estate companies, local governments, and banks across China have crashed or fled? That is your challenge for the future (will you own a trash house with the mortgage?). Pensions will be laundered and your daily pay will be 2 dollars. Mengze harvard daughter: lives in US brother: australian green card daughter in law: british green card sister: canadian citizen brother in law: canadian citizen second sister: australian green card second brother in law: australian green card Arctic Catfish Shenzhen: laughs at how Leeks feed her WOW SO GOOD AWESOME Organ Leeks #sloprosperity #theskydontlie
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