Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Shared stage with RSS Chief Bhagwat, backed by Mahayuti- Who is 'seer' Ramgiri Maharaj" video.
And you leftists totally left out the Sar Tan Seh Judha part chanted by Muslim community who took out a rally wielding Knives and Sickles ? Hats off, That is what i like about you Leftists - Lying and spreading Half Truths with a straight face and actually being Proud about it.
Never seen a single Letist talk about - Sar Tan Seh Judha" chants by Muslims. I mean, it doesn't take money or your lfie to condemn this statement. Never head a single condemnation from Left, Why is this ? I guess we should all ignore it ? Just like we ignore Kashmri HIndu Gneocide or on-going Bangladesi Hindu Massacre ?
Also, Why so much fuss about Islamic Mythology ? There is no Proof that Prophet Muhamamad (Yes, that Cartoon Character that supposedly flew on a Winged Horse to Heavem) was real, He is same as Micky Mouse or Tom N Jerry. You Lefrtists who take great pride in Freedom of Expression, Where the hell did your Freedom of Expression go now ? Anwer please.
Why get offended over Mythological Figures like Prophet Muhammad who is rqual to Tom n Jerry and Micky Mouse ? SoCchildish, Shame on you Leftists.. Grow up, Learn something from Propaganda Movies that you people creata, Go watch PK again !!!