Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "UP reaching new heights under PM Modi's guidance: Yogi Adityanath at Noida airport ceremony" video.
Friends, I too will join you in Criticizing everything from Modi Govt to Modi's brand of Shoe and how much it costs, I know this is your Democratic Right but I believe there is already too much Democracy in India, To the point that Reforms are Halted, Development is Halted and Important Bills are Halted by Protests and Backlash. Our Nation will Progress nowhere if this continues, Let us first try to become a Developed Nation, First.
Once we have risen up on the ranks to similar levels as European Nations or America, Then we can start debates of Free Speech, LGBT Rights, Environment Preservation, Limits of Secularism and all such things which are only distractions at best right now because first thing is we must do is support the Current Govt, Be it Blindfolded if required so India reaches a certain point of Development like in Europe or West or East Asia. Then lets have the Debates, Till then buckle up and Close your eyes and go with the Roller coaster ride and pretend you are just a Passenger and let the Roller Coaster operators do their Job.
Unlike Europe or America which have Luxury of Free Speech, Constant Left-Right Politics and Right to question their Leaders and being on separate continents isolated from Crazy Threats, We don't have such Luxury with a Communist Nation and a Terrorist Nation being our Neighbors waiting like Hungry Wolves to pounce on us with any slight Weakness or in-fighting among us.