Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Mohan Bhagwat’s speech isn’t working on Hindu fundamentalist mobs on the ground" video.
I'm sick of hearing of Caste Discrimination, Especially from Christians and Muslims.
Christians were behind Trans-Atlantic Slave trade of Africans - Largest recorded Slave trade in Histriy of HUmanity. From 16th - 18th Century, More than 200,000,000 (200 Million) African Slaves - Women, Children and Grown Ups were transported to Ameicas, bound in chains, beaten, denied Freed om or Wages, made to work their entire lives for only Food. Was Caste Discriminaton worse thna this ?
Muslims aren't any better in this aspect, Everyone talks of Manusmruti, How many talk of Quran Smruti, Which openly PrOmotes Female Sex Slaves (That which your right hand posssese) and calls women - War Booty ? Arabs and Turks enslaved entire Cities after looting and conquering them. One record by Ibn Batuta (Moroccan Traveller) says Indian Slaves were sold in 100s of Thousands in Markets of Kabul and Kandahar during Islamic Invasions, where Slaves had become so plentyful, they sold for just 1 - 2 Copper Coins !!! Was Caste Discrimination worse than this ?
I refuse to hear anything about my Hindu History from Peope whose Ancestors were busy Enslaving entire Humantiy. Sorry, If you are an Ex Muslims or Atheist, Go ahead and preach !!! I will listen. PS : I'm not Justifying Caste Discrimination, Because in today;s age if you condemn X, People will think you defend Y, which is an absurd Logic !!!