Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "A new alternative emerges in national politics, but it isn’t yet for Modi u0026 BJP" video.
History has always been a Tale about Left and Right Ideologies prevailing in various courses of time in every Nation around the World. Its never about one Ideology dominating forever, These are just a momentary "Phase".
Anybody who has a Good understanding of History and Civilizations knows this and has no Prejudices, Bigotry or Hysteria about either Right or Left Ideologies. Left will be in Power when they have a Great Leader like Modi (Regardless of the Ideology) and actually work for the Nation instad of trying to abuse and derail BJP, Modi or Hindutva.
So, No I'm not worried about One Political Party dominating India, I'm worried about too mucuh Focus given by Opposition on Hindutva, BJP and Modi, That they are losing sight and Focus on more important problems, issues and Factors that will help India develop. Like the saying goes - "If you cry Wolf , Wolf, Wolf too many times, People will just stop caring".