Hindu Rashtra
Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "'There's no absolute truth when it comes to history', Vikram Sampath on history u0026 his new book" video.
How about a Book recognizing Postive aspects of Israeli influence over Palestinian People ?
How about a Book of American Invasions on Afghansitan benefiting the Afghans >
That sounds very inappropriate and bizzare, Doesn't it ? Yet, We take it for granted to say Mughals actually contribute to Indian Civilization, No they did not. They were Invaders and Un-wanted in India. No man wants to be subservient to a Foreign People, Religon or Race willingly. Once you understand this, Thought maybe you learn to respect other People's opinion.
Mughals will never be accepted as Indian, We consider them an Unfortunate "Dark Era" of Exploitation, Violenec and Savagery dealy by Foreign Invaders on Native Indian Civilization. Prasing Mughals is equul to glorifying Murder, Land Grab, Persecution and Bigotry. So no, We will never accept or recognize Mughals.