Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Daimabad was home to skilled agriculturalists—even before Harappans’ cultural influence" video.
We still use namesof given by our Former Colonizers & Invaders to adderss our own History, Which is a sign of Stockholme syndrome. We should start calling it - "Sindhu Saraswati Civilization". Our History and Scripture like Ramayana and Mahabharata are rich in Geography, History, Culture and specifically names of Rivers, Mountains and Nations.
We have always acceptd HIstory from the Perspective of the West, This mus change ! An example is understanding of Persian Civilization from the perspective of Greeks. Why should we undertand Persians from Greek Perspective ? Rather, We should understan Persians from the Perspectie of our own Ancient Scriptures and Historical epics, Which calls them by their real name - "Kambhoja".
Hogwash, Ypu are making things up, you say ? Well my friend, Go ask an Iranian what Title they give their Kings.. Here is a hint : "Kambuziya". Hisorians need to start undertanding History from the Perspective of Ramayana and Mahabharata. So far, they only use Quran an dBible, This Bias against us "Pagans" is un-acceptbale.