Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "‘Ram Mandir took BJP to 303 seats from 2, but Hindus divided again’: Ex-VHP leader Pravin Togadia" video.

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  3. India is the only Nation that has welcomed and accepted the Religon and Culture of its Former European Colonizers (Christianity) and Savage Invaders (Islam). World should be praising us Hindus for our Generous and Welcoming Nature. Yet, We are fed with the Leftist Propaganda - "Hindus are Intolerant", This is far from the Truth. If Hindus were really Intolreant, Christians and Muslims would not be growing in Population and Thriving in our country, Enjoying all Posts and Positions - From Cricketeers ro Movie Stars, From Judges of Supreme Court to Politicians in Parliament Anyone who spreads such nonsense and false statements should be ashamed of themselves for outright Lies and Propganda against us HIndus. Do you know what happeend to Muslims in China ? China has imprisoned them in Concentration camps and has wiped out their entire cities and assimilaetd them by force. What has world done ? Do you know what happend to Chrsistians in Japan ? Read the Shimabarara Rebellion in 1850s.. Japan banned ALL Foreign Reliigons and brutally exterminated 75,000 Christians and made Japan free from Christianity. Tell me, Are Hindus still Intolerant compared to all these other Nations ? Go wach American Presidential debate, You will learn how Intolreant American Christians are, They are saying - "How can Vivek Ramaswamy run for Presidnt when he is not Christian ?". So Christians are in no position to teach us Secular values. We have Christian Army Genreals, Defene Minister, Even Head of Opposition Party and we cleebrate them. Never once have we Hindus questioned - How can a Christian be Defense Minister of our Country ? How can Muslim be Presidnt of our Country ? (PS : I suggest you not talk about Caste, It is an internal matter of Hinduism and we will find ways to end it. I'm sure you wont like Hindus talking about Crusades, Inquisitions, Witch Hunts and KKK - A Christian Terror Group that hunted down 25,000+ Black Americans, Chrisitans being the Greatesst Slave Traders in History etc. If we start talking about these things, You Christians wont like it and we don't intend to talk about it either. Hinduism is not about spreading Poison but creating bonds between all of Humanity.)