Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "Major medical breakthroughs in China" video.
The reason China is so successful for past few decades is - No Multiple Parties to change Policies, No Freebies with Taxpayer money, No Reservations or Quotas in China.
So the Chinese Govt can plan for next 50 years and put Serious amount of money into Research, Infrastructuer and Long term Development planning decades ahead and the best and most intelligent people at the head of these Projects, Ones who deserve to be there on Merit and Merit alone. This is what distinguishes a Good Nations from a Bad Nation - The Quality of its Top most Lecturers, Engineers, Doctors and Scientists.
Democracy is just an Over-rated Form of Government which is reaching its Expiry date. It was good for past 200 years, Now its time to think ahead and adiopt to changeing times. I don';t mean India should embrace Chinese 1 Party system, But we can definitely think about other alternatives including an Indigenous MADE IN INDIA A.I backed Government Body that makes decisions and decides long term Goals for our Civilization.
Like Chinese Leader Mao once said - "it doesn't matter what is the color of the Cat, As long as it catches Mice". We should abandon Colonial mentality of apeing the White man and think of ourselves and Future of our Nation in terms of Decade and Centuries from now. We can learn frmo our Asian counterparts - China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and implement some values from each of these Successful Nations into our Democracy, System of Governmaent and Political Leadership.