Comments by "Hindu Rashtra" (@hindurashtra63) on "BJP's Muslim outreach, Shias, Pasmandas u0026 clergy's falling clout-- Shekhar Gupta with Sanya Dhingra" video.

  1. Things to ponder whether Leftists are True or False about Lower Caste Hindus converting to Islam in Massive Numbers because of Caste Discrimination : Q 1. Why do most Poorer Muslims still retain their Hindu names ? A. Would anyone who hated his own Origin still retain his name ? Of course not. The reality is they were most probably forcibly converted, Same was ISIS or Taliban do today, To his this truth, Leftists have invented this Lie. Q 2. Why are Poorer Muslims strategically placed in the exact same route of "Islamic Invaions" if they converted willingly ? A. If they willingly converted, Muslims should have been spread in Large Pockets of Population all over India, And not just in Large Pockets especially in Routes of Historical Invasions. i.e, Khyber, Pak Punjab, Sindh, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal ? Q 3. Why do Haryana, Uttar Khand, Southern Karnataka, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan have Far Lesser or close to Nil Popoulation of Poorer Muslims if they "Willingly" converted to Islam because of Caste Oppression ? Surely Hindu Practices did not change region to region. A There are no Large Pockets of Muslims in these Regions, Because these Regions never came under Direct Islamic rule, This means Population of Poorer Muslims is directly dependant on Islamic Invasions. We have our Culprit - Its the Islamic Invasions themselves that created the Poorer Muslims (Who were forcibly converted from Hindus), There is no other expalantion needed !!! Yet, if you are ignorant of History, Leftist and Communists wantto try and hide this truth from you and want to lay all the blame on Hinduism while shieldingf Islamic Brutality and Glorify the Islamic Invadersd, All for a bunch of Shameless Votes and Rr-writing History to createa "Pseudo Secuklarism",
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