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Winsome Martinez
Fox News
Comments by "Winsome Martinez" (@winsomemartinez) on "List crowns 2022's 'Worst of the Woke' companies" video.
Love the sloganeering! Always good stuff! "Go woke go broke" "Lock her up" "Unite the right" Wow, you guys are good at this!!!
Yeah, it's something Fox made up recently and now muppets repeat "woke" as another issue of grievance on a daily basis. They'll have a different label for another item of aggrievance soon enough.... Nice to come here for my daily dose of pessimism and cynicism though. It keeps my edges sharp.
Every corporation by nature and at its core is conservative. The point of a corporation is profit. It seeks to build profits in many ways, greater sales and lowering operating expenses like production costs, labor costs and taxes. In the specific case of Disney, they decided to grow their sales using a message of inclusivity which Fox has chosen to label "woke". It would be interesting to read Fox News Corp HR message on inclusivity (yes it exists!) on air and see if it sounds "woke" to their audience.
@salbro5985 Wow, stuck on Trump much? I mention sloganeering and your mind immediately says "Trump".... Rent-free in your head, I guess.
@55points Meh, Fox wants you to believe it has hurt their sales, but in reality Disney World and Disneyland are doing fine. The shutdowns have had more to do with weakened sales until now than any reduction due to their message of inclusivity. The idea is big on Fox News, but really isn't in reality. Are there muppets who won't go to Disney because of this idea of "woke"? Sure, but they are so few that they won't be missed. And don't get me wrong, I hate mouse-corp, but not for this idea of "woke"...I hate it (and have for decades now) because it teaches kids an unrealistic and fantastical view of life through fairy tales. Good always triumphs? Not really...
@salbro5985 Weird how you writhe to include the word Trump in every response to me. And hell, don't get me wrong, I want Trump to be the center of your limited attention span. I love watching the Rs struggle...
@salbro5985 Yeah, that is literally what is happening right now. Establishment Rs are tired of losing and want your boy gone. Murdoch wants him gone. But he ain't going away without a fight and it's going to cost a lot to make him go away...delicious to watch!
@fred2903 I prefer the "malarkey" one... Sounds as old as Joe is.
@salbro5985 Are you now pretending that your posts across the past few years no longer exist? Dude, Pepperidge Farms (the wayback machine) remembers....
@Butter Emails One of my all-time favorites was: "Wait until Durham-daddy gets home"....
@niki3434 Yeah, weird how intelligent people do all that "thinking"....scary isn't it?
@MrTriple3D Buzzfeed used the term as a pejorative in 2016? Fox found the word useful as another bag into which to pile their perceived "CRT" you can pile anything you don't like or understand under that heading. There'll be a different label soon enough, I can guarantee you.
@vernonbowling5136 Read it, don't read it....I don't gaf.
@MrTriple3D Why yes I do. How about yourself? Can you describe what CRT is in a few sentences?
@MrTriple3D So, in other words, you have no idea what CRT is. You literally just gave me the Chris Rufo/Fox News invention of CRT. And no, this is not being taught to kids. Perhaps educating yourself better on the subject could help you think more clearly. CRT is an optional graduate level college course. It is an elective in (usually) law degrees. Read up on Rufo's (in his own words) creation of a tempest in a teapot. It's enlightening. And it worked for an election cycle in Virginia, but is now a worn trope. Notice it has disappeared from Fox? Yeah, there's a reason for that.
@MrTriple3D Sure dude, give some examples then. Should be easy to come up with a list of names. I'll wait...
@MrTriple3D One teacher who claims he was fired for "being critical of CRT"? That's what you have? Fired guys say a lot of things.... I see he is suing the state. It will be interesting to read how the case progresses and how his complaint will be shredded. I would hope they make an example of him to disabuse this nonsense.
@MrTriple3D You should change your U/N to UHP, because you project so well. You seem to have some weird ideas.
@MrTriple3D I did about 9 hours ago. It's a graduate level course for those studying to be lawyers. It looks at the intersection of race and reality through the lens of historical events. Audit the course and learn a few things. Lifelong learning is a good thing.
@MrTriple3D If it sounds familiar, it is because that is really the course content. It isn't copied/pasted, but my own interpretation of what I experienced in the course. Try it, it is an interesting course and is parts of history that you're probably not aware of. Widen your horizons through study....or don't. The world will go forward without you.
@MrTriple3D Ooh look, you appear to know one thing about history. Is that your favorite part? And I'm not quite sure why you think that fact somehow changes any other fact. It doesn't. Like I said, the world, and more importantly, the country will move forward with or without you. It just will.
@MrTriple3D Well, you're facing the wrong way. But I don't need to tell you that, experience is telling you that. Your views are not quixotic, just very very outdated...
@MrTriple3D They haven't and that is the point. And this dyspeptic feeling is the comeuppance of centuries of denialism....btw, I feel I don't have a dog in this fight either way, but am a pretty good arbiter of facts. My own people have been on this continent for millenia and have our own bones to pick, but they have nothing to do with CRT. I am neither white nor black...and yet I'd much prefer if y'all would find a balance point. I still think you (personally) can find that with further education and experience, but again that is up to you.