Michèle Gosse
Geopolitical Economy Report
Comments by "Michèle Gosse" (@michelegosse7116) on "French ambassador: US 'rules-based order' means Western domination, violating international law" video.
is this not quite " françois"??!! Norton chose a very clear, neat and to the point exposé of an essential issue, you know, fit for the dumb english speakers.
The photo too is good, the bodylanguuage, the distance, BS being deconstructed in real time?
The most important for us all, is keeping in mind that the usmericans do not "get it". One discourse, one concept, one world their bubble.
The deVillepin or Védrine, oioi, superieur minds, still in politics, ambassadeurs?. As Lavrov tells so well there is no diplomacy, no diplomats any more in the Atlantic West. As Trump demonstrated, what do you need them for? - - - only to orchestrate coups fomenting v i o l e n t troubles from a spook nest called embassy, Iran just picked up such a french 'diplomat'. 😂