Comments by "Hrôduuulf, son of Hrôdgêr" (@HroduuulfSonOfHrodger) on "Norse Paganism for all Ethnicities? Scandinavians only?" video.

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  3.  @thorthelionkingodinson4385  I'll definitely look into this. So far, the only people who have tried explaining to me that we don't all come from Africa have been the neo-nazis, and I am not sure if they have an agenda or are able to be objective. As for the mainstream college-educated scientists, they also seem to be subjective and are pushing their Out of Africa agenda. We know each day can bring new discoveries that disprove our current "truths" and "facts." My understanding to date is the Europeans mixed with Neanderthals, and the Asians mixed with H. floresiensis (The Hobbits), which is why they are much smaller in size. Supposedly the Africans didn't mix with either, but we also know there were many other species/sub-species of human living at the same time in Africa and all over the world, so I'm sure there was a lot of mixing. Have I seen enough proof to fully believe we are all from Africa? No. It is the "go-to" modern theory? Yes. Have I seen enough proof in other theories to overturn my belief in this? Not yet, but only time will tell. I look forward to digging up some of the cultures you mentioned and try to make the connections you speak of. I've been studying a lot of various tribal cultures and ancient people all my life, as this fascinates me. My focus today is on my own people: Europeans. I want to know more. I've been all over the world while serving in the military. It's really an eye opener to experience these "foreign" cultures first-hand. Thanks for writing!