Comments by "Hrôduuulf, son of Hrôdgêr" (@HroduuulfSonOfHrodger) on "Norse Paganism for all Ethnicities? Scandinavians only?" video.
Norse Heathens are Germanic. If you have some connection to the Germanic tribes, then sure. If not, then probably no. I cannot convert to Native American. I have zero Native American ancestry. Of course, if you go back far enough, we are all African. But we are not going back that far in time. If you are Asian, you have an amazing ancient Asian culture. If you are African, you have an amazing ancient tribal African culture. If you are Native American, you have a beautiful ancient indigenous American culture. If we are European, we have a perfect European tribal culture, be it Celtic or Germanic, or possibly Roman or Greek. But I am Germanic, and I choose to represent the Heathenry of my ancient tribal ancestors.