Comments by "Deus Ex Homeboy" (@DeusExHomeboy) on "The Completely Blind Hunter: Profiles by VICE" video.
Brett Smith Brett, Honey, sweetie, you can't be further from the truth. This is what happened: 7 billion animals(us) stole a fuck tone of land and cut a ton of it up to wastelands, then drove the populations of animals to those tiny zones, and NOW you wanna say "They are overrun with deer". Pathetic, and sadly, this opinion is quite abundant, lol.
Ohohoh, So some blind dude who gets off to someone aiming the gun for him and telling him "yeah he's gonna hit", just so he can feel less like shit. Yeah, sure, you folks are "More of a man" than me, for killing unwary little birds ,HAHAHA, One does not simply give a fuck about unsubstantiated crap thinking idiots.
So delusional and indoctrinated, that YOU ACTUALLY MISS THE WHOLE POINT LOL. Wait, what was the point... hmmm.. Oh yeah, I think it was something like " The Animal had no reason to die" or something like that.
Once again, some animal who's been taught all its life, to think like it is above everything else, wouldn't surprise me if you always miss the point.... Like this fucker misses the shot(Unless someone aims for him so he can feel like a hunter and beat off to it.).
What's brave about hiding behind a tree and shooting a deer? Wow, must be a bunch of typical "Absorbents of ancestral bullshit", who just copy other monkeys without actually thinking about their actions with whatever's left of their brains after shrinking under all the crap.
I'd rather be a "pussy fagget" than be some fuck who goes around killing animals and thinks, "I am a fucking man, fuck yeah murrikah"/
lel. O man, this is gonna piss ya off.
BakedAlaska I never said he "pretends to be not blind". I said, he doesn't come to terms with his situation and continues to act like he can hunt, and wants to go on doing something, the outcome of which is just someone dying (oh i guess it doesn't matter since its not of our species).
Dude, wtf, lol? Where did i say " we need to go on hunting to keep animal populations down " ? Are you shitting on my pants right now?..
People here like to pretend like they're a part of the natural order and that life is "tough" so better kill or be killed, all that macho small dick bullshit. They pretend like they're killing for the same reasons as wild animals do, LOL, this world's delusion's over 9000000000000000000!!
Stop including yourself among "every species". Our species has a CHOICE, yet you want to go on killing when there is no need, and then enjoying it, not to forget Justifying and Commending it. *Flies away*
Mario Betancourt haha, I much prefer the title of a" Mentally handicapped hypocrite" (Though i think you need to be logically functional to commit hypocrisy), than be tagged with a bunch of dysfunctional, senseless fucks who use "nature" as an excuse to go around killing without purpose(well or some purpose pulled of of their nan's ass), Not to mention Feeling jacked up and badass about it and then for the bonus, commending and justifying it, lol. Bigots who see every other lifeform other than the ones like themselves, as lesser than them, and as their property. Kind of like the Nazis and the Slave Owners( Probably your ancestors, no wonder, lel)
Bart Van Riel You are telling me to be proud because people before me ended up creating fights that they didn't have to, first you create a problem, then pretend like you solved it, then wait for the future where everyone praises you.
"Fought to raise me", "ashamed", they were actually vegetarians and did not hunt, and we lived just fine, not great, lol, but fine.
People shouldn't talk when they only look as far as they've been told.
No, Blind people aren't stupid(well the stupid ones are, but that goes for everyone), but this one in particular, is.
XmadbeastX And what part of "being with nature" has anything to do with killing an animal?
It's self affirming delusion, something you people create out of thin air, like more of this civilisation, which is evil in it's roots, but you call it sacred/special, because otherwise, you would be the guilty one.
"over populated" Have you seen the Human? How Many that species has made, go hunt them.
"ethical", Is it Ok if i kill somebody, then EAT them, Will i be Freed of my Sins? Lol, How come you are so special then? Oh that's right, because everyone else around you told you and they are so. I guess they're right, or in allegory, just a whole pile of idiots who change the Very Standard of stupidity so they become smart people.
dude, you are making be believe that you have somewhat flawed logic, here's why : First you say "Deer are overpopulated" not in comparison, no, but Ok.
Then you say "we kill them so they don't die to disease or Brutal winters." Are you shitting me? Let's Kill EVERY ANIMAL RIGHT NOW, so they Don't die NATURAL DEATHS, Yeah, We're Doing GOOD by killing an animal RIGHT NOW, so that he/she doesn't even get the chance to try. Nice nice nice nice.
Yeah, the first time you shot a deer, you cried because you couldn't kill him in one shot, because the life didn't leave him instantly, it seeped out, slowly, but you still went on to end his existence, and then had some nice steak and boom, happy ending in your house with your mom with your dad, meanwhile the parent/child of the Deer would be out there Searching and searching.
You're not a douchebag because you shot a deer, but i will call you one, not because you took a life (People do that everyday when they have their food), but because you killed one with your very hands, and you sere STILL incapable of seeing how similar you were, you rejected his being, you called it meat, you rejected the pain he felt because of you.
If you talk to a Rapist, or a Serial Killer, or your chip off the old block Woman Beater, They CAN EACH, give you a Reason to Why they find Their Respective Actions MEANINGFUL, how they "connect" to their Recipient, they ALL have a Justification for doing it.
Now, Multiply the number of Aforementioned People to EQUAL The number of current Hunters, etc.
What Difference do you see? A different animal is suffering, suffering nonetheless.
Vie Loi Actually, if you mean <that picture, then you are wrong, lol.(why would i put someone else's image as mine, lol?.. unless for a joke, then it makes sense, but come on haha).
At this point, if I were you, I would stop and think to myself, who's the misinformed and ignorant one :D.
What a Self-Pwn, lol
Arthur Rightus Well, here's the thing: I accept intelligent arguments against my "beliefs" and respond to them politely, mostly.
BUT, when I see people who are even Older than me, and have a MUCH better LIFE, have access to more INFORMATION with ease, yet they come here with their random points, with so much confidence in their validity. I will State some, for example:
1- "We help animals by eating them or they would become extinct."
2- "Eating Plants actually wastes more land and resources."
3- "Humans are predators and this is survival."
4- "They don't think like us."
5- "You NEED to eat meat or you will be unhealthy and malnourished."
6- "We help save deforestation."
7 "We help take care of the animal and their families in the abattoir."
8- "You murder Vegetables, you're no better(lol)."
You expect me to have a sensible discussion with them? The same people who, if gave the smallest shits about ANY animal, then they WOULD STOP Killing SEVERAL BILLION sentient beings EVERY YEAR, but cry for for animal getting beaten with a stick, and then PRETEND that they've done nothing bad? Then Still go on filling and spreading this garbage around the world.
Talk about herd mentality. Everyone with the same fucked up thoughts which support their habits, get together in unison, and suddenly, Taking billions of lives, VOLUNTARILY, becomes a Cool thing to do and everyone's doing it and it's the shit, lol. remembers Nazi Germany and the Ussr(but they actualy killed less "non-people")
Yeah, I can't have a decent conversation with those kind of people and there's so many of them, that the new ones just look at the numbers and a button clicks, and its all Perfect... well at least for you. The Billions still die, but hey, it's nice and warm on the table, who gives a shit what they were before being food, amirite guiissse?!
You apparently think that a DEER's life is INTRINSICALLY below a Human's, do you know how fucking stupid that sounds to an intelligence that is not human?
You are telling me that an animal who NEVER committed a crime, never hurt anybody, NEVER fucking EVER, is LOWER than men who beat women, rapists, KKK, terrorists, Capitalists, Murderers, Pedophiles, and the other 141251564 things that follow, simply because they look/sound/etc/etc, like you, or because someone told you so?
If you read till here, Here's the funny thing:
If all these people Actually wanted to or actually cared, they would have made the tiniest effort to at least educate themselves about the lives they are taking(you too probably), and wouldn't be offended by what I said, because it's more honest than the self-justifying/herofying bullshit most people've been feeding themselves here.
We're done here.
Arthur Rightus No, they're not helpful in preventing "overpopulation" (doesn't realise his own species is overpopulating but that's not a problem lol, here cometh the double standards,or denial). First, the same hunters(or the same kind), goes and kills all the NATURAL PREDATORS, then says " dawmn, these deers are growing out of control, JESUS BLESS ME, I'm going in to stop the Mass populated Deers of satan!!" Goddammit stop with this shit lol.
If this is NOT self-pwn, then what is, lol? Do you REALLY want your one flash of existence in this universe to be lost by the ideas of the ones who came before, and then you "inherit" them so proudly, thinking that it actually means something.
OF COURSE I WILL WRITE A NOVEL, LOL. That's how much effort it takes to describe the mass ignorance going on here, along with correcting it for people who might be willing to change their minds, so shoot me(or the deer, because he's automatically inferior to me by the law of allah or god or something).
Meat eating helps ZERO in "feeding the overpopulating", as i said, If you wanted to do research, 3 minutes would have been more than enough to tell you that it takes Multiples of times more land to grow the crops t ofeed the same animals who when killed produce maybe 10% of the total food (but oooh praise the almighty meat). Did nobody tell you that only around 45% of a pig is edible and the beef falls around the same lines too.
I'd rather be stubborn, than be completely wrong about what I "know" yet go on believing because it supports the actions which would be condemned otherwise."
Here's another thing:
I'd rather be hostile and stubborn on a comment section of youtube than be out there partaking in the celebrated slaughter of billions of sentient beings, who are betrayed by the very people who raised them, lol, and then Feeling good about it and actually warping my thoughts so far, that it feels like it all makes sense.
Try imagining a mountain of all the living things that died for people like you(even that of the last year is enough), the final thoughts of every single one of them, a mountain of corpses and entrails which you and many others took part in, and now you celebrate it, because you are so deep into it that you don't even feel it's worth turning back, so you WILL probably still continue, because your nevrous system has comfy'd into the whole idea.
Or maybe becayse you just don't like me, so your mind will try to avoid anything that i say, doesn't matter how factually correct it might be, because that would spoil the haven of ideas that your mind has built. And it is, sadly so very easy, to go on pretending than face reality. ooh, whammy.
Peace out blazeit 420
***** I am the creator of the OP, so, if you do, it seems to be giving you random trouble that i reply to the posts on MY OP, i certainly feel obligated. But, i shall not waste more time on you, just had to reply to clarify somethings, lel.
That apparently wasn't obvious enough to your obviousness meter.
An idiot calling me an idiot, i guess it must be justified in your little brain, so can't really blame you. "higher state of consciousness", lol, don't make me laugh. Just because a few human beings became smarter than the majority, you guys again, start bandwagoning and leeching off someone else's achievements to make yourself feel like you did something.
***** If you see some of the posts from maybe a few weeks ago, i am relatively calm in my approach. Though, none of what i wrote is to help me. I am not here to give rights to myself, or defend myself. Heck, our "beliefs" and "Ideas" are almost a non-factor, yet someone could actually think that it is better to continue the killing than it is to stop, at least if your life doesn't depend on it.
But I'm not gonna just let someone tell me and impressionable people all around, that it is Better to kill and eat them than it is to completely leave them alone. Everytime i make a statement, people just seem to never judge themselves, they just think that everything that they thought up till now, has worked till today, why not forever? Maybe it is the good thing to do after all.
Of course you didn't say the quoted words, but you did say that "Humans" as Whole, have reached a higher state of consciousness, which other animals have not.
That is incorrect. Here's why: There's animals who have thousands of times better senses than we do, which means they can perceive the world better than us in certain aspects, like birds can sense the electro magnetic waves of this planet, which means they ARE more conscious of those things. a being with higher consciousness does not go around robbing people of their rights, or ANYTHING negative deliberately done by humanity.
There are people who are so addicted to some chemicals, that they want nothing else, there's people who lie on the road all day. I doubt they've reached a higher level of consciousness, and that's just ones from the bottom of the pile.
That is why I said your morality is limited to certain chosen organisms who you/environment around you picks as a no-no to eat and the ones you eat, suddenly become excluded and don't matter as if you have all the answers and the perfect conclusion's that they are GO to eat. I just don't understand how a mind can function in this way and accept it as correct.
Your Empathy has holes in it. Holes which let the animals you consume be nothing more than food, and of course you Know that what you think is right or you wouldn't be thinking like that.
That's the weirdest thing, to think that it's better to eat meat than it is to not, or why would you deliberately choose the latter.
Yep, we be tricky self eluding master creatures.
I am here, speaking for the whole planet, and then i have to respond to the same garbage they throw at me everytime, the same unfounded shiznit.
When i mention people like Adolf and Stalin, is to Show you, how the people who they massacred, were no MORE than ANIMALS to them. Entire Countries consisting of "Higher consciousness" humans, Rallied towards the genocide of a certain type of people, because it benefited them. IF you do not want to notice the striking similarity in the mental process of warping one's perception, then you don't have to, it doesn't make a difference in my mind.
Not acknowledging a Disease doesn't make it go away, and calling it a good thing, doesn't change it either. That is what that idea is.
We can ramble ramble ramble for Days on end, trying to pretend like we are the holders of the ultimate answer, rejecting the other person's ideas, but in the end, Billions of animals will still die, as they are dying while I type this and nothing has changed, worse yet, People truly believe that it's better to consume sentient beings, than it is to not, lel.
Well, my family was against any products which kill animals. Well they all had religious reasons, but it still leads them to NOT participate in the genocide(it is by Definition, a perpetuated genocide). My reasons were religious in the early years, but I stayed like that for my morals.
. All my life, I lived in a village, so The cow from whom I got the milk, lived in the next door, never suffered(let alone getting strung upside down and throat cut).
I did once, with my nephew, accidentally take a bit of meat "dumplings", because you don't know what's inside. Well we spat it out in the first bite, and my nephew threw up in front of me, lol. That's the closest I got to it.
Yes, you don't find it fun, but the animals who die for it don't really care what you feel(because they're busy getting butchered). "I keeping these 'coloured' slaves and beating women, but I do not enjoy it " (you might not be able to see the similarity, but I can, because I am not biased towards animals who simply look like me).
Ask yourself; "Did you REALLY need to kill the ones you did, or you could have done with some veggies and bread?" Was it Literally, the ONLY choice you had?"
Heck, man, we were poor, but never so much that we had to kill someone to eat.
I feel morality coming from you, but I ask you to revalue what you learnt all these years, I am a pessimist at heart, but I still don't throw morality out, instead try to build it outside the safe circle of the human perception and comfort.
Peace :D. and if you read till here, sorry for my harsh language, but I am simply not trying to get on the good side of people. Is that what I must do to make people realise the obvious? I just skip the PR :D