Comments by "Far Rider" (@farrider3339) on "Bernie Sanders Remarks on Iran following Suleimani Asassination" video.

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  3.  @ahmadahmed214  : just to give a glimpse of knowledge : Ak47 is fucking Russian killer machine. Since this YOUR reference point about Arabian technologies me see confirmation about toaster statement. Taking pride in being able to copy other engineers (in this case devastating) knowledge , me see the Arabian spirit clearly. Be assured the least ting me do is underestimate the deadly potential residing there in what is called near east. Me also know that it is been a mistake caused by western arrogance to divide near east the way we see it on maps today. Traditional and geographical bases have been completely ignored and overlooked when after WW 1 colonial "powers" destroyed Arabian land and culture and everything that Arabia felt to be proud of. Since those days "near east" is out on revenge for the humiliation done to them. Me understand this very well. But it this constant look in the rear view mirror , that prevents the entire Arabian/Islamic countries from moving forward. And last but not least be assured that my conclusions as arrogant as they might appear to you are based on carefully done observations and conclusions. Religious indoctrinations in west and especially east which are derived from the middle ages and times prior to that are causing the conflicts of these days. Even inside Islam there is a vendetta at rage against their own fella brothers and sisters. This is what man calls civilization. Me repeat : technological skills ( engineering + computer tech face book google so forth and so on ) are still stuck in dark middle ages in near and far east. These are the topics that should be discussed in the nations mentioned above. Do you really want to go on like that ? Western nations offer shelter to refuges from Arabian countries. Where are the "great" Arabian nations in these urgent matters? Libanon only is offering place. The other multi billion dollar states like for example Saudi is buying weapons to shoot more of their fella brothers and sisters inspite of offering food cloths and shelter. Bye good Sir .•°