Comments by "Chris RoadWarrior" (@ChrisRoadWarrior) on "France and Germany 'convinced' Greece belongs in euro" video.
@fialidia There is no hatred towards Greek ppl, I don't know where did you get that idea, YES, total disagreement with the way greek ppl are used to DEMAND from their own government, that the gov must provide pretty much everything for the ppl, jobs, healthcare, education, pensions, vacations, etc., and that's been the way of life since the end of WW2, and when the country is not reach in oil, minerals, any other precious exporting things and u still give the ppl pretty much everything...
@slonamu And why did they get there? Are you willing to mention the HUGE social entitlements we in CDA (or USA) don't even dream to one day have? large union salaries, hefty pensions, paid vacations, paid sick days, free health care, free education, etc., and what Greece is good in the world, what do they do to bring money back to the budget to avoid such huge debt, greeks cannot live w/o those amazing social entitlements, wonder if ordinary germans really know where their money is going to!
@kkmargaris No, I live in TORONTO and speak ZERO french, but if you like Africa, please be my guest...
I'm self-employed, pay for my own pension, have my own PRIVATE healthcare plan, pay for my vacations, pay for my kids education, am part of no unions, no damn government in my life, every year I vacation only in the States on my own money, so now you understand how I feel about Greece?
@ludovick691 "greek officials": SOCIALISTS since WW2, my beef is with the huge social entitlements we in CDA (and in the States) don't even dare dreaming about, so, where the money is coming from for those huge social entitlements, Greece does not have any type of real industry like oil, steel, minerals, car manufacturing, etc., just tourism and some fruits and their famous olive oil, you cannot pay for so much spending only with that stuff, that's the main root cause of their current problems.
@kkmargaris I'm a white guy (how are you gonna call me know?) and totally agree with 'SLONA MU', not necessarily about Athens (never been to your country) but on all the other things he/she said, you, greek ppl have enjoyed huge social entitlements for maybe FIFTY years, we in CDA can't even dream on such huge salaries, pensions, paid vacations, sick days, etc., plus education and health care paid by the gov, we do not have such things in CDA, I guess now your free ride is OVER, for GOOD.
@slonamu OK, let's do it like this: DO YOU KNOW WHAT SOCIAL ENTITLEMENTS ARE?
BTW, you said greeks would live in slavery if... well, if they live in slavery, we in CDA must be living in a concentration camp cause we cannot even dream of having their SOCIAL ENTITLEMENTS. Education is not free ($5K/year), 50% free health care, up to 2 weeks paid vacation after TWENTY years of continuous work with the very same company, retirement age ~75 years of age, etc., can greeks live like us, canadians?