Comments by "Chris RoadWarrior" (@ChrisRoadWarrior) on "Apaches deployed in Libya" video.
@Soldior This must be an INDIVIDUAL decision, about drinking alcohol and/or do drugs and other things bad for your health, in no way government policies to DICTATE everybody how to run their PRIVATE lives, ok? Yes, at work and while driving, strongly illegal, but not in your private life for instance birthday party, or wedding, etc. And sorry, one beer or a glass of wine, but NOT before you plan on driving, is not harmful in any way, contrary, red wine is good for those with low blood pressure.
@Soldior I guess your leader gives you those little western-style pieces of democracy in order to allow him (read: never protest against him) to stay in power for good, THAT IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, ok? Now, once it for all, to make myself clear 4 u, personally I've never included your leader, the ones of Egypt (Mubarak) or Tunisia, Morocco, so northern Africa, in the same DESPICABLE category with Iran or Syria, or before, Iraq (SH), and that;s why I'm personally neutral in the Libya conflict.
@Soldior "Libya is not based on religion like Iran" in this case you make religion and Qoran so important on your YT profile??? For us, ppl in the west, that means FUNDAMENTALISM, ok? And nobody like that, ok? Don't worry, I'm against homo marriage and against abortion BUT I don't make my christian faith as a bumper sticker on my car, understand?
Alcohol, except for driving, what's wrong with it?
Political freedoms = multi-party FREE elections, FREE press, FREE ppl, anything like this in Libya?
@Soldior You need channels like Sun News in CDA or Fox News in USA, both privately-run channels and both very strongly anti-state-run media, in order to hear the real truth, as much as that might hurt somebodies feelings. On Fox/Sun News you're free to offend ANYBODY, no matter sexual orientation, religion (yes, Islam included), gender, they tell the truth about the damn global warming global policies (take money from the rich and pass it on to the poor countries), truth about socialism, etc.