Comments by "" (@artstation707) on "Immigration Referendum? White British Becoming an Ethnic Minority is Bigger than Brexit, yet no vote" video.

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  15.  @diamonds7504  There's nothing wrong with going abroad if you contribute to the local economy, or if your stay is temporary, or if only a reasonable number arrive. When the numbers are millions "legally," it's a horrendous problem. I cannot understand how the people of Britain allowed MANY millions of EU Slavs entry. It is suicide. Okay, so some people are racist, and don't like dark skin, ignorant that more than 10% of the British population has always been "ethnic". But to think it's a problem, and that you can solve it by allowing in MILLIONS of EU Slavs, is astounding. The truth is, you don't even know how many entered! Furthermore, they're not tourists. They're there to stay, and they don't need to assimilate. You see, if the numbers are reasonable, assimilation is necessary. But when whole families walk in unhindered, and entire streets become saturated with people from the same non-traditional non-commonwealth nations, you have a problem. Local British citizens are undercut in the jobs market. Their futures are stolen by people born in Eastern Europe. If they manage to have children, those kids will attend overcrowded schools. Healthcare suffers under the burden of millions of new patients, millions of anchor babies. These people take. They don't give. They occupy. It's obscene, and I really don't understand how anyone can support this lunacy. Worse still, people blame actual British citizens born and bred in Britain, in their third, fourth and fifth generations, simply because their skin is darker. It's shocking. It's shameful. Furthermore, it's hypocritical, evil, and a blot on the reputation of those considering themselves "English" suggesting no such thing ever existed.
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  19. ​ @g.f.w.6402  I'm not responding to your hostility. Your appraisal of the situation needs some revision. Most people in the EU scratch their heads wondering why Britain left, and tend to ask why she should be so upset, having derived her wealth from many colonies. In the early 1990s, when only 12 nations comprised the European Union, things were fine and balanced. We interacted with peers from France and Germany. It was fun. The possibility of political integration did not offend. The "we" here are a lost generation of young Brits, including the British sons of those British Colonies, who'd been invited after the war to partake of the spoils of Empire that once was. Of course, no one would have believed, in the early years of the 21st century, that our country was being watched... by predators looking for ways to steal the inheritance of the British Commonwealth. A problem / solution paradigm delivered in 1997 the most popular government in British history, one with a mandate to do whatever it wanted. They'd tried to warn us, the Conservatives tried, putting out posters showing the new Prime Minister with sinister eyes, watching and waiting for the opportunity to act, and he did, signing treaties which led eventually to more treaties, which created an overlap in free movement zones exploited by brainwashed and opportunist EU Slavs fooled into believing the West is heaven. They entered in numbers only psychopaths could ignore. One third of the existing population of Britain arrived! One third as much!
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