Comments by "" (@BasementEngineer) on "Hürtgen forest and the end of World War II | DW Documentary" video.

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  4.  @barbsmart7373  The Jews that were shot fell into one of three categories: They were Soviet communist commissars, and these were hated by all sides, especially by their own nationals. Do some reading to find out why. Second, they were part of the partisan armed civilians attacking German troops from the rear. This is illegal by international agreement and those caught are executed immediately without a hearing or trial. All sides did this. The third group was reprisals. This was the arbitrary roundup of a number of civilians in retaliation for aiding partisan actions. This was unfortunate but all sides did this. On the western front the Germans did not do this extensively for a number of reasons. On the eastern front they were not so magnanimous. That is war. There is a moral to this story: Do not declare war on Germany! Germany might lose but the price of victory is extremely high. The Roman, British, & USSR empires all had to learn this the hard way. And the USA is reaping its just rewards now. Churchill was quoted as saying: "You have not fought a war until you have fought the Germans!" As to the claims of the holocaust. In Germany no factual defense is permissible if one is accused of questioning the politically correct narrative. Any defense lawyer who tried this was jailed! Personally I have never been referred to any forensic or other scientific, verifiable evidence. Eye witness testimony is worthless without substantiating material factual evidence As the Zuendel trials in Toronto during the 1980's PROVED, there wasn't even any German documentation to show any order to mass execute Jews or others. Please research this yourself and form your own conclusions.
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  47. Do you think this is a good thing? I would prefer that each nation do its own thing and let the best system prevail. Natural selection if you will. Ask yourself this question: Why did the entire capitalist world join forces with the communist world, after all, they are sworn enemies as the cold war proved, to destroy a small European country? Because under the NSDAP government Germany had proven to be a better economic system than the other 2 alternatives. The German economy was booming with no unemployment by the mid 1930's. The Volkwagen was developed and became, with Toyota, the largest, most successful automobile corporations in the world. Then there was the construction of the Autobahn, the model for the USA interstate highway system. Then there is Kraft durch Freude, the holiday system whereby ordinary Germans had the opportunity to travel and visit foreign countries, at very reasonable cost. Are you aware that in Germany the worker's holidays are partially paid for by life insurance companies? That's because these worthies figured out, imagine that, that holidays make for healthier people with longer lives. This allows the insurance companies to hang onto the premiums paid for longer periods of time, earning more investment income, before having to pay death benefits. Have you ever heard of such a thing anywhere else? Me neither. Then there was government to government trade. Germany would ship machinery and fertilizer to Argentina, who would in return ship meat and grain to Germany. No international bankers involved who profited from the work of others. The British and other international banks would not stand for this and fostered war. The mantra that All Wars are Bankers' Wars rings true to this individual.
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