Comments by "" (@genghissmith4949) on "Transgender Soldiers Sue Trump" video.
Citizen of Kekistan Utter bs....if you're going to assert it is a 'mental illness' you really need to give your credentials/ qualifications for stating such nonsense. I've always found it funny how you types always claim it is a left versus right subject, and obfuscate the left is being intolerant of others views, when it is you who lack empathy for trans folk. Generally speaking, the trans I have known in the past have no strong political leanings one way or the other, they simply want the support they need, and have been denied for far too long. There are many who, when given this support and understanding, go on to do rather well in life. One in particular I know of was the head of the engineering dept. at the Yorkshire Post newspaper, in my neck of the woods. She was a tough, no-nonsense type who had no qualms about getting her hands dirty when problems arose, and was spectacularly successful in her job. I have nothing but admiration for such people, who succeed in spite of the hatred and bigotry you types throw at them. You could say they have, er, balls (sorry, couldn't resist). 'Conservatives have demonstrated this that beliefs are key'......what on earth are you talking about?!? Stop waffling and focus, man. And far from being hypocritical 'Liberals' (again, not a left/right issue) are simply supporting a section of society who you types simply cannot help but attack. They are showing the empathy that you are obviously lacking. It's one of the most important of human qualities.
QuartuvLarry This is just too hilarious.....and yet sad at the same time. You actually say that because you have typed 'You mean proof OTHER than the fact that they are psychologically living in a state of denial' then that counts as proof. You poor sad are an embarrassment to your cause, and also to humanity. I mean, surely there must be SOME adult education classes near you trailer park? LOL. The thing is, Q, what you call 'political correctness' has a nasty habit of becoming accepted practice in our society: e.g. banishing segregation, accepting mixed race marriage, same-sex marriage, etc., etc., etc. Now, you are perfectly free to continue with your sad '50's mindset, we really couldn't give a toss. Meanwhile the rest of us (i.e. society) is continuing to move past your dark world of hatred and bigotry. It's your kids I feel sorry for!
QuartuvLarry Ah, the old "it's a strawman" utterly predictable of you to use a worn out, useless ploy of the right. So, let's go over my posts: I refuted your statement 'you mean proof OTHER than the fact that they are psychologically living in a state of denial' by pointing out that just because that is your personal opinion it in no way whatsoever counts as proof. Hmm, no strawman there. Ok, let's continue; I have stated that transgender people have been serving in various countries militaries for very many years without serious incident, and that if they're strong enough to survive the training they are deserving of the chance to serve. Again, no strawman, it pertains to our discussion. I have never said the incidence of suicide attempts by this group are not higher than in the general population.......of course they are ( to a large extent due to the narrow-minded bigotry of you idiots, I might add). But the strength of transgenders who have served in the military for many years is plain to spite of the extra obstacles they may endure they cause no problems. You have no basis nor examples to support your 'argument'. Look, I get it: you simply do not like transgender people. It seeps through every one of your wish they didn't exist. But they DO exist.....always have done, and always will. I realised a long time ago you types need to have someone to look down on to function: a few years back it was gays, but (most) of you have realised you lost that one, so have moved on to the next vulnerable group. And you're too stupid to realise you have lost this one also. The US will do the right, fair thing in the end, just as it has done with other issues of equality, and will catch up with other more enlightened countries. Yes, your beloved man-child will try to slow down that process, but reason will prevail in the end: history will not look back kindly on his chaotic reign. So I repeat: you are too stupid to realise you have lost. You have nothing. Time to look into those adult education classes, Q!