Comments by "" (@genghissmith4949) on "The Bible and the belt: Inside a camp for gay youth | ABC News" video.
Dena Campbell You really are an endless fount of entertainment, sad only have to look in the mirror to see who is REALLY the true embarrassment here! I see no signs thus far of you having a brain, that's for sure. Your obsessions with Muslims and Communism are just pathetic......grow up. The Democrat party is nowhere near being communist, you poor stupid woman: you simply prove you have no idea what communism is! And, at 60, OF COURSE I know about the atrocities committed by communist dictators, you know nothing about me by claiming I didn't. I repeat: you are a LIAR. Let me repeat, you are a sad, pathetic fool who thinks they are making sound points, but no you are not. Go back to school, you are not worthy.
Dena Campbell Jebus woman, you really are the gift that keeps on giving! Your stupidity and ignorance are astounding: how have I failed, 'lesbian'? You have so far not refuted ANYTHING I have just ignore my points and spout yet more utter crap. I have already told you how good my life is now I no longer have to tolerate you religious nutters, so please explain to me in what way this is me failing??? I have already educated you on the plain fact that the vast majority of people are now on our side, so how is this 'losing the debate'??? Do you seriously think all the peeps who are now on our side are communists, ffs??? I skip over NOTHING, fake lesbian, and my REAL facts absolutely are working for us.....spectacularly! You. Have. Nothing. Now let me educate you some more, god (lol) knows you certainly need it: when you give links in support of your pathetic nonsense you have to make sure they are unbiased, and factworthy. THAT is the way facts work! So I clicked on to your link, and after the first few seconds knew enough not to waste my time any further on this ONE AND A HALF HOURS WORTH OF BIASED RIGHT-WING GARBAGE! I mean, Curtis Bowers??? Ffs, fake lesbian, your brainwashing is complete! At this point I feel I have to repeat a simple fact: YOUR LINKS NEED TO BE UNBIASED. I have all the evidence I need to know you are a low-grade specimen of trailer trash who doesn't merit the title of Human Being. Have a nice day.
Dena Campbell You know, a decade or two ago I never thought our rights would have advanced to the extent they have in my lifetime, nor that the great majority of people (especially in the US, which in so many ways is, shall I say, 'backward thinking') would change their minds so soon to support their gay friends and some ways our society has gone the right way and improved the lives of ALL its citizens. And for all your wailing about you religious extremists being persecuted, you have lost nothing except your right to punish others for being different. But wail on, fake lesbian, the stupidity and ignorance of your kind are speeding this process up, and ever more countries will recognise the value of treating their LGBT citizens with the respect due. Have I failed, really, fake lesbian? LOL.....only in your alternate reality!
Dena Campbell 'How did anyone observe and study the big bang when no one was here to see it, nor see evolution'. Sigh, we did not need to be at the actual event, utterly ridiculous moron, we can observe the after-effects even billions of years later. Ok, here goes: Astronomers have observed that the Universe is spreading apart, and their studies and experiments have lead almost all of them to conclude the Big Bang was an actual occurrence, and that it happened roughly 13.8 billion years ago, on a Wednesday. It's called SCIENCE, disgusting creature, and of course those of us who have had at least a half-decent education trust these people, who are responsible for all the advancement of the Human Race. As for the rest of your tract, it is as usual utter garbage: you have (of course!) ignored my fact that the babble has been rewritten and altered many times and uses circular reasoning in support of its "facts". I would suggest you google What is the evidence for the Big Bang, by Fraser Cain, but apparently you are incapable of googling....... Seek help.
Dena Campbell You know, with every post you prove my point about you being a low quality piece of humanity.....your 'points', cut-and pasted from your extremist websites, are all lies that no longer work for you. The only people who believe such ridiculous nonsense are your fellow religious nutters, who are slowly dwindling: like I said, and which (of course) you ignore, no-one of any worth believes your crap these days. 1. Your religion is akin to Islam, in that both have destroyed countless innocent lives. You are a LIAR. 2. Of course homosexuality is natural, for those of us who are gay. If you were truly a lesbian you would know that. You are a LIAR. 3. There is no peace in your twisted version of religion, only hatred for those who cannot think as you. You are a LIAR. 4. You have ignored my point about you types trying to turn back the clock and take our rights away, and that some states deny still deny us many rights. You are a LIAR. 5. Do you not remember the hatred and violence accorded us in the past, "lesbian"? OF COURSE we needed safe spaces. But we are no longer vulnerable: you hate-filled religious extremists no longer have the power to damage our lives. Yes, disgusting creature, I do have a spine, as do so many LGBT, which is why we are in the situation we are in, with the vast majority now on our side. I 'grew up' many decades ago! 6. In spite of your pathetic rantings, we are indeed getting close to achieving equal rights, through the struggles of many past activists who are no longer with us (and make no mistake, we will never forget what they went through at the hands of you disgusting bigots) and the struggles WE have been through, and which, of course, you choose to ignore. The many happy, successful same sex households I have encountered who are generally doing a great job raising children show that homosexuality is absolutely natural...for homosexuals! And proves my point that you are a LIAR. 7. Your petty and murderous "creator" has never existed.....but if he did he would certainly have a lot to answer for. The only hell there is is right here on earth for far too many people: your "god" is nowhere to be seen. 8. Every point you have made is tired, worn-out, and wrong....I have seen you saddoes use them countless times, and they no longer work for you. Nobody cares about your twisted extremist version of religion any more, Dena: you have lost, while on this topic, the rest of society has won. As I said, my partner and I are surrounded by the love of our friends and family, and that is all we need and ask for: we are happy. We know we are living our one life the way it was meant to be lived: the way God made us. Is that too much emotion for you, sad little girl? May I repeat: your LIES no longer work for you!
Dena Campbell You are wrong: it is you who are confused and in error. Religion has destroyed many lives, and it is sad your mind has been twisted by such religious insanity. You ask what rights don't gays have, well I can tell you the rights we HAVE gained have had to be fought for vigorously, and our enemies (YOU) are forever plotting to wind them back....we know we have to be vigilant. At 60 I can remember past times when you types had power, and gays none. I can remember friends being fired because they didn't 'fit in' (i.e. they were gay). I can remember the abuse we got from police, our safe spaces being raided, peoples lives ruined by being publicly exposed for being gay. I can remember people not being able to visit their same-sex partners in hospital, because their partners families didn't approve. And do you know what, stupid woman? Some of these things are STILL allowed in some US states. So why do you put gay rights in quotation marks? We have EARNED our equal rights: you religious extremists can no longer damage our lives. But make no mistake, we have just started. There are far too many countries where your kind are still able to make the lives of LGBT a living hell, and we will continue to support and help them where we can. As you types usually are, you're a liar: we are not demanding Christians give up their right to faith......but then you lot are experts at twisting the facts, aren't you!
Dena Campbell 'No-one is born gay or straight'. The fact is, some people are born to BE gay: I knew at a very early age that I was different, long before I heard of the word homosexual. It wasn't until I escaped from the insanity of religion....YOUR insanity.....that I accepted the simple fact that I was gay, and that was how I was meant to be. I wasted far too many years trying to live life according to your f'ed up values, and probably wouldn't be here now if I hadn't found a way out. You make absolutely no sense when you claim to be a lesbian, and in the next sentence say it is unnatural! I mean, how twisted is that shit: homosexuality has existed from the very start, and many animals exhibit it, so OF COURSE it is natural.....for homosexuals! I repeat, I was born to be gay, and my life only improved (greatly) when I accepted that fact. Now, in my middle age, I am accepted, loved, and happy. I have lived with my wonderful male partner for many years, and will shortly be married. We will be surrounded by the love of ALL our friends, family and colleagues, it will be a great day. I feel sorry for you, that you have been brainwashed to the extent you feel you are "sinning" by being gay, but it is not my problem: I no longer have to tolerate such insane bigotry. Cheers from a very happy homosexual!
Dena Campbell Yes, vile creature, ALL society wins when it’s citizens are treated as sad you are too stupid to realise that, but hey, I think I’ll be able to live with it, lol. Meanwhile out here in realityville the gays are getting married, rearing kids admirably, enjoying the full support of family and friends..... and there is not a damn thing you can do to change that fact! Society wins, you, vile creature, have lost. Seek help.
Dena Campbell Yet again you are hilarious: ALL my points are rooted in reasoning, and are based on truth and logic, vile creature, whereas all your UTTER RIDICULOUS shite is based on religious crap. I see you have completely ignored all my relevant points in my last 3 change there then, lol. You are simply incapable of reasoning, sad woman: your debating skills are, as always, appalling. And here you are again lying about me: no, you disgusting creature, I would NEVER support incest, paedophilia and murder, as guess what.....THEY ARE HARMFUL TO SOCIETY. Can you sink any lower in suggesting I would support such things? L O L......of course you can, vile creature! Are you seriously saying that same-sex marriage shouldn't be allowed because of the large occurrence of broken marriages (presumably straight) and kids getting into trouble?!? LOL, what a pathetic joke you are! Kids raised in same-sex households are doing just fine, vile have nothing. The remainder of your last two sad rants is just meaningless nonsense ( no change there then!) and so is unworthy of my time. Seek help.