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NBC News
Comments by "" (@genghissmith4949) on "NBC News" channel.
สุธิดา ศรีเทพ Then you’re a failure as a grandfather and a human being.
Make America Great Again It’s beautiful the love so many people STILL have for your last great President....and truly gratifying seeing you trumpzombies impotent rants because your current embarrassment of a leader will never be loved in the same way. Lol, even Spanky shows how jealous he is of Obama daily 😉😂
Marcellus Aaron But they DO know what gender they are, sad bigot. Nice deflection though....
hamish themack But Obama didn’t start those wars did he, you sad specimen? As for cadet Bonespurs being the better person.....just wow.
Make America Great Again Thank you for displaying my point, that you sad specimens are filled with hate for that truly great man....I pity the majority in your country that never wanted this insanity.
John the surfer Of course you can have a ‘straight pride parade’ that the rest of us can laugh at you morons 😂😂😂
Church Planting Catalyst The thing I realise is that even now, years aft this presidency, he is revered and loved across the globe. He came so close to giving Americans what they need and for all. But the Republican controlled House wanted to thwart everything Obama wanted to achieve. You fools snatched defeat when you were so close to victory. I just find it sad that you are the only country that begrudges proper healthcare for it’s fellow citizens.
Chadillac That’s exactly my many of you Americans ARE losing because of the clown you have in office. It’s sad watching the ever continuing decline of a once great that can’t even give all its citizens proper healthcare.
Alex Lol, you’re a confused little bigot mate....very entertaining!
Chadillac You mean the blue states that subsidise the bottom feeder RED states? 😄
Make America Great Again So everyone you don’t like are ‘Kenyans’? 😂😂😂
Make America Great Again Thank you once again for displaying your hatred and bigotry....much appreciated! 😉😄
Bucky Pinata Ffs, give it a rest you sad specimen.
Chadillac I’m talking about the decades red states have been takers from blue states....OF COURSE many states are needing funds in these dire times, that’s part of the reason for having government.
- Once again, sad specimen, that’s exactly my point; you have only yourselves to blame for so many of your fellow countrymen‘s continuing lack of decent healthcare.....and you snatched defeat from victory when you elected these disgusting clowns.
ftank frega calleja No mate, you’re wrong: the racists who couldn’t stand having a black man in charge were the ones who divided the country. There’s a reason why he’s loved and respected globally.
RawZuccSauce420 Thanks. I love visiting the US, the people there are some of the most friendly and welcoming you could hope to meet. But I find it sad there are also far too many ignorant and bigoted types there, who I suspect have never travelled far from their stomping grounds and appear to live in an alternate reality. Happily the US is big enough to avoid these types 😁
Chadillac Are you saying that Forbes are lying when they state that red states are long standing receivers of federal dollars whereas blue states are long standing givers?
Fetus Eater Unexpectedly I have plenty of time on my could say lowering myself to their level is my hobby 😉😂
Ed Do the world a favour, eh mate.....
Kurogane 556 Lol, we don’t need to lie about Spanky....he lies and exposes himself for what he is every single day.
Alex Jeezus, you stupid conspiracy theorists crack me up, you really do. 😂😂😂
ford nut Thank you for admitting it....of course they are. Especially in comparison with spanky bonespurs.....
hamish themack No dear, you’re’s the other way round.
Joe Know It’s their business, bigot, and who are you to say they are not doing the right thing by their transgender kids? If it turns out not to be of benefit to their children the truth will eventually come out....until then STFU. Why do you creeps always butt in on subjects you know precious little about???
dlj4u No, but I’ve come across you sad specimen’s quoting it many times before and have looked into it.....I wouldn’t soil my hands reading that piece of trash. You know, here in the UK we don’t have you insane conspiracy nutters, we just feel sad that your country’s infested with you sad wastes of skin. Have a nice day y’all! 😁
lockbot Do you mean Joel Gilbert the conspiracy theorist nutjob who’s a frequent guest on Infowars?!? Christ mate, talk about making YOURSELF look the fool. 😂😂😂
Spook Why do you reduce yourself to lying, sad man?
Kenyale Mcmahon WORSTED?!? 😂😂😂
Paul Rossi Sarcasm at it’s finest 😄😄😄
NewWhirledOrder When are you going to stop being a stupid conspiracy theorist and start thinking for yourself?
Paul Rossi Sarcasm at its finest 😄😄😄
rajivunome The wonderful (?) GOP started all those come you saddoes never mention that, eh.....
james billingsley Oh, I don’t think it’ll bother him too much what you losers think of him. 😃
Chadillac THAT’S your answer to helv’s last post?? Wow. How sad for you..
Long Range Rifle You are a fake news addict and a waste of the world a favour eh, love!
Paweł Marciniak You’re waffling mate....westerners understand that their LGBT citizens deserve to be treated with the same respect as any other section of society. And make no mistake that is a GOOD thing for humanity. You sad losers will become ever more isolated, thankfully.
dlj4u Oh, and the wonderful human being known as Barack Obama is well loved across the globe and is known to be the last truly great President of the USA. And I’m happy that that fact just blows your few collective braincells, lol.
Paul Rossi Sarcasm at its finest 😄😄😄
Alex K I have no opinion on that subject..... not being an expert I prefer to leave it up to the families and experts involved. Are YOU an expert on transgender issues?
Big Red Wow, you trump cultists just LOVE to show your gullibility and stupidity: it wasn’t called trump uni for nothing you ridiculous creature, it was HIS scam, which is why HE was fined. Another Brit here ‘interfering’ in US sue me, you pathetic moron.
Thimble Have you just come out of hibernation dear?
tony fat It doesn’t matter what ethnic group you belong to, by saying such utter, EVIL crap about a whole demographic you are highlighting yourself to be a poor specimen of humanity; you’re an utter disgrace, mate!
Chris Perry Wow man, are you as ugly on the outside as you are inside?
Trolls Will Be Ignored Of course he’s an uneducated liar, sadly one of far too many in the US. It’s best to ignore them, I’ve realised they’re generally not happy souls.
NewWhirledOrder Anyone who believes that Covid19 is a hoax is the worst of brainwashed fools in my book. I have seen the serious damage it can cause to organs and well know that some will never be the same after contracting it. And now it seems children can be affected by illness connected to the virus; it is not just flu. Great cut and paste....but not relevant in this case. You know, we have very few conspiracy theorist nutjobs in my country, the all my 62 years I can’t recall meeting a single one. But for some reason the US is infested with you saddoes who in my view are seriously damaging your once great country. Another trait of you losers is to twist the words of others; I never said everything’s about conspiracy theory. Get a life, eh mate!
sataed shrimp In what way?
greg smoluch How is the media ‘running the country’?
Paul Wise The fact you can no longer discriminate against a section of your fellow Americans is a GOOD thing....haven’t you learnt anything from past struggles?
Build TheWall And tRump ended nothing you oxygen deprived moron, just as in the past these evil organisations will now have time to regroup. You’re country has gone from being great to an impotent irrelevance. And you idiots are to blame. Congratulations 😂😂😂