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Hector out
Cyrus Janssen
Comments by "Hector out" (@hectoOut) on "Cyrus Janssen" channel.
@CyrusJanssen so true! the Chinese builds lots of boats to catch sea pirates in the 21 century hey. You don't need guided missiles ships to catch fishermen do you? What a bunch sycophants. Lmaf9
Sure dude .. Jassen wants to fix China image problems and the West can go to hell... lmaf
@bobsmith3983 true but they did it at the expense of other nations. No other countries on earth implemented the scale of theft and scams like China! Are you ready to give up your life to be with the Chinese people? Yeah yeah you get a small share!
Chinese builds lots of battle ships to catch sea pirates! Problem is there isn't any sea pirates in the 21 century. The PLA got bored and need enemies real soon.
@UnierseTruth would you rather be a running dog for US or China? Remember the China doesn't repect you when you ass licking them. Look at North Korea, Cambodia, Lao forever under their loop. Look at asslicking Japan, South Korea, Germany after WII.. boys ain't they growing into something.
ThatOneDude 6969 hard to say because the two are very much blurred and merged into one. You see the CCP uses the Chinese people as a sheer weight to intimidate everyone and mostly the Chinese people agree with the CCP these days.
@QuantumBoyMacau a peaceful world according to the Chinese people. Do not disrespect the CCP. Do not offend Chinese people. We don't change your government but as long as we get you to do things in our interests. Our core interest is from North Sea to south Sea. Win-win only when dont try to upset us and win-lose when you upset us. Amen
@Shenzhou. did you hire any locals or you bring Chinese workers along in those infrastructure project? Nothing is free with the Chinese deal ever! Instead of building ghost cities in China now yiu find new way to get your money back. Those poor countries you want to build do not have much leverage. You got your workers there. You pay your workers with their money. They owe you money then yiu can tell them to do whatever the hell you want e.g get rid off country of Taiwan and perhaps Australia and NZ next. You ll flood them with Chinese immigrants and build up all these exclusive China towns in their city and no entry for the locals. You drain up their fish stocks and natural beauty and next they give up their territories since they cannot payments and it becomes norm that too many Chinese rooted on their territories and it becomes yours politically and socially. Chinese in these places live on the upper social ladder and the locals always excluded no doubt. It s Chinese mentality. Chinese dont accept anyone else as brothers or sisters that is fact. It s BS when CCP propaganda says those brown islanders are their brothers sisters. Where is in tye Chinese history book says Chinese call other races as their brothers sisters? On the other hand Chinese immigrants move to America and would be treated as fair and equal. If yiu say we are not fair so why the we let these white monkey propagandists deliver Chinese messages on youtube while you block us from your social media? Where is the win win and a share future of mankind in this? Sound all the hallmarks of imperialism with Chinese characteristics!
@Shenzhou. all convincingly said but the reality is Chinese workers get paid by the Chinese loan while keeping out the locals or get tiny piece. Export Chinese workers is the main theme at the expense of the locals. You don't see Japanese project mass export of Japanese workers.
@Shenzhou. You can say as much as yiu want because at the end of the day Twainese should have the right to chose their destiny. Your pet project in Ukraine is a big failure that you cannot talk with people using a big stick.
I am sure the Chinese doing better than the European for Africa. After European colonialial past they got fatigued and left Africa to their own device due to civil wars and corruptions and they don't want carry the name badge colonialism. That s their statregic mistake becuaw the Chinese now can exploit untapped natural resources, UN voting block and Africa political influence. The Chinese will never be your brothers though. They still like to be equal status as white as possible!
@ginnox2049 Canada clearly does not want to kiss Xi emperor and his dynasty and serve the Chinese people. Canada simply does not want to give their sovereignty to anyone not to China.
Most ethnic Chinesr in Malaysia feel insecured I get it. Some made to Australia and America never look back. Those sta back cling to China as a plan B I guess!
Truth by the Chinese standard.. sigh
It s Chinese disinformation war. Everyone knows thanks
@thevirusfactory2332 wonder this Cyrus dude is blocking me from commenting. So much for America freedom of speech being taken advantage by the Chinese. We are being censored on our system by the Chinese.
@UnierseTruth here is s quote from an Albanian educator after he was invited to visit the re-education camp in xinjiang. He was an anti America through out his life until he saw the Chinese ideology was do evil and corrupted. This what double standard is "All my life I have criticized the Americans, but never have I been blacklisted by the American government, had my name condemned," Jazexhi said. "The Chinese are even more angry with me because they invited me, I was their guest." He added that he had been told "that if I shut up, I would have 'opportunities,' but I said I cannot lie about the horror I've seen, I'm a Muslim."
@UnierseTruth @mark Mok unless you have real information and facts to prove it. She hired the best lawyers right! They can prove her innocent right. Canada is a nation with rule of law not ruled by laws. You cannot just insert your influence over the court by trade sanctioning or hostage taking. On the contrary the Chinese court runs by the CCP with 100% strike rate.
@UnierseTruth sure dude.. enjoying living and being among Chinese people again. Nothing wrong with your choice! You can prove to us by getting rid off your Canadians passport. Who needs that running dog hey! You have shown your loyalty to the Chinese people that you are one of them. You love China and logically next step is to get rid off anything linked to your enemy.
@jamaljyf you guys probably know what the CCP stand for already but you just ignore it. Why should we appease these bleeding-heart so called Westerners just because they make some good friendship with the Chinese people. You ll never be able to convince us what the CCP is good for until the Chinese must accept equal footing means equal footing. No cheat!
@jamaljyf if you have nothing to hide you don't have to be on defensive do you? I don't see China ever accept any faults. Not even a tiny bit. On the contrary they go on offensive. I read their mouthpiece everyday. No single article have they ever critized themselves or China but virtually they blame and attack other countries from small to big, young to old, politicians to private citizens, big business to coffee shop! Funny thing they keep using the imperialism language themselves too such as China's kindness, correct your mistakes, correct wrong from right or viciously degrade any individuals with a street language if they want to go after that individual. The national newspaper will set the tone of their people characteristics!
@jamaljyf holly craps.. the more I talk to you the more you sound more like a Chinese with all lines from Chinese propaganda. Are you sure you are a white dude. I must be aware Chinese trolls do have nine fox tails!
@jamaljyf America didn't go into Libya you dummy! That s telling me you crop everything the Chinese mouthpiece says. That s their typical line too have you been to China? Well if I don't get arrested for making comments on youtube then I might consider!
@jamaljyf what s there to see if they hide everything and control everything from the view? Like everything China does!. The Chinese propaganda machine crops alot of videos out there to change the narratives in their favors everyone knows. At the end of the day you choose to believe it s terrible to treat a human beings like that or you can just ignore it and say the Chinese people in Shanghai are living a great life. Look at all the new building. Look at all the changes China has achieved. The Chinese at my work told me I don't like Uyghurs but I don't mind Uyghur girl if they change their religion. Amen
@jamaljyf for 4 decades the CCP never cared about native Americans or Aboriginal Australians and all of a sudden they care! They got you to start talking about the things they never care of! The oligarchs you r talking about are applied to Russia. I am not saying America desnt have any issues. Doesn't mean one crazy buffoon45 happened in the Whitehorse and America is falling apart. There is no reason for you to say that if America committed the crimes in their past therefore now China has the right to commit the crime against the Uyghurs. Another ther crime the CCP committed is they pretend to be a good. guy.
@jamaljyf of course CCP needs to be loved by everyone that s why they are here to convince bleeding heart people like you. It s laughable when yiu keep mentioning oh they are so strong now what are you gonna do about it! Give up yourself dude and move to China and live up to your new dystopia dream. Fact is you won't move there!
@jamaljyf about being judmental the Chinese people are full of it. They are still oozing for Whiteness with lots of praises and compliments. I can guarantee you they wont attract to this guy if he s a black person!
@jamaljyf @Jerry Lancaster cry your bleeding heart. The KKK is a disgusting group of people and you expect me to believe the Chinese regime are good people?! The art of war is take your aggressions to the enemy's land and make them look stupid. You look stupid right there!
This Philippino friend told me they dont really care about him being there in China. Perhaps you are Chinese therefore they give you more opportunities! . Unless you looks a pretty girl or a white blonde.. you are not very important in China.
@zeehng5736 not really....China wants to move out of middle income bracket that's why their desires to aggressively move to high tech and other platforms to close the gap with Western countries. The best part is they keep both.. cheap Labor market to get more competitive and keep their low range workers employed and high pay wages in high tech area e.g telecommunications, Robotics and electric cars. America is too lazy and arrogant that s why you love Walmart and big bucks earning in Wall Street, Sillicon Valley and lots of homeless Americans. Get a grip dude and talk sensively.
@nataliebalabala7590 it s ok to love China since it is your heritage anyway. I understand you need to keep neutral if want to go back to see your family and friends. You are not one of those CCP brainwashed citizens
@WindChaseRT you cannot call me brainwash when you are already brainwashed from many generations!
@WindChaseRT get off youtube and go back to your great firewall
@milinlim5211 ancient Chinese probably were better with inventions.
@milinlim5211 you are good at engineering but not very good at inventing!
@stevenwang8554 @Steven Wang your are in Vietnam dude...99% Vietnamese don't trust the Chinese regardless what you say. So yiu are instructed to becareful because it s sensitive topic in Vietnam when the Chinese is trying to change the status quo on the ground. There is only 1% Vietnamese like Kevin Nguyen who is possibly a Chinese hack too!
How so? The CCP is a threat to world peace and freedom. The world cannot be in better place when they make everyone else to comply to the will of Chinese people.
@SurpriseMeJT @Jay Tee that s very true. But instead being honest and admitting they the CCP want to create a dynasty of them at the centre of the world they sent Jassen here to paint a beautiful picture of how wonderful the CPP is. The CCP will look after everyone! Look at HK. They start jailing all pro democracy people. The CCP will ruin anything that is good!
@SurpriseMeJT that s very true. Byt instead being honest and admitting they the CCP want to create a dynasty of them at the centre of the world they sent Jassen here to paint a beautiful picture of how wonderful the CPP is. The CCP will look after everyone! Look at HK. They start jailing all pro democracy people. The CCP will ruin anything that is good!
But this dude could onky ever convince the Chinese people in here. It s good for his Chinese business you know
CCP sycophants live here.
Hey Robert, the CCP has proven to be a dangerous regime for the world. Look at all the destructions in Ukraine. It s got all hallmarks of the CCP.
@richardong1421 and I am not a racist like you portrait
Hey Chen I dont expect you understand the whole story from inside the wall but out here we do have Western useful idiots who actually feed people with lies to make you feel good! The truth is it only get more worst before it gets more worst. From the world history tyranny dictators could never give other people a good future and war usually is a tool they used for their expansionism. We alresdy seen that with Vladimir Putin in 21s century.
@kidnew5683 no idea where R.O.C is. You can educate me on this. I didn't say people appreciate war and destructions and civilians deaths. I said war decided by a groups of people that can affect so many innocient civilians. Had the terrorists not blown up America or Saddam Hussein harmed the US interests in Kuwait war couldn't ve happened. Now then Beijing expansionists have an idea to change things around... war could happen when they drum the war machine everyday.
@kidnew5683 the Chinese have all kind of rubbish jokes on other people. I am not kidding! They call people all kind of disgusting names. But they can't take one single critism. Sadly your soft power will not be emulated like Japanese people!
@kidnew5683 nothing to be ashamed of when you remove a dictator like Saddam Hussein or go after the Taliban. I am sure the Chinese people would appreciate if America can remove the CCP for you! America tried to help but I guess a prolong war costing too much and voters at home decide to end the war just like the Vietnam war. It s different war. The Vietnamese fought to get their country back and that s it. The Afghanistan fight with religious ideology. So they are fanatics. Mabe the Chinese can fill the vacuum and get a bloody nose since you are so keen to drum up your war machines everyday.
@kidnew5683 America intentionally went in to remove Saddam Hussein with the excuse Chemical weapon. The US government lied of course and our independent press exposed them. It was on the news and there is nothing to hide. Unlike the Chinese you will hide everything like cat hiding poops! You keep saying America has a twisted mind but you can x10 of that with the Chinese.
@kidnew5683 i forgot the Chinese are more recalcitrant. You like to support tyranny regimes to kill their people e.g the Pol Pot. But you might not be able to convince the Taliban. They don't need the Chinese once America left. They will remember how you treat their fellow Muslims in Xinjiang. Mabe America should play dirty trick like you to support the Taliban!
@kidnew5683 America treat everyone with dignity and repects that s why you see Muslims migrate and live in America and practice their religion. You don't see that in China! Of courses since the age of terrorism no one is safe and of course there are angry Americans to go after Muslims. But overall our government don't persecute our Muslim citizens just because some of them carried out terror act. Unlike your government persecuted your whole Muslim population. Now that I call double standard. You tend to over use double standard too much because you hear this term being used everyday on your nationalist mouthpiece.