Comments by "Valen Ron" (@valenrn8657) on "F-35 vs S-400" video.

  1. From Pierre Sprey comments on Flankers 1. The Su-30MK is simply another modification of the Su-27, a not-very-high-performing Russian imitation of our F-15 that had its prototype flight in 1977. The new version is significantly heavier and has poorer dogfight acceleration and turn than the original, mainly because of all the weighty and draggy gadgetry (e.g., canards, vectored thrust nozzles) added to allow these spectacular maneuvers. 2. The spectacular maneuvers … are purely and simply airshow tricks, intended to wow the gullible. Not one of these maneuvers has any application to combat, because they can only be performed at speeds well under 150 knots. At that speed in a dogfight against any competent pilot, your life expectancy is measured in seconds. 3. My guess is that there are no more than six pilots in all of Russia that can actually fly these maneuvers — and that they have been in training for years in order to trot out these tricks at international airshows. 4. Executing these wonderful tricks at the Paris airshow with these Olympic-athlete type of pilots, the Russians have crashed two of the Su-30 “Wunderwaffen,” one in 1999 and one in 2006. 5. The Russians have, in fact, palmed off versions of the Wunderwaffen to the Chinese, as well as to the Indians, Malaysians, Algerians, and the dreaded Venezuelans. Despite these triumphs of Russian salesmanship. I’m not losing much sleep over the specter of the awesome Su-30 in the hands of these superb air forces. The more of these turkeys the Russkies sell, the longer the now-ancient F-16 (designed in 1972) will reign supreme as the world’s best fighter. The same person who labeled F-35 being a turkey also labeled SU-30MK a turkey. F-35AvsF-22vsEF-2000 TURN
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  34.  @anushmikael2540 SU-30MK empty weight estimate from OEM 24900 Kg - (2 x 105 Kg + 2 x 253 Kg + 5270 kg) = 18914 kg or 41698 lbs Select a desired combat range and load SU-30MK with fuel load and calculate the effective wing loading. Basic wing loading empty weight without factoring forward/rear body and vortex lift factors. Fuel and weapons load can change with different missions. F-16C Block 50 Empty Weight: 18,900 lbs Wing area: 300 ft² Wing loading: 63 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.51 : 1 F-18E Empty Weight: 31,500 lbs Wing area: 500 ft² Wing loading: 63 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.40 : 1 SU-30MK Empty Weight: 41,698 lbs Wing area: 667 ft² Wing loading: 62.51 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.33 : 1 F-35A Empty weight: 28,999 lbs (Year 2015). Wing area: 460 ft² Wing loading: 63.04 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.48 : 1 SU-35 Empty Weight: 40,565 lbs (no reference) Wing area: 667 ft² Wing loading: 60.82 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.42 : 1 (29000 lbf each engine) F-15C Empty Weight: 28,000 lbs Wing area: 608 ft² Wing loading: 46 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.70 : 1 F-22A Empty Weight: 43,340 lb Wing area: 840 ft² Wing loading: 51.59 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.71 : 1 F-35A with Option Block 1 engine upgrade Empty weight: 28,999 lb (Year 2015). Wing area: 460 ft² Wing loading: 63.04 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.57 : 1 ( 6 percent thrust upgrade) Thrust weight ratio: 1.63 : 1 (10 percent thrust upgrade) F-18E Block 3 Empty Weight: 31,500 lbs Wing area: 500 ft² Wing loading: 63 lbs/ sq feet. Thrust weight ratio: 1.64 : 1 Fukoff Anush Mikael
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  50. @Antun Šturlić Against 1. From;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Fcommjnt%2Ffb49a6a2-5080-4c72-a379-e4fd10cc710a%2F0002%22 From RAAF's F-22A vs F-15D with *DRFM jamming pipe*. “…the ability to actually have that data fusion that the aeroplane has makes an incredible difference to how you perform in combat. I saw it first hand on a Red Flag mission in an F15D against a series of fifth-generation F22s. We were actually in the red air. In five engagements we never knew who had hit us and we never even saw the other aeroplane…. After that particular mission I went back and had a look at the tapes on the F22, and the difference in the situational awareness in our two cockpits was just so fundamentally different. That is the key to fifth-generation. That is where I have trouble with the APA analysis…. To me that is key: it is not only stealth; it is the combination of the EOS and the radar to be able to build a comprehensive picture. In that engagement I talked about at Nellis, in Red Flag, the ability to be in a cockpit with a God’s-eye view of what is going on in the world was such an advantage over a fourth-generation fighter – and arguably one of the best fourth-generation fighters in existence, the F15. But even with a DRFM jamming pipe , we still had no chance in those particular engagements. And at no time did any of the performance characteristics that you are talking about have any relevance to those five engagements.” ----- When compared to RAAF,'s TNI Staff has no experience between F-22's AMRAAM against F-15D with DRFM jamming pipe . Out Of The Shadows: RNLAF experiences with the F-35A - Combat Aircraft Magazine May 2018 1. Dutch revealed F-35's digital radio frequency memory jammer (DRFM, so-called active stealth) capability along which is enhanced with passive stealth. 2. Dutch F-35 Block 3F, "F-35 sits somewhere in between the F-16 and F/A-18 when it comes to within visual range manoeuvring'". 3. Lightest empty weight F-16A MLU air-superority model needs to be clean (no weapons, no external tanks) to make visual range dogfight interesting against combat loaded F-35A Block 3F. AIM-120D has two-way data link with fighters like F-35 which uses launching fighter's AESA radar, EO-DAS sensors and passive radar sensors on it's wing edge. 2. F-35A Block 4.3 has six AIM-120 type missiles for its internal weapons bay. Most F-35s are beyond Block 3F. 3. Japan has exchanged its micro-AESA radar seeker with UK's Meteor missile. 4. F-35 supports AIM-132 IR with it's internal weapons bay instead of AIM-9X. USAF has other plans with F-35's A2A missiles e.g. Raytheon Peregrine. Raytheon Peregrine missiles doubles the weapon bay's payload for F-35 and has higher range when compared to AIM-120D. 5. Super Hornet's high AoA+minimum turn radius advantage holding it's own against F-15's high energy turn rate advantage dogfight example More F-16 vs F-35 from Norwegian pilot. I quote Overall, flying the F-35 reminds me a bit of flying the F/A-18 Hornet, but with an important difference: It has been fitted with a turbo
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  59.  @aleksandarmanojlovic1189  From F-35 critic Pierre Sprey comments on Flankers 1. The Su-30MK is simply another modification of the Su-27, a not-very-high-performing Russian imitation of our F-15 that had its prototype flight in 1977. The new version is significantly heavier and has poorer dogfight acceleration and turn than the original, mainly because of all the weighty and draggy gadgetry (e.g., canards, vectored thrust nozzles) added to allow these spectacular maneuvers. 2. The spectacular maneuvers … are purely and simply airshow tricks, intended to wow the gullible. Not one of these maneuvers has any application to combat, because they can only be performed at speeds well under 150 knots. At that speed in a dogfight against any competent pilot, your life expectancy is measured in seconds. 3. My guess is that there are no more than six pilots in all of Russia that can actually fly these maneuvers — and that they have been in training for years in order to trot out these tricks at international airshows. 4. Executing these wonderful tricks at the Paris airshow with these Olympic-athlete type of pilots, the Russians have crashed two of the Su-30 “Wunderwaffen,” one in 1999 and one in 2006. 5. The Russians have, in fact, palmed off versions of the Wunderwaffen to the Chinese, as well as to the Indians, Malaysians, Algerians, and the dreaded Venezuelans. Despite these triumphs of Russian salesmanship. I’m not losing much sleep over the specter of the awesome Su-30 in the hands of these superb air forces. The more of these turkeys the Russkies sell, the longer the now-ancient F-16 (designed in 1972) will reign supreme as the world’s best fighter.
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  67.  @aleksandarmanojlovic1189  One of the differences between SU-30 and SU-35 comes with its radar i.e. radar upgrades on SU-30 leads to installing canards since heavier radar can change CG which can degrade flight performance. Canards are not required for SU-35. Again, for radar, there cooling and electrical feed differences between SU-30 and SU-35. For USN, F/A-18E has radar changes from Block 1's non-AESA to Block 2's AESA. F/A-18A has center body replacement to improve combat performance from F/A-18C. For USAF, there are internal structural differences between 8000 life hours F-15C to 20,000 life hours F-15EX. Initial F-15A models have 4000 life hours. F-15EX's longer service life enables longer sustain G loads. There are several AESA radar upgrades across lower life hours usage F-15C and F-15Es. F-15EX replaces high life hours usage airframe F-15C. F-15EX or "F-15 Advance" has a Hornet style digital fly-by-wire system i.e. Russians changed MiG 29 into MiG 35 with a similar fly-by-wire upgrade. Boeing is not allowed to change F-15 model numbers due to new model numbers requires fly-off competition rules. There are G load differences between F-15A and F-15C models. There are flight envelope differences with F-15C and F-15E-1 (29K lbf engine version). The majority of F-15A units are ditched in the boneyard. There no standardize Block builds like F-16/F-22/F-35 for F-15. F-22A has reached Block 30/35 F-16V has reached Block 70/72 F-35A has nearly reached Block 4 Lot 15. F-35C and F-35B models have not reached Block 3F. F-35A's Block 3F flight control software can't be applied for F-35C due to flight dynamic changes from different wing and tail. F-35C has a different vortex lift generation design from F-35A. For future Block upgrades, F-35 program is currently executing durability testing for F-135 engine upgrades.
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