Comments by "Dragonze Watermellon" (@dargonwatermellon) on "VICE Life" channel.

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  38. leviathan rising sounds like someone is into pedophilie but at a early stage, as the old geezer try to hookup younger opposite sex, either as a way of taking advantage of naiveness of younger one or as a way of refusing to accept their own aging identity. Men tends to be more reluctant to accept their own aging identity thus actively try seek out younger partners by luring with money and fame to boost their own youthfulness. At last, these only works with those have money, other old geezers will spend all of their money trying to maintain their younger status with younger partner, of course once their money dries and the youthful partner left to seek another "geezer" or settle down with their own age group, the existing old geezers will start to bitch and moan that their younger partner ran off and all of women kind are at fault. There are like a lot of misogynistic males here with serious self inflicting wound that's caused by their own reluctant to accept their own aging and getting rejection after rejection by younger women , they refuse to accept their own demise of their own aging but will bitch when younger women doesn't give them the time of day because they neither have fame or money, or existing younger women has left them after these geezers spend all their funding. These men felt it's unfair as media has made it seem like it's something of a norm but biologically speaking, younger women aren't interested in old geezers unless they are being purposely lured blindly by old geezers. But there is no one to blame except for these men themselves as they refuse to accept their own aging, thus in trying in vain to keep the pretension of their own false youth status going.
  39. Emma Frost couldn't be any truer, pro-male women are also backstabbing types that does everything to degrade their own gender. How weird is it that when these pro-male women caught their husband cheating, the first thing they do is blame it on the other woman but never their husband? They have a backward mentality to think that men can do no wrong, even if men was the lying party and that it is always the other women fault. This mentality is what pass on to their son (not that their husband doesn't also imposes the same shit, but those women just reinforced it) and daughter thus give us more cycles of grown son who think everything ill in the world is cause there are women in existence. They are also the same type who would abort females fetus in 3rd countries, thus indirectly interfered with nature that caused gender imbalance which resulted in excess male that can also lead to more crimes in society due to male are more predisposed to criminal mentality, the number one cause for all wars in history is due to fact that there are excess males in the population that resulted in aggressive society. Only through war and death can these aggression be reduced to more manageable level. Thus, if society wants more peace and advancement women on equal or better terms is the best way and increasing of female population will directly reduce aggression in society. Basically by artificially removing or degrading females in society through abortion or "male favor tradition" all due to patriarchal society and then to put males on no-wrong pedestal, they indirectly caused their own society to be non-advancing and backward in development, war, murder, rape and slavery are all the illness caused by patriarchal society. The finest examples are in Middle East. These muslims couldn't come with terms on equality with their female counterparts, thus in-directly they caused their whole society to be un-developed and backward, of course inbreeding of family members would further hinder their entire society. Inbreeding is also a patriarchal society rule that's impose on their female counterparts, in part to keep women dumb and powerless at home, but what they didn't thought of was that if women are dumb then any children she bore would also have low IQ thus indirectly caused backwardness of society to continue all perpetuated by patriarchal society.
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  50. Gabriel Lewicki I believe that every one should get pay for their job be it the house wife or yourself. Thus for average divorce family, courts calculation of child support is way under the minimum wage! If you think the wife shouldn't get pay, then be sure to find one that has her own career and ask that to keep her career after marriage as you would prefer to do the child rearing with 3rd party or yourself perhaps? Lol. If Running home errands, child care, or home maintenance doesn't entitle women to divorce and child support payments, then you should have just stay home and does everything yourself instead or pay someone else to do it, tell your wife it's not her business to do child rearing but go out and continue her career instead, thus you both will pay for a 3rd party child care service together and equally. Don't forget to also hire a 3rd party house cleaner and chef. Please if you hate giving any money to women, don't have any kids! If you want the kids as you think it's only logical reason for the marriage then don't fucking whine in the divorce court, as you will have to fucking pay up for part of your brats maintenance. Similar men like you love to whine that their wife doesn't work and only stay home, but when the wife has a career these men will whine that child care by nursery is too fucking expensive, thus wanted the wife to stay home and care for the brats so that he doesn't have to spend that child care money outside. Kindou to the court for realizing that men constantly wants everything but want to pay for none of it. You bitches will have to pay up for your fucking brats or else get vasectomy and don't worry about a thing. Still hating women? Don't fucking marry one, find a man and marry him instead!! Hopefully you will also blame everything on your new man too.