Comments by "jim james" (@jimijamesjowitt) on "Plain packaging on cigarette packs comes into force in New Zealand today" video.

  1. This helps no one. Have fun waiting while we play guess who the mystery smokes game at the checkout. How do you review decisions made by one group for another group? It seems strange that smokers get sent to the back of the bus by the non smokers? If you dont want to smoke that is your choice. I hate cyclists trying ride under my car everyday but no one seems to be banning taxing or licensing them? Im sick of people all telling their employees to go to and from work at the same time causing commuter chaos but no one even seems to care. But some jerk doesnt like something I do in my personal time? Sorry that thinking is from a bygone era. What is next banning gays and blacks from smoking? Oh wait you are trying that. Tell people they should have some bodily autonomy then go take it way say you hate them. Why? Cause you personally dont like their cultural norms and personal choices. Hope you enjoy us smokers funding everything. Mr Peters with his speechs about the unlawful taxing of smokes. Now what is he doing? Securing his super with prohibition tax? Go back to stone age. Taxes for all or none. Otherwise it isnt a tax, rather a fine imposed before you can even commit the crime. I didnt choose to smoke. I cant stop smoking. Last time I nearly died and before that was just replacing it with eating. So no I wont quit smoking it will kill me. I would rather smoke now die later than not smoke to keep some smug jerk happy, leave my kids to fend for themselves and just die for them. You want to talk about cancer causing chemicals? Well just go get your water tested. Its full of them. If thats not enough check what you house is made of. Yesterdays building product is tomorrow's hazardous substance. Not to mention food full of actual iron and aluminum. Full of silicates and styrenes. Obviously it isnt over 50% of the product or more than 1gram per package so youdont even have to say it is in there. Hell there could be .99 a gram of pure boron in there and they wouldnt even have to say unless people had actually called them said you made me sick and proven it. Which by that time they would just switch it out.