Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "See expert's plan to end pandemic in four weeks" video.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial (VVM, or “the Wall”) is dedicated not to the war, but to the 2.7 million U.S. military men and women who served in the war zone, living and dead. It contains nearly 58,300 names of those dead or missing, on two ten-foot high granite wings, each spanning nearly 250 feet. A close uncle’s name is etched into the black rock of the Wall.
Propose erecting a similar monument for all those who senselessly lost their lives to COVID-19 due to our Traitor-‘n-Thief, Toxic Trump, and all those Republican so-called “leaders” in Congress, SCOTUS, and the GOP, complicit in enabling, aiding, and abetting his malfeasance.
In just four MONTHS, the U.S. had ALREADY needlessly lost more than TWICE as many to COVID-19 than died in all thirteen YEARS of the Vietnam war. By the time Trump left office, one out of every 800 Americans had died from COVID-19 in just ten months--over 400,000 fatalities, as many American casualties as WWII. It would also honor all those front-line ESSENTIAL workers who selflessly put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and secure; the names of their dead to be given prominence and note upon the structure.
Whether constructed in the form of a wall or something different, its principle intent would be to serve as a constant, enduring reminder to us all and to future generations; as a testament to—and a barrier against—our own American ignorance, arrogance, avarice, cowardice, and malevolence. A sort of visual prophylactic, if you will, built in hope of protecting us against inbred hubris, greed, and stupidity. It’s design should be open, with interchangeable elements that challenge—and help teach—people to reason, and to think critically and objectively, while stressing humanity, humility and humbleness.
The VVM Wall is likewise also a monument to American ignorance, hubris, avarice, and malevolence, although erected solely to honor those military personnel. Few may think, or have thought, of it that way; and doubtless many would refuse to think of it as such, but the truth stands out in stark, prominent display for everyone to see…if they just apply a little critical, objective reasoning.
Another thought to ponder: The VVM Wall marks the first time America fatally failed that generation; the proposed monument would mark our second time they were senselessly sacrificed. Would like to see the proposed COVID-19 monument erected adjacent to the prior monument attesting failure, the VVM Wall, to serve as symbolic bookends, as a further tribute to that ill-served generation of Americans.