Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "See what Manchin does while Schumer criticizes Republicans" video.
***MEDIA FAIL*** ---- Manchin IS the problem! He's not even representing the voters in his state, who overwhelmingly favor the programs in the reconciliation package. Manchin is corrupt. Nearly every Democrat I know loathes him and Sinema for sinking democracy, America, the American people, and the Democratic party. Schumer is pointing out the lack of bipartisanship in the Senate, because the GOP has turned into a fascist, nihilistic cult, and Manchin is covering his face because he wants to pretend that Republicans are interested in bipartisanship so he can selfishly milk corporate donors for millions while Republicans burn down government and the nation.
Gee, the problem I've been screaming about for decades with the media! "Both-sidesism" aka "false balance" is a media bias that is a logical fallacy which does a disservice to the truth and is a source of disinformation and misinformation. It's little different than false equivalency or the logical fallacy argument to moderation (Latin: argumentum ad temperantiam)—aka false compromise, argument from middle ground, fallacy of grey, and the golden mean fallacy—which is the fallacy that the truth is a compromise between two opposing positions. The former editor of the Chicago Tribune is correct in pointing out that the MSM has been complicit in helping to create and enabling the corrupt, Orwellian fascist Republican cult, but the process was already well under way by the time Trump exploited it for his own sociopathic narcissism and selfish ends.
As a voter, I expect political parties to hold each other accountable. No, CNN, that isn't just the job of the media, alone, and Senate Leader Schumer is correct to hold Senate Republicans accountable for failing to raise the debt ceiling, for only allowing a vote on a temporary measure, which required all Democrats to vote for, with no Republicans in support. So, now, we have to hang on the edge of precipice a few months down the road for another high-stakes game with the nation's economic health and well-being hanging in the balance because Republicans want to hold our economy hostage, don't want to pay for their own spending under the Trump administration, just so REPUBLICANS can have a bogus Reich-wing talking point in the next election cycle? What, CNN, you're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIIND to see that it is REPUBLICANS playing politics??? You're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIND to see that you are once again helping to enable REPUBLICAN misinformation and disinformation??? You're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIND to see that you are helping REPUBLICANS destroy democracy and our country??? Media BE better, WE be better!
You have a very naïve view of this, just like CNN, except I expected CNN to know better. Senate Leader Schumer was simply speaking the truth. Not one Republican actually voted for the temporary measure, and only 11 Republicans out of 50 voted to allow the measure to come to the floor for a vote, so that the Democrats could pass it with a 50 (D) - 48 (R) vote. The only reason Republicans allowed the vote is because their corporate donors let McConnell know they would be blamed for destroying the economy, costing them billions. But Republicans just kicked the can down the road a few months, so they can play politics once again by taking our economy hostage, and once again forcing Democrats to take the heat for raising the debt ceiling. It's beyond disgraceful and destructive, and Schumer was exactly right to give them hell. Yet you fell for the Republican flimflam, and ignorantly claim that both parties were working together on this? Republicans haven't been operating in good faith for decades, and have repeatedly rejected bipartisanship, choosing party over country time and again. Why didn't CNN mention or consider any of this?
***MEDIA FAIL*** ---- Manchin IS the problem! He's not even representing the voters in his state, who overwhelmingly favor the programs in the reconciliation package. Manchin is corrupt. Nearly every Democrat I know loathes him and Sinema for sinking democracy, America, the American people, and the Democratic party. Schumer is pointing out the lack of bipartisanship in the Senate, because the GOP has turned into a fascist, nihilistic cult, and Manchin is covering his face because he wants to pretend that Republicans are interested in bipartisanship so he can selfishly milk corporate donors for millions while Republicans burn down government and the nation.
Gee, the problem I've been screaming about for decades with the media! "Both-sidesism" aka "false balance" is a media bias that is a logical fallacy which does a disservice to the truth and is a source of disinformation and misinformation. It's little different than false equivalency or the logical fallacy argument to moderation (Latin: argumentum ad temperantiam)—aka false compromise, argument from middle ground, fallacy of grey, and the golden mean fallacy—which is the fallacy that the truth is a compromise between two opposing positions. The former editor of the Chicago Tribune is correct in pointing out that the MSM has been complicit in helping to create and enabling the corrupt, Orwellian fascist Republican cult, but the process was already well under way by the time Trump exploited it for his own sociopathic narcissism and selfish ends.
As a voter, I expect political parties to hold each other accountable. No, CNN, that isn't just the job of the media, alone, and Senate Leader Schumer is correct to hold Senate Republicans accountable for failing to raise the debt ceiling, for only allowing a vote on a temporary measure, which required all Democrats to vote for, with no Republicans in support. So, now, we have to hang on the edge of precipice a few months down the road for another high-stakes game with the nation's economic health and well-being hanging in the balance because Republicans want to hold our economy hostage, don't want to pay for their own spending under the Trump administration, just so REPUBLICANS can have a bogus Reich-wing talking point in the next election cycle? What, CNN, you're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIIND to see that it is REPUBLICANS playing politics??? You're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIND to see that you are once again helping to enable REPUBLICAN misinformation and disinformation??? You're too STUPID and WILLFULLY BLIND to see that you are helping REPUBLICANS destroy democracy and our country??? Media BE better, WE be better!