Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "Alaska reached temperatures warmer than California in December" video.
How many climate change warnings before they are heeded and aggressive actions taken to tackle the problem?
What we are witnessing and experiencing is only just the beginning of the reckoning for human stupidity, greed, apathy, and short-sightedness. Pretty soon, with so many suffering, empathy will be in short supply. I fear what is to come for the human race, for our children, for their children, and all who follow after, and the sorrow I feel for them and our planet, for all that will be lost, overwhelms. Because this didn't have to happen. We knew decades ago that we were creating our own apocalypse and took no more than token measures to stop it. And humans continue to dawdle, fiddling while the planet burns.
Because humans have neglected to take aggressive action to curb our hydrocarbon usage and emissions, have refused to take climate change seriously, now what we are witnessing is a snowball effect, where the problem is exacerbated by fires burning in the Amazon, in Greece, in the western U.S. and Canada, raising temperatures and adding more CO2 and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. As the frozen tundra thaws, methane gases are being released, and as water bodies warm, methane hydrates formerly trapped at the bottom rise into the air, releasing even more methane gas. As more and more surface ice is lost on land and in the ocean, less sunlight is reflected back into space, causing more heat gain. Humans have set into motion a self-perpetuating loop; a cycle which we may well be powerless to stop, and which will destroy life on Earth as it has existed for millions of years.
Republicans: "Got this fantastic idea: let's cook the planet to make the wealthy even richer! What could possibly go wrong?"
Republicans: "Regulations, a healthy environment, healthy people, and visionary sustainable policies for our children and future generations bad! Greed, selfish short-sightedness, pollution, climate change, cancer, sick people, dead people good!"
Because capitalism and consumerism brought about Anthropological Global Warming, Republicans either deny and downplay the problem or prescribe more of the same poison. If a Republican is young and smart enough to realize AGW is killing their future, why are they not smart enough to realize they shouldn't vote Republican?
Instead of embracing the reverence for nature and sustainability practiced by the America's indigenous peoples, we have entered into a death pact with capitalism, consumerism, greed, and selfishness, largely forced upon the common person by large businesses and the wealthy, who continue exploiting us for the own short-sighted, immediate benefit. We bear some responsibility for that, too. For taking part, for allowing it to happen, and for allowing it to continue as long as it has. Until enough of us average citizens wake up and become active in changing how our cultures and societies operate, the downward spiral of our environment will continue leading us into a dead-end death trap. Capitalism and consumerism can serve a purpose. However, they should be viewed and utilized as just one tool at our disposal in our toolbox, and not overly relied upon, like a hammer used for every job, which does more destruction than good.
We all see the change, but some just don't want to admit it. Moved back north to southern Wisconsin in '84 after living in Arizona and Texas for seven years. Even back then, the change was noticeable, more warm summer nights, milder winters, and it was something I remarked upon at the time to family and friends. The temperatures even back then were more like that experienced about 200 miles south in northern Illinois where I spent the first eight years of my life. Since '84, the change has continued at what I estimate is about the same pace of warming as that noticed from the previous back in '84. Sure, we'll sometimes still get an arctic blast with a polar vortex, or a big snowfall. But the snow doesn't stay on the ground the way it used to do. We got a snow in late November or December before, it was there until spring, although sun, wind, compaction and evaporation would somewhat reduce it. Now, periodically all the snow melts during the winter as temperatures will rise above freezing long enough to melt all but the bigger compacted snow piles plowed or shoveled. Snowmobiling used to be a big thing, but now many no longer own them around here because there is less and less opportunity to use them, and those still fanatics are often now traveling to the upper half of the state to go snowmobiling. Now, the grass is staying green into December and even January sometimes. Growing up, we would experience only one or two nights out of the year when you could sleep outdoors without a sleeping bag in this part of Wisconsin, but now there are many such nights during the summer. Used to be you could get by without air conditioning here, it was more of a luxury than a necessity. Now, it's pretty much a necessity. Yeah, if you live up north, who doesn't like more warmer weather? But knowing AGW is leading us towards imminent and inevitable disaster, seeing some of the related disasters occurring from it, knowing how it is adversely affecting plants, animals and environments, it is a guilty pleasure, one that I personally don't believe is worth the trade-offs. Never thought I'd see the day when I'd say bring back colder weather, but here we are.