Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "'I've had to move toward requirements that everyone get vaccinated' - President Biden" video.
Been thinking for some time that President Biden needs to declare martial law to get Covid-19 under control. It's appalling and sad that it's gotten to this point because of corrupt Republican leaders who care only about their political ambitions and nothing about their constituent's health or lives, and a bunch of anti-science morons lacking basic decency and even a modicum of common sense.
In a sane America----one where a third of the population wasn't programmed into a mindless, fascist Republican cult----we would have universal Covid-19 vaccine passports, masks and social distancing required wherever and whenever deemed necessary by public health officials, and mandatory vaccinations for all those able to receive it. Actually, in a sane America, none of that would be necessary, because everyone able would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, and everybody would be faithfully following CDC guidelines like wearing masks and socially distancing. They would be doing so because it is in there own best interest; because it is the moral and ethical thing to do to protect our fellow citizens; because we need to prevent the creation of new, more deadly variants; because it is the best way to recover the economy; because it is the best way to get things back to normal; because it is the civic, patriotic thing to do; and because it is just plain old-fashioned common sense.