Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "Barr: Covid-19 lockdowns the 'greatest intrusion on civil liberties' in US history since slavery" video.

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  13.  @dortheschelhaas7356  ~ First of all, we're supposed to know someone has OCD in an online platform how? Or, are we supposed to just assume everyone has OCD, is a raving lunatic, a homicidal schizophrenic, etc., etc.??? If you had explained your problem in your comment initially, it would be different, but you didn't do that. That's on you, not us. Secondly, how does making a truthful observation have anything to do with ego? Whether you have OCD or not, it's still a shallow comment. You could have easily supplemented your statement about blinking with something actually relevant about the substance of the video, but you didn't. That makes it shallow. Which has nothing to do with our ego--or your OCD. Third, we assumed your hearing was just fine, which is why it was questioned why you didn't just look away and listen. So, your accusation in that regard is baseless. Fourth, it is highly hypocritical to complain about Jon Mecham's blinking problem, then expect respect, sympathy, or understanding for your own problem. You claim you were just joking, but without informing people about your OCD, you were making fun of another's problem, not your own. Finally, judging a person's words or deeds is not the same as being judgmental of a person. Just because someone does or says something shallow doesn't necessarily make them a shallow person. Criticism from others can make us better people, and we should be open to that where valid. Live and learn. We were not angry at you before, and we aren't angry with you now. It's all good. We weren't--and are not now--trying to be rude or insulting, just being frank with you--a kind of Achille's heel of our own, because we don't sugarcoat things to grease the wheels. We don't apologize for that, but we do sincerely regret when others, like yourself, become unnecessarily offended by it.
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