Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "Biden widens lead over Trump in national polls" video.

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  9. GOP has gone rogue, doesn't want to play by the rules in America, anymore.  Republicans are all about constant deceit and hypocrisy, rigging elections, and rampant crony corruption. One would hope that his cabinet or the Republican Senate would have done the right thing and removed him.  Or, that the Republican SCOTUS would have defended our Constitution, instead of partisan power grabs.  In fact, it's more than hope--those are the minimal basic expectation of our public officials.  They failed themselves, and they failed our nation horribly.  Because they are weak, and ignorant, and corrupt.  Thus, we are forced to suffer another six months of a failed Presidency, a failed Senate, and a failed SCOTUS.  While confident Trump would be defeated before the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse, his loss has since become a virtual certainty.  So, that isn't really about hope, either.  What does give hope is that the majority of Americans reject Trump.  There is hope that the end of Trump will mark the beginning of the end for the Republican cult.  There is hope that out of this darkness will come the realization progress is vital to our future, and that reactionary conservatism stagnates and kills. In short, the GOP has become proto-fascist, bound by the ignorant Republican cult they created, and the fear, bigotry and hate they cultivated and nourished for decades.  Fortunately, the cult is not the majority, so there is hope yet for America! "The problem at the heart of all this is a Republican cult built up over decades by plutocrats, the GOP, and right-wing media.  Those Americans elected this pitiful, puerile President, and have continued to support him no matter what travesty he commits!  The creators of the Republican cult have always been weak men, and now find themselves harnessed by those they sought to enslave, subject to the fickle whims of a moronic madman and the mob whose ignorance they relentlessly nourished and cultivated." Conservatism as always been the endless, futile quest to justify greed, but the coin of the realm in GOP land is fear; it's what they peddle, it's what they traffic in, it's what they carry in their pocket at all times.  Then, they turn that fear to hate.  And that hate is the poison killing them, America, and all of us.  It's the poison to which the Republican cult has become addicted. Republican cultism is the disease, Toxic Trump is merely the most visible symptom and but one carrier of that disease.  It existed before Trump, and it will continue when Trump is gone--unless or until the problem is adequately addressed.  COVID-19 is also a disease; but a virus is blameless, unlike those who engage in willful ignorance.   America would have confronted and easily conquered COVID-19 disease, had America not already been diseased for so long with Republican tribalistic partisan cultism.  Racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and bigotry were central to the formation of the Republican cult, and remain its lifeblood. The only thing been stopping the GOP cult from turning America fascist has been the long-held universal repulsion and rejection of Toxic Trump's hero, Adolf Hitler, by Americans.  Fortunately, the majority of Americans still remember that painful historical lesson many Republicans choose to ignore.  There is hope that good will once again triumph over evil; love prevail over hate; common sense outweigh blind faith, mindless tribalism, and silly superstitions.
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