Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "See how undecided voters reacted to first 2020 presidential debate" video.
Mr. McGringus ~ Don't agree at all with such cynicism as you express, which appears to reveal a degree of political naivete. For one thing, it is part of the problem, not any solution. Such false equivalencies give people a false excuse to support a thoroughly corrupt GOP and Republican cult created by decades of 24/7 Reich-wing media programming.
The above comment wasn't to suggest that every Democrat is perfect, or that the Democratic Party as a whole is perfect. Perfection can be an enemy of the good, and is, at any rate, a goal seldom realized. It is an overall look at the respective political parties, what they represent, what they hope to represent, and the trajectories each have taken.
Found it ironic that you categorically reject the entirety of our comment, while your last statement stands in confirmation of it.
@ericwood3709 ~ Been around long enough to watch Republicans turn politics into a dirty game, and get rewarded for it. People that don't bother trying to learn and understand that history contribute to the problem, by not voting, or not voting out those responsible. Just blaming all the politicians, or all media, or both political parties--all that does is plays right into the hands of Republicans, exacerbating and allowing the problems to continue. To fix a problem, you first have to diagnose it correctly. Failing to do so invariably only makes the problem worse.
Regardless, we should have the expectation and understanding that honest criticism (a certain amount of negativity) from opposing parties is an essential part of the political process that benefits the public by helping to keep the politicians and parties accountable.
Our nation is like an airplane; it requires both the left and right wings working together in tandem to operate properly and safely. Only problem is the Reich-wing decided to try flying solo, forcing us all into a nose-dive! Care about the issues, disdain political gamesmanship, while still recognizing politics is an inseparable and necessary element. Have always respected and valued loyal opposition, even if in disagreement with the ideology. Fact is, though, the GOP has abdicated the requisite role of loyal opposition to become a mindless, tribalistic hyper-partisan Republican cult placing political party over truth, reason, and country.
@jcllings <----- Thanks to this Putin sock-puppet, we now know for sure "Davy Roger" is a Russian bot! Since the Russian bot can't dispute its past comment history on YouTube giving away their deceit, uses sock puppet to project and confuse--classic Russian move. Thanks for confirming our suspicion! Russian fleas caught in the spider's web! Gotta love it! Got two for the price of one!
Besides, for those not already well familiar with our comments, our profile shows we've been on YouTube long before any Russian or other foreign agents began spreading disinformation on it, trying to influence our elections. Rather pathetic attempt, but Russians, like Republicans, are generally quite crude and unintelligent, so no surprise, really. #moreRussiasanctions