Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "Anderson Cooper calls BS on Barr's defense of Trump's photo-op" video.
Sure, Toxic Trump ordered the hit on peaceful demonstrators, but we all knew he is a thoroughly despicable person, and we know he is just trying to distract and incite. While alarming and worrisome, most troubling is the behavior of the police, national guard, and active military who brutalized innocent, peaceful protestors, journalists, and even clergy providing humanitarian aid--on their own church property!--during their disgusting surprise blitzkrieg shock-and-awe ambush attack. Those law enforcement and military are responsible for their own behavior, and must be held to account. We don't need brown-shirt Gestapo here in America, blindly following orders they know to be immoral and unethical. The lack of leadership displayed at all levels below is particularly horrifying.